Chel, membrane sweeps/stripping membranes is something in the List of Cervical Ripening Things from our midwives...apparently they'll typically start it around 38 weeks, when they do them, and can do them at every visit, although we haven't discussed it at all for me yet. But I also haven't heard anyone I know in the States talk about them, either!
Chibi, congrats, and welcome to Magnus!
mrsstrezy, that's so weird about your OB thinking your first has anything to do with how early/late this baby will be! I keep thinking about all those midwives saying first babies come late and take forever; second babies come early and labor goes a lot faster!
Reiko, congrats, and welcome to Summer Anne! Your "I wish I hadn't told anyone my due date" also reminded me of
this article I saw months ago, mostly for this very excellent line:
But by having a 'due month' - even if it’s just for your adoring public - you can claw at least some of the power back. After a nightmarish 'overdue' experience in my first pregnancy, I’ve experimented with this myself: in pregnancy 2 I told everyone 'June' when in fact my dates said mid-May, and - as if to illustrate how you indeed become more laid back with every child - with pregnancy 3 I just said, "When the blackberries come."
emzy, good to see you again, busy lady!

And congrats on the birthday baby!
Broken, thanks for the update about Wicky and her LO; I've been thinking about her but don't get on FB very much at all.
All's quiet here. I feel totally fine physically and mentally. We have a fancy dinner booked for Wednesday (due date!), which we'll either get to enjoy, or send a couple friends in our place. I'm 100% fine either way. My mom arrived in town today (she lives a couple hours away), and she sorted all the baby clothes and folded all our laundry and cleaned the kitchen and tidied up a back porch mess and swept the front steps and just generally was a magical tornado of helpfulness (!!!). She's staying at my aunt & uncle's until the baby's here, plus however long seems helpful. I am SO RESISTANT to help generally but am already so thrilled to have her in town.
Had slightly high BP at my midwife appt. yesterday though (long story short I think I was pretty wound up/excited anyway, talking about the lady who delivered her own baby alone in a Turkish hotel, after the student midwife talked about it, and they forgot to retake my BP when I was still lying down) they drew some blood to check liver/kidney function, and told me I had to collect 24 hours of pee (!), all of it, and keep it refrigerated the whole time (!!). The little indignities of pregnancy never end. I filled up the whole dang 3 liter jug. Champion pisser right here. Dropped it off at the lab today and they'll check the protein levels.
The student midwife did my blood draw, and was (bless her heart) so bad at it. I have a little scab where she put the (giant!) needle in, a scratch of a couple inches where she drew it out, a little blood blister or something nearby, and a massive bruise underneath today. I am very very patient with students, and I was this time too, but ughhh. I've gotten very good at blood draws this pregnancy and this was the worst one I can recall in years, if not ever.