Broken - glad everything is okay after the fall. Happy 37 weeks! My family wanted to know when I went into labour with DS1. I wasn't planning to tell anyone (didn't want the regular calls), and had a big row with my sister over it.
This time, we don't really have a choice, because we'll need someone to watch over DS1 when the time comes. If anyone invites themselves to the hospital, though....
Reiko - Happy 38 weeks!
Chel - Glad that BP and urine are fine!
I keep scratching my belly on doors because I misjudge just how much space I'll need. We went out this weekend, and I got stuck in the car door because there wasn't enough space between our car and the adjacent one. Several people had a good laugh!
Chib - Happy 38 weeks. I bet you'll be happy when you're done with work.
I had 3 sweeps with DS1. The first one, I don't think I was dilated at all, but the MW did one anyways. I barely felt a thing. The second one was rather uncomfortable, and she laughingly said that she had really long fingers. At the 3rd sweep, I was already 3cm dilated. My waters broke, and I went into active labour, a couple of hours after that.
Like the rest of you, I'm not sleeping much. I'm trying my best to sleep on my left, but that hip is horribly sore, not to mention the ribs and between the legs. When I do manage to get to sleep, I wake up if I move.
I'm 37 weeks today. I felt LO practicing her breathing. So very cute!
I somehow feel like she's not ready to come out yet.
Good luck to everybody having sweeps/booking inductions!
ETA: Can you tell which side your LO is on? For me, she's on the right. She swung very briefly to the left last week, but has now come back to the right. Hope it's okay in terms of labour, but will ask the MW at my next appointment.