Hope everything is going ok Rosie!!
Yazzy-I’m having a crazy amount of soreness and some scabbing. Every time she latches on it’s so painful!! I know it’ll pass but man, with her insane amount of cluster feeding it’s tough.
Anyone have a baby that won’t let you put them down? The only way I’ve been able to get sleep is by sitting in a recliner all night with her and letting her sleep in my arms. Hopefully it’ll pass?! Basically every second she’s awake she wants to be nursing as well.
Our 3 yr old is driving us nuts. He’s got some sort of cold virus, so we can’t let him touch the baby. He is constantly snot nosed. On top of all that, his allergies are so horrible right now that he won’t stop itching his eyes and they’re puffy and red. All of this has made him whiney, cranky, and bossy. He’s been waking up in the middle of the night also, as if we aren’t sleep deprived enough. Argh!