May Marvels 2018

I shouldn’t have said slowed down, more like not as violent lol. Like she can’t stretch out as much. I still have lots of movement just not the kicking and punching like it was. I’ll mention it the MW tomorrow just so she’s aware.
I know what you mean RnW. It's less punchy and more stretchy and pushing. For me at least.

Going to see my consultant tomorrow. Going to make him book my induction for next week. Gunna have a baby!
My mw app is tomorrow too broken! Let’s get these babies out!

The duchess has had hers so it’s our turn now haha!!
Let’s all have babies! Lol
My friend came and set up the birth pool today which is exciting. I saw the ND and have a tincture for helping with getting a move on things. MW appt tomorrow, massage wed, acupuncture Thursday and reflexology on Friday! Plus I have someone coming to do a deep clean on Sat!! Let’s get this show on the road already.
Ready you are definitely ready for a baby this week!! Labour vibes coming your way!!! GL!!

I’m desperate for my sweep to work tomorrow!!

ETA: I’m sooo worried that I won’t be dilated a single bit and My mw won’t be able to do it!!!
So Reiko tell me more about the sweep...can they do it if you aren’t dilated? If they can do it and you aren’t dilated will it cause dilation even if your body hasn’t started cervix ripening?
I’m going to discuss with my MW tomorrow about when she was thinking we could do it. We discussed it months ago but never in detail.
Happy 37 weeks girls!!! I hope all your mw appointments go well tomorrow!! I have one too but I’m not full term yet 😩 reiko I hope the sweep is successful!! I think as long as they can reach it they can do something?!

I hope wicky is ok!!!
Mentioned symptoms to OB and she wasn't too concerned yet. BP and urine fine so we'll monitor.
She did say after this Friday (37 weeks) I can stop the Procardia and see if I go into labor early! Lord, I hope so....I've served this kid with his eviction notice, rofl.

Otherwise, we're inducing the weekend of 5/11.

Taking a day or two a week off work, since it's just becoming too much of a struggle.
So Reiko tell me more about the sweep...can they do it if you aren’t dilated? If they can do it and you aren’t dilated will it cause dilation even if your body hasn’t started cervix ripening?
I’m going to discuss with my MW tomorrow about when she was thinking we could do it. We discussed it months ago but never in detail.

You need to be dilated a bit. They won’t force their fingers in there to sweep between the cervix and the amniotic sac. So as long as it’s enough for them to poke their finger in they can do it — for my mws they only do it starting at 38 weeks but last time I was 37+6 so my mw cheated :)

We have always had lots of sex in the last few days before a sweep to get some dilation going, and then sex after the sweep too!!
Wohoo, 38 weeks today. Home stretch! And only three days left at work, hehe. I have another acupuncture appointment tomorrow and will ask her to try the point on the little toe again. It hurt so much last time we skipped it.
Happy 38 weeks Chibi! I can’t do any points on the foot, it makes me cringe just the thought of it. Good on you for trying it and I hope it works wonders.

Good luck today Reiko!

I dreamt last night that I went in to labour. I think I was having BH while sleeping, I woke up several times with a tight belly. Is anyone getting sleep? I get maybe 3 hours a night. I’ve been sleeping on the couch for almost a week now as being in bed is too painful.
Happy 38 weeks Chibi!

RnW I'm not sleeping well. My Fitbit keeps telling me I'm sleeping about 7 hours a night. I'm bloody not. I wake up every. Single. Time. I. Roll. Over. Every single time.

I'm trying to cram in as many naps as possible because I know they'll be a distant memory soon. But sleeping on the sofa is nearly impossible now. It makes my hips and legs fall asleep.

Just a few more hours til I see the doc and get everything booked in. My family have told me they all want to know when I go into hospital. So all my lovely privacy dreams are gone now. I'll have people harassing the eff out of me for updates. And I can't turn my phone off, beucase there are certain people I do want to update. But I don't want to tell my aunts every time a doc looks at my lady bits for goodness sake! That's for grossing out my childless friends :haha:

I really hope Wicky is okay
Reiko I had a sweep with my son and the mw said she could barely reach my cervix, wasn't dilated at all so don't hold out too much hope...2 days later I gave birth so maybe it did something!

Ready...sounds like you are so ready to have this baby 😁

Roll on next week when I'm 37 weeks, think i'll try everything to get this baby out a teeny bit early or at least on time. It feels like baby has dropped really low today, so uncomfortable and feeling sorry for myself as I think I have a stomach bug as well.
Broken - glad everything is okay after the fall. Happy 37 weeks! My family wanted to know when I went into labour with DS1. I wasn't planning to tell anyone (didn't want the regular calls), and had a big row with my sister over it. :haha:
This time, we don't really have a choice, because we'll need someone to watch over DS1 when the time comes. If anyone invites themselves to the hospital, though....

Reiko - Happy 38 weeks!

Chel - Glad that BP and urine are fine!
I keep scratching my belly on doors because I misjudge just how much space I'll need. We went out this weekend, and I got stuck in the car door because there wasn't enough space between our car and the adjacent one. Several people had a good laugh!

Chib - Happy 38 weeks. I bet you'll be happy when you're done with work.

I had 3 sweeps with DS1. The first one, I don't think I was dilated at all, but the MW did one anyways. I barely felt a thing. The second one was rather uncomfortable, and she laughingly said that she had really long fingers. At the 3rd sweep, I was already 3cm dilated. My waters broke, and I went into active labour, a couple of hours after that.

Like the rest of you, I'm not sleeping much. I'm trying my best to sleep on my left, but that hip is horribly sore, not to mention the ribs and between the legs. When I do manage to get to sleep, I wake up if I move.

I'm 37 weeks today. I felt LO practicing her breathing. So very cute!
I somehow feel like she's not ready to come out yet.

Good luck to everybody having sweeps/booking inductions!

ETA: Can you tell which side your LO is on? For me, she's on the right. She swung very briefly to the left last week, but has now come back to the right. Hope it's okay in terms of labour, but will ask the MW at my next appointment.
No sleep over here either. I’m not terrible uncomfortable, but if I drink as much as I’d like to then I have to pee tons in the night, and I’m laying there worrying about going into labour in the night too as I did with my other 2. I should just forget about it,’it will happen when it happens!!

My labour is a bit too fast to update anyone before the baby arrives but afterward I want a couple hours alone with our immediate family before grandparents come, and then after that aunties and uncles can come. Honestly I’d like a whole day but I can’t convince DH of that. So we will be texting something like “she’s here! You’re welcome to come meet her at such o’clock after we’ve spent some time with just her and her big sisters. (Can I ask that no fragrances are worn when you come visit?)”

My dad wears such strong cologne it’s terrible. MIL with perfume too. Honestly that generation totally overdoes it. I hate it when my kids smell like that after they leave and I really don’t want my newborn to get confused about my smell based on lingering scents!!

AGcam my LO can change which way she’s facing based on which side I’m
Laying on for a long time. If I lay on my left her back goes on the left and if I’m laying on my right her back goes on the right. But usually it’s back and
Bum on the left, legs and arms on the right. Slightly facing posterior so not completely facing sideways.

Really hoping I’m dilated for mw today!! Dtd last night so hopefully that didnsomething. Had lots of BH yesterday but not really anything last night at all. However this girl is crushing my nerves at times and my legs feel like I’ve just done a crazy workout they’re so achy. She’s not doing it this morning but all night they were achy with sharp pains :/
Agcam - My LO is ALWAYS on my left side, I think she's maybe been on my right once since 28 weeks, and that was during an NST where they were poking her to move.

I can't believe tomorrow is the day! My mom is coming up tonight so she can help with the boys in the morning and we can not feel rushed before we leave for the hospital at 10am. I'm not allowed anything to eat or drink after midnight tonight, so I really hope my blood sugars don't drop before I get there!
Agcam- my Lo has been on my right side for months but shifted over the last week to my left/centre which actually puts her in a better position as she’s not OP right now. MW suggested ball bouncing, leaning forward and letting gravity do it’s Thing to get her in optimal position for birth. If you are concerned about position those are things to try.

Reiko-I am so hoping you get the sweep done today and baby is here soon. I’m ready to here arrival news from you ladies.

Broken-I’m trying to get naps in too. I had my Fitbit on last week just to see what it was saying as far as sleep and it says 6-7 hours but actual sleep time is maybe 3 hours.
As for anyOne that thinks they should come to visit when you&#8217;re not ready needs to deal with their own disappointment. Our MW strongly urges absolutely no visitors the first hour for sure but if you can go the first 24 hours it&#8217;s better. You and baby have a long and arduous journey to get him/her here and they/you need time to rest and bond. You do what works best for you and let everyone deal with it <3

I had my Home visit with the MW today and it&#8217;s all starting to feel so real. She is going to be proactive about ultrasounds and monitoring so Care isn&#8217;t transferred and we can get a move on things well before we have to. Next week I&#8217;ll have a stretch and sweep and hopefully that gets things moving.
Thanks, ladies. I remember DS1 being on the left most of the time.
I think baby is ROA at the moment. I've started using a gym ball, etc, but have decided not to stress about her position. She'll do what she'll do....
I don't know what happened today, but my SP pain has suddenly increased like crazy since my last post.

Reiko - I've made it clear to DH that our son gets to meet the baby before anybody else in the family. I'd prefer that we have no visitors at all in hospital (other than DS, of course). It might not even be an issue, depending on when I go into labour, but the in-laws have apparently offered to come and stay close to my due date. The baby will have the biggest impact on DS1 (and us), and he's already concerned that he won't be important to us anymore. It's only right for him to meet her before anybody else. I've therefore decided that I don't care if I offend anybody else. :D

Viera - So exciting! Hope all goes really well. :thumbup:

RnW - Glad your midwife is being proactive! Hearing all your stories, it suddenly feels so real.

In reality, we're not ready yet. The bedside crib is in its box still, as is the travel system. I'm in no shape to unpack and set things up, and DH hasn't done it yet, despite my nagging. I also have to add a couple of things to my hospital bag, but that will only take a couple of minutes.
Agcam this bubba lies on my left, facing the right. Rarely he rolls back to back, but mostly he's on his side facing right. I wonder which way he will turn when it comes time to birth.

Viera how exciting! Tomorrow you're gunna have a baby!!

So I went into battle with the doctor. I didn't win. They don't think it's medically necessary to induce me next week. Baby is healthy, he's not a 10lb beast, I've birthed a big baby before (DS was 8lbs 2oz), they want to wait until around my due date.

So we compromised (after I threatened to cry, doc got my humour haha). I got back to doc in 2 weeks. He will give me a sweep there and then. And book me an induction date as well. He's given my midwife permission to perform a sweep next Friday as well. So sweep on the 4th, sweep on the 8th and if no baby after 2 sweeps they will induce me.

So while I'm not really happy, because I really had my heart set on being done with pregnancy next week. I'm equally not unhappy because it's a good plan. And if the sweeps works then it's spontaneous labour and I should get my water birth back.

So yeah. I'd be very surprised and sad if this baby was still in there by the 14th. The countdown begins.

I have also told DH that DS is the first and most important person to meet bubba. I don't want anyone else in the hospital at all. And I'm going to avoid ringing people as long as possible because I want to bond and enjoy my post birth this time. The only person other than DS to meet LO in the hospital will be the friend who is looking after DS. She won't take any payment or anything for looking after him so all I can offer is baby snuggles and a bottle of gin :haha:

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