May Marvels 2018

Still hanging around. I’ve been having regular contractions (every 3-4 mins for about 45 sec) since about 1pm (6 hours) with no real progression. MW came by to check me and no change, still 2-3 cm. I’m trying clary sage and rest to see what happens.
Baby Ryan James born at 8:19 pm on the 8th of May. :happydance:

I will be doing a full birth story because a LOT of stuff went wrong after birth. With both me and baby. And we are in hosp for a minimum of 48 hours on antibiotics.

But we are both okay if a little shellshocked.

Sending all the labour vibes to you ladies still waiting. <3
Crazy!! Congrats Broken!! Those contractions were teasing you for a long time
But they were doing something! I hope that after your antibiotics you will both be well and that you can rest and recover in hospital.

Ready sounds like you are really on the verge over there!! Hopefully baby tonight xx

Still no update from Chel?
Oh and ready my sister mentioned that when in early labour a lot of times the check will actually just move things along without even doing a sweep.

I thought I&#8217;d post my birth story if that&#8217;s ok with you guys! I know I had said I was feeling crampy and wondering if I should call dH. I didn&#8217;t because it wasn&#8217;t too strong and just like a bit of AF pains. So he got home at 5 and we made pizza for dinner. I had been having bloody show for a couple of hours so I suspected if the pains got stronger I would be going into early labour &#8212; something I never experienced before.

My girls were playing after dinner and I said to DH we need to get them into bed now because I think I&#8217;m having contractions. He didn&#8217;t think much of it though because I had been thinking the baby could come any night that week and he thought I was just speculating again. So he went downstairs to work out and I put the girls to bed. The contractions were getting noticeable during that so i made sure to have a special time with them telling them how special they were to us and when I left my oldest said, I sure hope that baby has her birthday tonight! Isn&#8217;t that funny! I hadn&#8217;t mentioned anything about it to them all day.

So that was about 8:15 and I left and called my Midwife. It was super early for a call but I didn&#8217;t want to be on the late side since we had a fast birth last time. I felt like I was putting her out asking her to come check me. Then she asked if I wanted to stay home or meet her at the hospital and I said stay home if they were ok with that and she was. I went down to see my husband and he was really surprised I had actually called the mw lol. He was not expecting it to be the real thing.

So my mw arrived and timed my contractions and they were pretty odd and not strong, and we watched some tv and then she checked me at 9:30 and I was only 2-3 dilated, the same as at my sweep 3 days earlier! I was disappointed. But then by like 11 I was at a 7 and pretty quickly after I was ready to push. I couldn&#8217;t figure out how to push because her head wasn&#8217;t there, it was the waters so there wasn&#8217;t any pressure to push into. So I was kind of riding out contractions just figuring out how to push for quite a while. They offered to break my water around 11:30 I think, because they said it would just bring her right into the world but I didn&#8217;t want to. So finally at 12:15 or so the offered again and she was born 6 mins later. I wanted to squat but was so tired so laid on my side. Got the shakes super bad afterwards for a bit!! And like halfway through my labour I got so hot I ripped off my nightgown so I was just in a bra. And no panties. Walking around my living room. I also peed and pooped while trying to figure out pushing so... I am really glamourous during labour lol.

Anyways I&#8217;m so glad she&#8217;s here and she really is the cutest thing but I feel like crap. My pelvic floor feels like it&#8217;s going to fall out and my nipples are on fire and my abs are so weak! This recovery is really rough. I&#8217;m hoping by the beginning of next week I just feel a little more normal! Thursday and Friday DH is back at work so I&#8217;m trying 2 big kids and a newborn on my own eeek!!!
Ahh congratulations broken!!! Hope both of you are ok!!! ( I’m so jealous lol)

RnW sounds like things are definitely happening!!!

Agcam thanks il get some today!! Could not breathe that night as I had such a blocked nose !! Yuk!!

Looking forward to hearing from cheluzal!!

My eldest has woken up ill this morning! I think it might be heat stroke, of baby comes today she will miss it so I’m reluctantly hoping baby stays put a few more days til she feels better and I feel better!! My chest is hurting from this cough I have.
Oh congrats Broken and Reiko thanks for sharing your story too!

Sorry to hear you are feeling yuck Ricschick - I am similar, had a dip in health the last day or two; nothing massive but blocked nose and general blechness.

I haven't got on with the few bits I wanted to do this week yet, so I need little miss to stay put a bit longer!
Omg congratulations Broken! I hope you are both doing better now?!

Reiko I&#8217;m sorry you aren&#8217;t feeling physically great but hopefully it doesn&#8217;t take long to improve. It&#8217;s crazy how different each pregnancy, labour and delivery can be. You are brave to take on all 3 kids so early on but you have to do what you have to do. I just hope you can get rest when needed, it&#8217;s necessary for recovery.

Ricschick I&#8217;m sorry you aren&#8217;t feeling well. What a crap time to get a cold!

Afm I spent 10 hours in what I guess was false labour...again!! I was timing my contractions for most of that time and they were pretty much 3-4 mins and had extended to over a mins long. By 11pm I was exhausted so decided to try and sleep, which I eventually did. It&#8217;s 5:30am and contractions are gone and nothing is happening. I&#8217;m frustrated to say the least but not much I can do I guess. I&#8217;m guess I&#8217;ll wait it out until tomorrow for my appt and see if we should do another stretch or what.
Aww false labour is a bugger, but I think it's all good prep. I had it with my last baba. Eventually I accepted technically an induction at 41+5 and had one pessary which pushed it along nicely and I went smoothly. FX your body will push itself!
Ready that stinks!! I hope they weren&#8217;t too painful for being false.
But it&#8217;s getting your body ready for sure so any day now and hopefully that means things will go nice and smooth once they&#8217;re not false anymore xx
RnW how annoying to go through all that for them too stop! &#128545; but as the girls say hopefully when it does happen your body will be super ready!!!
Had my gp appointment this morning all was fine baby is still measuring 2 weeks ahead and she’s put down I’m 3/5 engaged? I had a trace of protein but she said nothing to worry about.
Yazzy - Hope your little girl enjoys her party :) My son's b'day is in September, and he's already asking about the party. :haha:

Congratulations, Broken. I'm very happy for you, and hope all is well despite the issues. :hugs:

Reiko - thanks for the birth story. It's amazing how fast things move for you, once they get going. Have you tried lanolin for your nipples?

RnW - Could it be latent labour? I had two weeks of contractions with DS1. They felt like strong Braxton hicks. For a few days, they came every 4-5 minutes for a few hours in the evening, before they'd stop. When I had my last sweep, I was 3cm dilated, and the MW put it down to the contractions. Once my waters went, I had DS in about 7 hours, so relatively quick (though not as fast as others!).
I do hope things start to move for you. I know how frustrating it is.

I'm tired today. Didn't get much sleep last night.
I've been trying to nap, but FIL woke me up. Just as I was falling back to sleep, my mother called. I ignored the first one, but she tried back 3 times. She was like, " were sleeping. I thought you might have gone into labour".
I'm considering getting earplugs :haha:
I only have this site on my laptop, not phone and can't remember password. He's here!!

Quick story:
*waited until hubs woke at 6:30 and we decided to just go to my regularly scheduled OB appointment at 8:30
*OB caught in traffic and sent us across the street to the hospital
*triage took a sample and my water had broken so we were admitted and taken to labor room, where I was 2 cm
*contractions not too often but I detest pain and they hurt so I asked for epidural right away
*had to get 2 bags of fluid first, then epidural, which didn't take as well on the left side so some adjusting
*got that fixed and just waited and I got to 10cm after 4:30 but we waited for baby to labor down a bit more
*started pushing a minute before 5 and he came out at 5:32pm weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and 19.5 inches

I was scared of delivery but it was actually the easiest, most painless part! We could've went home yesterday but hubs wanted one more night.
He latched ok at first and figured out how to suckle and root yesterday. Last night was rough and he was upset and I had to hold him all night, but now we are home and he's snoozing in daddy's arms in the recliner.
Still can't believe he's mine and that the bugger came 11 days early, but SO glad it's over!!

Say hello to SILER CHRISTOPHER :baby:


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Aww Chel so happy for you! Yay!

Rics, you've done well having a non first timer engaged! Wahoo!

I've got antenatal clinic tomorrow. Hopefully they won't dream up any other reasons to induce me handy and will instead tell me how many days I'm allowed to go over!
Awesome news Chel... we all figured when you went silent lol!! He's adorable. Huge congrats!! So since delivery wasn't the worst part... maybe a #2 lol?!? After my delivery this time I'm like, 3 is our limit haha!
Congratulations to all the mamas who have had their babies since the last time I posted. 40+4 here and had a biophysical profile today. Bub passed with flying colors. Estimated fetal at is 9 lbs 1 oz... hope to be kissing those chubby cheeks soon.
Awesome news Chel... we all figured when you went silent lol!! He's adorable. Huge congrats!! So since delivery wasn't the worst part... maybe a #2 lol?!? After my delivery this time I'm like, 3 is our limit haha!

Heck no lol!
Ahh congratulations cheluzal!!! Sounds like you had a lovely labour and birth. Xx

Oh hope hopefully bubba will be here soon!! You must be going out of your mind!! I no I am!!! Lol.

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