I only have this site on my laptop, not phone and can't remember password. He's here!!
Quick story:
*waited until hubs woke at 6:30 and we decided to just go to my regularly scheduled OB appointment at 8:30
*OB caught in traffic and sent us across the street to the hospital
*triage took a sample and my water had broken so we were admitted and taken to labor room, where I was 2 cm
*contractions not too often but I detest pain and they hurt so I asked for epidural right away
*had to get 2 bags of fluid first, then epidural, which didn't take as well on the left side so some adjusting
*got that fixed and just waited and I got to 10cm after 4:30 but we waited for baby to labor down a bit more
*started pushing a minute before 5 and he came out at 5:32pm weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19.5 inches
I was scared of delivery but it was actually the easiest, most painless part! We could've went home yesterday but hubs wanted one more night.
He latched ok at first and figured out how to suckle and root yesterday. Last night was rough and he was upset and I had to hold him all night, but now we are home and he's snoozing in daddy's arms in the recliner.
Still can't believe he's mine and that the bugger came 11 days early, but SO glad it's over!!