These past five days or so have been horrible MS-wise so I havent even bothered posting. My husband has felt the need to have garlicky foods all weekend so he just freaking reeked yesterday..I could barely even stand to be near him. My irritability is at an all-time high. My son wakes up super early, breathes in my face when Im feeling sick, and climbs all over me when my boobs are super sensitive. I seriously need a day alone in a padded room, lol.
This has been me for the past few weeks! Irritation mixed with some crazy rage equals NO FUN! My dd was blowing in my face like she knew I couldnt handle the smell. On several occasions she did this plus crawling on me or sitting as close to me as possible. Dh learned his lesson a few years ago about making smelly food when I am pg so this go around hes either kept it low key or bought take out lol. I feel your pain and hope it subsides soon for you.
Afm- I got the results back from the NIPT blood work and everything is low risk which is great. Plus...we are having a girl!!! Intuition was right I guess. The good news is we have a ton of girl stuff so money will be saved! Yay.