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May Flowers Bring MA(n)Y BFPs! Great Support Thread!

Hi all! Just to update -- I was CONVINCED I had af coming. I normally don't have PMS symptoms too bad, and never cramping. This time though, I was super bloated all weekend, super irritable on Sunday and also had mild/different feeling cramps. I wrote in the June post because I was 100% sure I was out. I was also analyzing every single thing. I know it's hard to hear "hold out until AF arrives", but it's soo true in my case. I was talking about trying in June because I was convinced I was out!!

Lots of luck to everyone!!!
I had a Mirena taken out in June: my first cycle was a little long, but my AF went back to normal heaviness right away. I did notice that I had a very short luteal phase, but that's just one of a few problems that we've had to take care of over the last 10 cycles.

I have a short luteal phase too. Only started to temp last cycle & only made it 8DPO. What did you do to lengthen your LP??? Are the other issues you are experiencing related to the Mirena - if you don't mind me asking.
i think you can take B6 to lengthin it if you were looking for something you could pick up something at a drug store.
I did! This morning! It was positive!! But like I said, I was not expecting it all as my symptoms were pms x 100
Oh my gosh that's fantastic sunshine! I'm soo happy for you lovey!
Thank you!! Like I said, I'm still in shock! but the test this morning said positive! I plan to take another one tomorrow just to be 200% sure lol ;)
I know the denial feeling. For me it didn't feel real until I got a belly.
Congrats sunshine!!!

To you ladies talking about ovulating late... I didn't ovulate until cycle day 28 this time around. I have irregular cycles...anywhere between 30 and 50 something days. I know the feeling when things take longer... its no fun! Hang in there though! I have always had long cycles and have a 4 year old little boy and it's looking promising (I hope but not getting to excited yet) this cycle. I know its tough but be patient!! :) Good luck and baby dust! I will update you all when I know for sure if it's my BFP.... I definitely feel like I am very very early pregnant... but it's too soon to say if it will stick or not as I am testing so early! I will be 10 dpo tomorrow so I may test then or just try to hold out until 14 dpo. Pregnancy tests are breaking my bank lol.
Congrats sunshine!! :) Okay this is getting ridiculous..I literally have been nauseous all day and my boobs feel like they are going to explode. Lol but knowing my luck the witch will show up right on time. I just have a hard time believing its my turn is all.
@deal: I only had issues with Mirena when it was put in. I felt pretty nauseous for a few days. I didn't have any AF for the year that I was on it, but I was also breastfeeding for most of that year, which can delay ovulation/AF.
As for my luteal phase, my ob/gyn put me on synthetic progesterone: I take it for 10 days, starting after I've confirmed ovulation with an elevated BBT. It has prolonged my LP from 9-10 days to 14 days. I'm also taking thyroid medication which is helping even out my cycles as well. I still don't know if the progesterone is really helping to keep the follicle active long enough for the egg to stick or if it's just delaying AF.
Welcome puffin!! Feel free to obsessively symptom spot with us :)
Very positive OPK this morning! :) today's cd17 that's the latest one I know of. Let the BDin continue :)
Meg, I didn't get my positive until cd18. Also the latest time for me. Get off the threads and hop into bed! It's bd time!

Welcome CoffeePuffin, I think a lot of us are due or testing around that time. AF is due on the 25th for me.

Cgray, can't wait for your update!

Mezz, sounds promising!

Hiii Macy deal Frenchie and baby.love. If I missed anyone, blame this horrible mobile interface.

Afm, I'm totally bored and ready to at least be able to reasonably symptom spot. O has passed and I'm bloated and eating everything is sight. No sore boobs yet which I normally have by now. That's about it for me. Happy hump day ladies
Hey cutie! My breasts usually get sore about 10 days before AF but this month they only got sore about two days ago. Hopefully it is a good sign for us! They actually dont feel as sore today. Hope that is a good sign.
Random question, have any of you ladies ever tried the q tip test? I want to try it but Im not sure what dpo to try it! Period is due Friday so I guess it might work now???

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