Hi all,
I keep catching up and meaning to post, then not getting to it. Congrats Viera!!!! I spotted that Emzy who started the group had her LO today too!
Also hope Wicksy is okay.
Sorry to hear so many of you are all fed up and having battles with OHs and all.
I can perfectly understand those of you who want LO out asap, I am in the opposite boat.
My growth scan @ 34+6 calculated baba just below the 10th centile, the consultant there and then said "We would offer you induction at 37 weeks because your baby is small for gestational age" Shocked wasn't in it. Didn't even have a pram then. Had a mild panic (awful induction with my eldest) then a quick freak out over what I may or may not have done to cause it but then got my shiz together and discussed it more.
I argue that my other babies haven't *looked* as heavy as they have been (to the point my last two were weighed three times as they just didn't believe how heavy they were at 8lb 12oz and 9lb 8.5oz respectively) so then this one looks really teeny. It is my partner's first though and they are little legs who make dainty babies.
Anyways, they said I needed another growth scan at 36+6 (last Thursday). She was steady as you like so still just below the 10th so they gave it a bit of wanting to induce but as she has good blood flow, good fluid and strong movements PLUS she is just petite, not tailing off I elected to be monitored instead. Had a CTG last Thurs and repeated Tuesday then a doppler scan today which was all fine.
Homebirth is off the table as they are cautious if she is small they want to additionally monitor, but my instinct tells me that she'll be heavier than they expect. My research tells me her abdo circumference is well normal too, as is her head. Just tricky to measure, small femur length.
Plan is another growth scan next week then a further doppler the week after by which time I'll be 39+6. I can start getting sweeps from next week.
There now seems to be a push to induce over here, I think there is a current school of thought that placentas go dodgy! The extra monitoring seems a bit much on one hand, but I figure it is far better to have cautious clinicians and reassurance than wonder if they are missing anything. And I am always grateful to not have to worry about covering the cost.
I'm keen to avoid induction, ideally, unless I am already demonstrating good signs. With DD1 I had 3 pessaries then rupture of membranes and drip. Went on days. This time, if I get to 40+ and there are niggles, they can try one pessary. If no dice, I may request a gentle c-section.
That said, I am getting minor cramps and general signs so keeping it all crossed for a spontaneous labour!
I'm going to London for the weekend to see Chess the musical, so I have the OH on a bedroom ban to make sure I don't go before this haha. Once I get back, it is so on. Curry. Sex. RLT. Dates. You name it.