May Marvels 2018

Reiko I no I’m only 5ft1 lol my last mw said I was Made to give birth lol.
Cheluzal ha ha I’m sure your baby will be the perfect size for you! ( although my 1st was 2 weeks early 😉)
Broken I get really high up kicks too! I said to dh I have no room left she will be coming out my mouth soon! Lol.
I’ve been getting a few bh too there just tight and uncomfortable!
Well said Broken! For the first timers you really have to just focus on one contraction at a time. You do go in to a bit of a different head space so time doesn’t flow the same. This won’t really make sense until you are ‘in it’. For me it feels like waves...when a contraction starts you rise until you hit the crest and then you come down. It’s a visual for me to work through the contraction to be able to manage it. I don’t like to be touched, talked to, looked at lol during a contraction. Dh was like a wounded puppy the first couple times I snapped at him while he was rubbing my back during a contraction. My mom had to tell him it wasn’t personal just me trying to cope. The only time he’s allowed to touch me is to squeeze my hips or put pressure on my sacrum. I’m not looking forward to the pain/pressure but I’m getting excited to meet this little human.
Ricschick I wanted a swinging crib but hubs was not on board. He also vetoed the co sleeper crib I wanted. He's very paranoid. He's still not 100% on board with me wanting a water birth (he thinks bub can/might drown) but he knows it's my body and my choice.

Broken I just want to sit him down with some books and be like "it is all going to be just fine." Our paranoid friends (he's a giant nerd; she's a pediatrician; they did pretty much all possible testing when she was pregnant...CVS, amniocentesis, all the genetic testing...) coslept for exactly this reason: they read too many studies & felt safest with him in the room. Takes all kinds!

Anyone having baby kick you in your ‘Southern Hemisphere’?? Haha Baby rotates from lying sideways to being breech and feels like she’s kicking my lady parts. It’s is the weirdest feeling.

Extremely yes, but at least it's been startling more than anything else! Lots of wide eyes from me. Like, whoa, right, I forgot my cervix had another side, and you are definitely doing SOMETHING to it...

I'm with everyone on being over the cold. I'm ready for warmer weather where I can break out the tank tops and shorts.
Also I'm sick of people telling me I don't have enough layers on. I run hot anyway and I walk a mile to school and a mile home twice a day. If I wore a big coat like everyone else I'd faint or something. Leave me and my hoodie alone. That hoodie saw me right to the end of my preg with DS and he was born in December! I promise I'm not cold. I'm comfortable.

/end rant. Sorry :haha:

You have 50% more blood than usual! And all your capillaries and blood vessels are dilated anyway! There's the "shut up" reason and there are the science reasons. (My acupuncturist told me I had very good timing, because I'd be getting warmest during the cooler months, and wouldn't have to be miserable during the summer.)

Belly check today: strong heart and all is well. I'm 156, up 6 pounds from last month. No one says a word so I guess it's fine and in range. It's ALL belly! Next visit I get to do the glucose test--again. Oh, the joys of being "old."

Another one! Heck. They're just jealous of all that wisdom.

I felt baby boy hiccup for the first time my butt, hahaha, hilarious feeling.

can't stop giggling at this

Also I'm in the double digits club now! Yay!

I think Ricschick and I are the only ones in triple digits still, and tomorrow, she will be in double digits. I have a whole week to go until double digits. I guess my baby is the "baby" of the group in terms of due date! It's kind of nice, though, to be able to see what I can expect in the next week or two from the other ladies in the group who are a bit ahead of me.

I gotta say, though, as a May 28th baby myself, it's a really lovely time to be born!
Oh, I have to get one whine out of my system: I thought the DTaP vaccine on Monday would just be a minor annoyance, and I'd feel fine the next day. NOPE. I got pretty much ALL the side effects except nausea: soreness at the injection site, full body aches, fever, headache (and an atrocious night of sleep, or not-sleep). Nooooot a good time.

But most of it was over within a day! And I'm very proud of my immune system for working so hard and making a bunch of antibodies I get to share with this person I haven't even met yet. This very active person who has started poking back a lot of the time...husband and I are sooo bad about going to sleep/getting up promptly, because we're so busy being fascinated.
Oh no I definitely didn’t mean to scare anyone about labour! Honestly, it’s the most empowering experience and I love it. Obviously there are a lot of outcomes and no labour is perfect, but I fully believe that you as a woman were made to do it! And when you bring a baby into this world whether all natural at home or scheduled c-section or whatever, you did something awesome.

It’s super mental though. You really need to prepare your mind because anxiety can totally affect your labour (and can stall it and slow it down).
I happened to notice rutabaga at the grocery store this week, I don’t know if they use growth hormones in them here or something but they’re masssivveee!! Lol (baby is the size of a rutabaga this week apparently)!
I agree with RnW and Reiko, labour is very mental, more so than physical I'd say. Your body knows what it needs to do, it's your mind that struggles with the lack on control I think.

RnW I agree with your wave analogy. Contractions build, peak and fade like a wave and if you can get that idea in your head it's easier to hang on, because you know it's going to fade soon. Your world very much shrinks down to the next contraction.
I'm very much like RnW, I don't want to be touched or comforted or anything during labour, just leave me to it. I'm not a touchy person anyway, so I'm hoping my hubs understands that and I don't need to rip his head off.

Reiko is 100% right it is so empowering, no matter how your baby makes it into the world, you did that, your body made that new life and it's so amazing.

Second or more time mamas, did you experience recognising your baby when they were born?
When DS was born looking at him was like looking at an old friend. I 100% knew this person, even though I'd never seen him before. It was really strange but really nice at the same time. Anyone else?

Bit of humour, pretty sure baby had hiccups last night and DH got to feel. He finally found some nerves in his hands to feel this kid who can been seen from the outside now. I eyerolled so hard, but I'm glad he can finally feel his boy properly.
I agree with RnW and Reiko, labour is very mental, more so than physical I'd say. Your body knows what it needs to do, it's your mind that struggles with the lack on control I think.

RnW I agree with your wave analogy. Contractions build, peak and fade like a wave and if you can get that idea in your head it's easier to hang on, because you know it's going to fade soon. Your world very much shrinks down to the next contraction.
I'm very much like RnW, I don't want to be touched or comforted or anything during labour, just leave me to it. I'm not a touchy person anyway, so I'm hoping my hubs understands that and I don't need to rip his head off.

Reiko is 100% right it is so empowering, no matter how your baby makes it into the world, you did that, your body made that new life and it's so amazing.

Second or more time mamas, did you experience recognising your baby when they were born?
When DS was born looking at him was like looking at an old friend. I 100% knew this person, even though I'd never seen him before. It was really strange but really nice at the same time. Anyone else?

Bit of humour, pretty sure baby had hiccups last night and DH got to feel. He finally found some nerves in his hands to feel this kid who can been seen from the outside now. I eyerolled so hard, but I'm glad he can finally feel his boy properly.

Broken I didn’t so much ‘recognize’ dd but with my ds that passed (I had several losses previously) when I got pg I was doing Reiki and was ‘told’ that he was a boy. Not sure who told me but it was a voice in my head while I was ‘under’. I was only about 7wks at the time. After I lost him he came to me during a reiki session and told me his sister was waiting to come and that he was holding her close until I was ready. This was last April. In all honesty I was getting to the point that I was done ttc and done with the heartache. I’m not even sure how we conceived dd as we literally dtd once that month and It was at least a week before ov. I know the sperm can survive up to 7 days but it really shouldn’t have happened due to timing. It did all line up and we couldn’t be happier it’s just been a crazy process getting here.
RnW that’s lovely that he came to you!!! Baby was definitely meant to be!!

I don’t mind being touched in labour i tend to hold dh hand but I go into myself and for some reason I keep my eyes closed pretty much the whole time lol I S’pose that’s just my natural way of dealing with the pain.
Ftm you will just slip into a way that helps you, best advice tho is try not to freak out if that makes sense as said above the pain is a very mental thing try not to be scared of it. Xx
Last night was cute dh put his hand on my belly in the middle of the night and she instantly kicked it! Then I could feel him feeling for her again. 💗
RnW that's beautiful. What a lovely experience. Your baby girl was definitely meant to be.

Ricschick I kept my eyes closed too. I found it helped to deal with the "waves" of contractions.
I had my mum with me with DS and she wasn't a touchy person so she'd hold my legs and stuff but no coddling, which was exactly what I needed tbh. So based on that I might just want DH hands but I certainly won't want him rubbing my back or anything like that.
BH: Dudettes, I've been getting these for several weeks now, mostly at night. Some are super intense. I'm sure more water will help. I was never a big liquid drinker and I'm trying but's a struggle.

Labor: I had a kidney stone at 5 weeks and that was the worst pain I ever felt! Many say it's worse than labor so I hope so in my case...I survived stones; I can survive labor. I haaaate being touched when in pain but want hubs behind me, kind of holding me up. I am definitely seeking an epidural but really don't want to fight gravity on my back as much as possible.

Classes: So hubs and I have an all-day free intensive training at the hospital tomorrow. I think it combines all the classes and ends with a tour of birthing suit. Our hospital really revamped it and is known for doing birth amazingly. I'm excited--I'm a nerd and love learning! Although I won't love not sleeping in and staying in my PJs for "Hobo Saturday."
Chel I’ve heard about kidney stones being equivalent to labour so yeah you’ve probably experienced something similar!
Chel I had kidney stones both with ds1 and dd1...I’m hoping it’s not in my future with this pg. They are def painful and horrible but different than labour. The difference is the progression of labour and the pressure as a result. I hear an epidural can make labour bearable so I hope this is the case for you. I’m a total chicken with the whole needle in the spine thing. I have great respect for women that have to have a c-section as it’s my worst nightmare.
Yeah, no liking needles at all but if the pain is that bad, I will push through it.
Informative class, going over basically every freaking thing and how it goes at my hospital. 7 hours, lol.
Toured L&D and big nice suites. Everything private. We got to push the bell to sing the music to the hospital that a baby was born, ha.

Now meeting in-laws for dinner to celebrate BIL's beating cancer...and I am pooped!! Will barely keep my eyes open tonight.
FEeling down today ladies... I’ve had a few high blood sugars and am worrying I will have to go on insulin. I’m having a lot of trouble with self control :( If I do go on insulin my care will be transferred from mw to OB (our OB group is notoriously bad too) and I won’t be able to have my home birth. Gestational diabetes sucks so bad.
Reiko I hope you feel better! I have no clue about GD but I hope you can manage it without insulin!!
Cheluzal glad you had a nice tour!

Sleep insomnia has kicked in! Getting to sleep is fine but if I should wake up my mind starts ticking then I can’t get back to sleep it’s so annoying!!!
I'm glad the tour went went chel! And massive congratulations to your BIL.

:hugs: Reiko. I hope you don't have to go on insulin, maybe it's just a blip and it'll come back into line. Stress affects sugar levels doesn't it? My dad is a Type 2 diabetic and his bloods go mad if he's under stress.

Ricschick I'm with you on the insomnia. If I wake up to pee after 4 am, that's it. I'm up. I'm usually up before DH alarm at half 5 as well. I'm exhausted all the time haha

So it turns out the topic of my coat (or lack of) is popular at the school gates now and I'm getting a bit pissed off with it. I don't tell anyone else how to dress so why are my clothes getting the 3rd degree. I dread anyone bringing the weather up now (it's February in the north of England, what do you expect! Yes it's cold. Yes it's gunna stay cold for a few more weeks yet. This happens every yr, it's not a surprise) because I know it's going to lead to comments about me.

Why is it so hard for people to mind their damn business.
FEeling down today ladies... I’ve had a few high blood sugars and am worrying I will have to go on insulin. I’m having a lot of trouble with self control :( If I do go on insulin my care will be transferred from mw to OB (our OB group is notoriously bad too) and I won’t be able to have my home birth. Gestational diabetes sucks so bad.

I had a discussion with my mw about this exactly a couple of weeks ago as my fear is having care transferred for ANYTHING. She said with GD you can make your own informed decision whether to transfer care or not. I haven’t read much about it yet as I have my glucose testing in a couple weeks and thus far don’t have GD. I don’t trust the OBs as much as I do the MW and frankly I will do anything in my power to avoid them having anything to do with this pregnancy. Can you discuss this with your MW? Tell her your concerns and that you are adamant about a home birth? As long as baby isn’t in grave danger surely you can have his sugars tested by the dr shortly after birth?
Broken-let people talk, it’s their shit not yours. Do these people have nothing better going on in their lives than to discuss you not wearing a coat? If you were sending your kids under dressed and they were freezing that’s maybe a discussion to be had. Otherwise, smile, wave and in your head tell them ‘to go f$&@ themselves’ Lol.
Wow broken they really must have nothing better to do!!! If your warm enough who cares what they think!!

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