May Marvels 2018

Hi all. We got a little bassinet that goes in the bed between us. Siler sleeps well in that but not all through the night now--gets up once to feed. I'll keep him in it to nurse and see if he will go right back to sleep like he did in the bed last night.

Hormones dropped and I've cried the last 3 days...nothing serious, just fatigue and frustration. Today was good. I got out of the house in the morning alone and haven't been too tired. I've been able to pump after he eats if I use my boppy to rest him on on my lap. So that's good.

He will lie in pack and play if swaddled like a mofo. It's not long but it's a start...still hoping he will settle in sleeping off of us.

I started Fenugreek to increase milk supply. It wasn'y bad today and hubs said I smelled of maple syrup when he hugged me so it must be working, lol.
Finally got to changing my signature and avatar! It wasn't liking my attempt to add a baba pic...
Rics...all ok and OH isn't having the snip yet. If he decides to go ahead it will take 6-12 months so phew!!
Think baby is in a growth spurt. Just would not settle today! Fussy and awake too long. Eating/coddling the nipple for comfort too long...oof. And it's husband's late night at work so he didn't get home until after 7pm.

Hope it passes. He's waking to eat in the night again (in bassinet versus right by me) but I'd rather he stay in bassinet than right in bed.
Hello, all. I'm sorry I disappeared for a couple of weeks.....

Congratulations to everybody on your beautiful babies, so thrilled for all of you :happydance:

Our LO arrived on the 19th of May. I woke up at 2:30 am with the bedsheets soaked. Contractions kicked in around 3:00 while we were on the way to the hospital. It was a relatively quick delivery - she was born less than 4 1/2 hours later. I managed with hypnobirthing for the first 2 1/2 hours - just breathed through the contractions, and at some point turned on the CD and took an hour long nap. DH was flabbergasted :haha:
After that, I got into the pool and requested gas and air, which I used for about 30 minutes. She was born after about 50 minutes of pushing.

Although delivering her was easy, I had issues afterwards.... another postpartum haemorrhage and this time a retained placenta, despite the injection and drip. I had to have a manual removal done.
I've put it in a box for now, as I'm not ready to think about it yet. I'll revisit later, with time and a little distance.

I was spiking temperatures afterwards, so had to stay in hospital with IV antibiotics, etc. LO also developed a really bad case of jaundice and needed phototherapy. Poor little baby absolutely hated the bed and the goggles.

We came home on Sunday. Things have been quiet since then, thankfully. LO is well and gradually recovering, though she still looks a little yellow. It's half-term, so DS is at home. He loves his little sister, and wants to play with her all the time.

I'm still a bit sore from the delivery, though the second degree tear wasn't as bad as last time.
I've just finished a course of antibiotics, and like some of you have the anti-coagulant injections. I'm a wimp when it comes to needles, so have to talk myself into using them every evening :haha:

I'm sorry for not responding to individual posts - have to read over everything that has happened over the last couple of weeks. I can't believe how quickly time is passing!
Congratulations agcam! Sorry to hear you had a rough time of it. I hope you’re feeling better now and recovering well.

I’m like you, I’ve boxed up everything that happened to me after delivery to deal with later, when I’ve had a bit of time.
How’s everyone doing? Have we all had our babies now?

Hubs goes back to work on Sunday so we’re trying to get into a routine now that I can do on my own. We also moved Ryan up to 5oz bottles since he was wanting a bottle every 2 hours through the day. The 5oz fills him better so he actually gets some sleep now. I can’t believe he’s nearly a month old. Where has the time gone!? Where did May go even!?
Hi all! I'm stubborn so I'm going to catch up on everything before I reply further, but I'm still here, and so is our baby! Astrid was born 12 May and she's been pretty lovely so far. We are still in the "time isn't real" zone, for sure.

I figured I'd be all excited to talk about her birth, but Shit Was Made To Happen and instead of a nice calm homebirth, we had a (fairly traumatic) hospital birth. I don't know how long it will take to not be furious about this, but at least my husband and I don't cry every day any more? (I barely cried my whole pregnancy; it takes a lot for me to get there.)

I hate that I have all this BS to process now, and it's made me really sensitive to a lot of well-intentioned things people say about babies and births (e.g. assumptions about how she was born, anything starting with "at least," like "at least you're both healthy!" I will punch the next person to say this to me). But we're doing the best we can.
Ahh kitten I’m sorry you didn’t get your Home birth! I hope time heals you quickly. On a happy note our babies were born on the same day!!! What time was she born? Weight?

Not doing too bad broken feeling very tired today tho as only got about 3 hours sleep last night, cant believe she’s nearly 4 week already! She’s changing all the time. She’s currently drinking between 3-4oz. We had to go for a hearing test on Monday which was all fine thank goodness.
Not been able to have a nap in the day as I’m just so busy but it’s catching up on me now and could of cried today because I felt so knackered!!

I think I might have come on my period today has anyone else? What contraceptive will you guys be using? I’m thinking il go back on the pill til I sort something a bit more long term.
Y'alls babies are eating 3-5 ounces? lol
Siler still sticks to mostly 2-2.5. He's just started nudging up to 3 sometimes. Dude isn't a big eater but he's gaining weight at least.

He's still not sleeping in his own space but he's making small progress: he will sleep about 3 hours in the bed bassinet at night and he's taken 2 long naps in the regular bassinet today! I ate lunch hands-free finally!

As for birth control: I'm 41 and not going back on anything. Hubs is getting snipped.
Kitten sorry to hear the birth didn't go as planned, I hope you can get some peace over it in time.

Thea is now 2 weeks old and doing great, no idea how much she eats because of bf her but she is piling on the weight and on Monday weighed in at 8lb 7oz.
Apart from an occasional fussy day when she needs to feed a lot, generally Thea feeds then sleeps for 2-3 hours and repeats through the day and night. She is pretty chilled really until you change her nappy lol.

No periods here yet and I think it will be a while, they came back after 9 months with my daughter and well over a year with my son. They seem to come back when I reduce the night feeds.
Kitten I’m sorry you didn’t get the birth you hoped for. For some women that is VERY difficult to come to terms with and can take a long time. Especially in hindsight as you can see where things could’ve gone differently when you can’t see that in the moment... if you get what I mean.

There are some birth trauma groups on Facebook or even on here you could join I believe to talk about it... although sometimes I wonder if those groups can kind of perpetuate the hurt rather than help heal it. But it&#8217;s good to talk about it and I don&#8217;t think any of us here would say your feelings are invalid at all <3

No matter how it went you brought a baby into this world, and you are strong xx

Afm summer still doesn&#8217;t sleep well at 4 weeks. Hoping 6 weeks is her magic number XD. And I haven&#8217;t ever had a period while breastfeeding my 2 precious babies so I&#8217;m hoping to get that blessing again for at least 18 months! (If we decide this is our last I might just keep nursing her until she tells me she wants to stop Hahaha. AF is literally the worst)!
Big hugs Kitten, sorry to have midered you to come on, only talk about it when you are ready to - Astrid is a gorgeous name! All the regulars have had babies now too! I'll go back to that list I did and pad it out with updates...

We are only on day 12 here, I think I was the latest one (apart from the ladies who stopped posting) I'm lucky that the OH was off last week and my mum is off this week so I am just enjoying feeding and snuggling Lyra, and not much else really. I've done school runs and packed lunches and bits of shopping but it has all been very much choice not necessity. It'll be next week it all kicks in solo but I think we will be fine.

Lyra prefers a sleepy snuggle but will let me put her down sometimes. I would say at night she will do an hour or two in her shnuggle between the last feed of the day and the first night feed, then sleeps with me in a king size bed until the next feed.

As we have a spare room and I am NOT risking Irish twins, he is up in the spare room so we aren't both being disturbed and I have more space for baba when she is a snoozing beside me.
Kitten I&#8217;m sorry you had trauma during birth. I can completely empathize and hope you can find peace with it at some point. My friend that is a doula/reiki master deals with clients and their birth traumas. Maybe in time you could find someone like that who can help you through it? I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve really processed my own &#8216;curve in the road&#8217; that brought Dylan in to this world. I&#8217;m trying to focus on her and being present but will have to deal with it at some point. Hugs lady!
I&#8217;m having a struggle getting more than just feeding Dylan and keeping my other kids alive lol. Dylan nurses a lot and I&#8217;m tired so my house (inside and out) is not being dealt with. I did just discover online grocery shopping through Walmart which is rocking my world haha. I think I&#8217;m going to have the lady that cleaned my house before baby came to come and clean it because I can&#8217;t get anything done. How are you all managing?
As for contraception we are on a &#8216;no entry&#8217; until dh gets snipped. I&#8217;ve left it with him to deal with and if he chooses not to it&#8217;s his hand all the way...bahahaha.
Ha ha!! Love it RnW!! My dh isn’t too keen on getting the snip souf he doesn’t I think I will.
My day consists of 3 school runs and in between that feeding Billie so not a lot is getting done inky house either!! My bathroom is in desperate need of a clean but I just don’t have time!! I can just about manage to keep on top of the washing and load the dishwasher!! We get the other children to help out but it’s not quite my standard bless em lol.

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