May Marvels 2018

Good luck viera!!!

Good plan broken!!

My mw said today they won’t let me go to far over my due date that they will induce closer to 40 weeks then to 42! 😁 I have an appointment on my due date so if she isn’t here by then hopefully they will give me a sweep! Measuring 2 weeks ahead at the moment.
Sweep done! I feel bad, I was questioning whether it would do anything or not because it literally did not hurt at all. I was only 1 cm and she stretched me to a generous 2 and my cervix is 2cm thick, she said she went all the way around baby’s head but she’s not super low. Anyways going for a walk now and will be Dtd tonight and hopefully by tomorrow something comes of it. It literally did not hurt a bit!
BRoken, the first thing my Midwife said to me was “are you wanting a stretch and sweep today?” So odd how different things can be across the world.

I do know, they really want to keep babies in until 39 weeks according to the latest research. And we can go the whole 40 really if we put our minds to it. But at 38 weeks the benefits of getting the baby out mentally for a lot of us just outweight those last few lbs etc they gain in that last week inside!! I know that’s terribly selfish and some moms would really look down on it but oh well. I start out the pregnancy wanting a 39-40 weeker but end up definitely wanting that extra week or two early!!
Reiko I hope You will be telling us about baby’s arrival soon!

Broken-sounds like a good plan!
Well I’ve had a small amount of blood tinged mucus but not tons. No cramping but still a good amount of BH. I’m not going to be disappointed if I’m still pregnant in the morning (I need to keep repeating this to myself over and over Hahaha)!!

Hopefully I can sleep and not just think about labour all night!!
Ahh good luck reiko!!

Still no word from wicky!! 😔

Good luck today viera!! Xx
It looks like not many of us will be going over due. Babies for everyone soon!

Reiko I suggested to DH we dtd after the sweep next week. It can't hurt anything can it haha.
Oh my goodness, it's so exciting to hear everyone talk about having their babies!! It's making me nervous too. I feel like I'm ready to get this birth show on the road some days, and then other days it just kinda scares me. Sometimes I still think about getting an epidural, even though I've been reading my Bradley book and preparing myself to do things naturally. We'll just have to see how it goes! I just hate the end...when you're in transition and between 9-10cm..that part gets pretty intense and I struggled with it last time.

I've been religiously taking my RRL capsules. I'm up to 3 caps in the morning and 2 caps at bedtime. by the time I'm full term at 37 weeks, I'll be taking 3 in the Am and 3 at bedtime. It'll be interesting to see if they make a difference. It'd be nice to have a shorter labor as last time mine was 23 hours!

Not sure if I'll be trying anything else to induce labor. I'm much more physically active this time with having a 3 year old, so maybe that'll make a difference. If they offer me a sweep, not sure if I'll take it or not. They gave me one during labor last time and it hurt like hell.
Yay Viera it’s your day!! I hope it’s a smooth delivery xx

So over here, I’m totally ticked off because DH messed up Dtd last night and didn’t get any of his stuff in. I literally broke out sobbing and locked myself in the bathroom. I totally believe the extra prostaglandins are what made my sweep successful last time so I really needed them and he just was messing around grrr!!!

Anyways, the sweep alone was enough to give me cramps BH ALL night so I didn’t sleep a wink but nothing strong enough to bring on real labour. So I haven’t slept at all and I’m ticked off and my husband to the extreme.

So broken, definitely convince DH to Dtd. That’s the most successful way I think!

If I have to go another week with this baby inside me because of what he did I will not be happy!!

Mrsstrezy - I totally get what you’re saying about transition. At the height of my BH last night I was picturing what it’s actually like and started to feel pretty anxious. (When you have a 90 min labour pretty much the entire thing is actually transition I’ve been told). That’s why pregnancy gets so terrible at the end so you’re willing to literally go through anything to get them out!!
Reiko maybe try to Dtd again tonight it would still help! X

I’m not ready yet I don’t think for this baby to come, physically I am but mentally I’m not quite there yet, just been through my hospital bag and it’s mostly done just a couple of bits to go in. Feel like crap today I have no energy!! Roll on Friday for a break from the school run.
Reiko that’s frustrating! Dh had 1 job, and not a difficult one at that. I would be ticked.

Mrs I’ve been doing hypnobirthing and it’s all about getting rid of the fears but they are still lingering. I’m hoping on birth day I can overpower those fears. Transition is the worst but at least we know the end is near.

Ricschick-it has taken me until this week to be ‘ready’ and even then I’m not sure I am. Everything is set up and in place but it all seems so surreal. Do you have someone to do school runs in case you just can’t any more?
Reiko, it sounds like things are moving for you, even if DH didn't do his assigned duty :)
I hope they continue to progress.

Viera must be underway, as it were. I hope we hear from her soon!

RnW - I did hypnobirthing with my first, and plan to again, although I've been very bad about practicing this time around. It was a fantastic experience last time. I didn't feel time passing at all. I got into the birthing pool with contractions coming every 3 minutes at around 1:30 pm. I remember asking for the time at some point, expecting them to tell me that it was 2:30 or 3, but it was already 6:30!
At my last midwife appointment, she was telling me that they'd monitor my BP and baby's heart beat regularly. I realised then that I didn't remember them doing this at all during my first labour. I was that "immersed". Hope you find it helpful :)

Not much to report from this end - some BH and hiccups. No other signs. I guess she'll come when she's ready, but I really hope she's not late.

Position-wise, she shifted very briefly to my left last night, and then moved back to the right. Makes me wonder if something has changed with my body that makes it uncomfortable for her on the left.
RnW-I'm glad to hear I'm not alone with the fears. I seriously feel that the fear is worse this time than it was the first time around; mainly because I know what to expect. But then again, maybe I don't? Every birth is different and I need to keep reminding myself of that.

Agcam-sounds like it was a lovely birth experience. I do remember that when my husband and I "got down to work" with the contractions, time seemed to fly and it really didn't feel like I had such a long labor at all. I was very good with staying relaxed throughout most of the labor, but getting from 9-10 cm took 1-2 hours, which was tough, and I allowed myself to lose my focus and probably wasn't as relaxed as I could have been. At least I know that's something that I can work on this time to make it a more bearable experience.
Not really I could ask my mil at a push but she always needs 5 hours notice lol luckily I drive so it’s doable but I’m knackered! My baby is lying on the right too with her back sort of to the side if that makes sense?

I tend to go into myself when I’m in labour and for some reason my eyes are always closed, I never seem to think to open them lol. I do wonder how il go into labour this time, I’ve had my waters go 3 times on their own so I wonder if they will go again or not!?
I'm not "ready" yet. Most of bubbas hopsital stuff is packed. But I haven't started on mine yet.

Ricschick I'm a million percent over the school run. So over it. I'm getting the bus now because I just cannot walk it any more.
She's here! She is in the NICU because of low oxygen levels, but she is feisty and getting better. They think she will be with me in my room either this evening or tomorrow.
Viera congrats!!! Sooo happy for you and that she’ll be with you soon. When you’re recovered let us know how it all went down!! And her name and how big and all that!!
Yay for our first “May Marvels” baby!! Since we haven’t heard from Wicky yet...

We should have a steady stream every few days until the end of May now!
Yay for babies coming! Pics or it didn't happen, lol.

So I gained 5 pounds in 1 week....I've given into it. Just ate an entire bag of chips in 12 minutes....let's see how much I can pack in 2 weeks, ha.

2 ready....wish lady would freaking call and schedule induction date so I can have an official countdown.

Took off tomorrow. Can barely walk. My back is seized up. My feet are splitting.

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