May Marvels 2018

Chel you'll come out of it soon and then you'll be able to work the entire rest of your pregnancy -- so don't worry about taking the time off! You need to take it when you're sick! I don't feel guilty at all being off work ha!!

Once my HG hit I got a Drs note for the whole first tri! Due back at work Nov 1 and am actually ready to go, or I will be in a week and a bit. Still getting sick around 7 at night but the latest I work is 8 so I can ask them to cut my shift one hour short. I would way rather be at home with my kiddos (although I only work 2 shifts a week) but I get my year off in a few months so I can push through a bit longer.

I went to work today and the Assistant Principal came and said hi. I told her how I felt and she said it was cool, and she was bedridden for 2 months with her last one.

Department Head who bugged me came in and I was short with her; not rude but not overtly friendly either.

Got through the day ok, and actually craving Doritoes tonight and made hubby go get some! I am SO ready to feel good!!!!!
Ladies we have to be close to feeling better...right?!
I decided to start lessening the number of Diclectin I’m taking (was 4). 2 days ago I lessened to 3. It’s making be absolutely exhausted so I thought dealing with a ‘little’ nausea was the lesser of the 2 evils. Well today I started heaving in my car and threw up in a plastic container I had on the seat (thank goodness-might have been my lap). It came on so quick I hardly had time to pull over.
I feel fine now but I guess I’ll have to gauge how I do. I have been falling asleep when I’m home alone with my 4 yr old which isn’t too safe. I know the meds make you tired but this is ridiculous!

I can gobble 4 Diclegis/Diclectin and it doesn't do caca! I would take severe exhaustion over nausea any day!
I’m getting horrible headaches every day, it’s miserable! Is anyone else getting them?

A few, but I will take your headache if you take my nausea!

I had a 3-month long migraine once (seriously--every day for 3 months) and I would still work daily. I can do anything over nausea, hence my horrible 5-6 weeks of MISERY!!!
So much love for grey and adianxmomma. I was at that point in June she I had my loss so I know your pain! I caught again with 3 months so im.praying for you both!

My nausea eased up for a few days but now it's back again so im.back to feeling miserable. I just really can't wait for this stage to be over. I also really just want it to be the 13th November so I can have my scan!?! I'm so worried something will go wrong but im praying for the best after seeing the heartbeat at 9w1d

It's beginning to feel real I'm excited to find out the gender aswell.

I'm planning ti go for my gendee scan around the 12th drcember when im 17 weeks. Anybody having a gender reveal party or baby shower?

Gender reveals are the rage in America, but we're old enough to not really get into them. We're both hermits and not big fans of parties/entertaining/etc.
Plus I think we'd be more excited than anyone else.

Hubs wants to visit DC again in December, right after 20-week gender scan, so we're going to take results in an envelope and open it there as our Christmas present...
Ladies we have to be close to feeling better...right?!
I decided to start lessening the number of Diclectin I’m taking (was 4). 2 days ago I lessened to 3. It’s making be absolutely exhausted so I thought dealing with a ‘little’ nausea was the lesser of the 2 evils. Well today I started heaving in my car and threw up in a plastic container I had on the seat (thank goodness-might have been my lap). It came on so quick I hardly had time to pull over.
I feel fine now but I guess I’ll have to gauge how I do. I have been falling asleep when I’m home alone with my 4 yr old which isn’t too safe. I know the meds make you tired but this is ridiculous!

I can gobble 4 Diclegis/Diclectin and it doesn't do caca! I would take severe exhaustion over nausea any day!

The thing about the diclectin is that it actually takes 2-3 weeks to take full effect. So even if you take it for a week it won't build up in your system enough to make a difference. My dr/mw didn't say anything about this but the pharmacist was really clear about it. Wonder why they make us think it will be a miracle drug right away... definitely isn't.
I'm sure we're doing open our gender envelope on christmas morning or christmas eve... we all have to do that don't we? LOL! I'm going to try and get my ultrasound for the 21st. I'll be 20+4 LMP... so hopefully that's right on measurement wise, they won't give me the envelope unless I'm measuring at least 20 weeks!!
I love the baby part , I love being in the hospital with just me and baby and going home, getting into a routine at first can be tricky but after a week or 2 I'm in full swing of it. Our youngest is 3 now so it seems ages ago since we had a new baby. I'm excited 😊
I'm really looking forward to the newborn part. I love the late night cuddles when it's just you and them and everyone else is asleep. They stay where you put them and they don't answer back :haha:
Cheluzal-exhaustion for me Is like nausea for you! It makes me absolutely miserable and nasty. I have no patience and want to tear everyone’s head off. Of course my nausea isn’t every minute, I might think differently if I didn’t have lulls.

Reiko-I did know it took time to build up but didn’t realize it was weeks. I have been taking it since around 7 weeks but honestly I can’t handle how tired I am. I can’t get anything done. My house is in shambles and I’m becoming more and more annoyed. I’m going to take myself off of it over this next week and hope for the best.
I’m also planning another home birth. It was the best experience with dd. I hate the hospital and loved being able to have a shower in my bathroom and then hanging out on my couch while we got to know our new baby.
I was actually watching videos last night and started to have some fear about the pain involved with labouring and giving birth. My saving grace is my labours are fairly short.
I’m anxiously awaiting my Panorama results...well the sex of the baby really lol. I have no concerns about the other results.
RnW I'd quite like a home birth but my DH is adamant on hospital. It's his first baby and I think he's just nervous about the whole thing.

I want home birth just so I don't have to stress anymore over who looks after my DS, but then if anything went wrong it would be even harder to find childcare I guess.
Broken-do your MW offer a home birth info class? Dh was also hesitant but after we went to the info night he was fully on board. Basically what they say is there are red flags that allow them time to make the call to go to the hospital. The 10 min drive to the hospital isn’t any longer than it takes them to prep the OR if you are already in the hospital. For me it’s the best choice as the hospital and it’s staff cause me anxiety. With ds I wanted to get up and move and I was made to lie on a bed (not ideal for delivering) with a fetal monitor strapped to my already uncomfortable belly.
I needed to pee and They wouldn’t let me as they thought I was going to deliver ds in the toilet. Sitting on the toilet is actually one of the most natural positions to deliver a baby! To top it off I wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom on my own post delivery because I had some clots after birth. It all was too much for me!
My DH is 100% against it. Will not even entertain the idea. Hospital don't make me anxious so I'm happy to just go with the flow.

I really hope you get your home birth this time as well, it sounds like it was a great experience for you.
My husband was on the fence with a home birth last time, but then I reminded him of sleeping on the "cot" for the night in the hospital with our first and he was convinced haha. We then learned that for second time mom's you only have to stay after birth for 6 hrs so we decided to do that, and I ended up having a 90 minute labour and had the baby in the van anyways; so we figured if we can have a baby in a vehicle we can have one at home! Ha!
My oldest has been having the most outrageous tantrums. Not out but at home. It's stressing me out, I'm quite worried that it will harm the pregnancy. Eek.
Cheluzal-exhaustion for me Is like nausea for you! It makes me absolutely miserable and nasty. I have no patience and want to tear everyone’s head off. Of course my nausea isn’t every minute, I might think differently if I didn’t have lulls.

That is just wild to me. Exhaustion doesn't HURT but my nausea is painful and miserable, and lying in a ball wishing for death sucks!

Find a way to swap and I'm on board, although I felt normal today!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Not getting too psyched but woke ok and could eat and stand normally and only got a little queasy, but dealable! If it was always like this I could function. Praying it gets better every day.

OH-and we heard the heartbeat again tonight! Found it much quicker, and beating faster.
THe exhaustion is quite hard. I've never really experienced it before in my other pregnancies. I literally cannot drag my butt off the couch, even when my husband is dealing with bedtime all by himself and I can hear it's not going well. I physically can't. But I would take It over the nausea any day because the option of laying on the couch vs hanging over a toilet is a lot more pleasant !!
It's also really true that's we adapt to what we know. This will become really obvious when you have a newborn. I remember for me, getting up twice a night in the first year was easy, and my sister could barely handle one wake up without melting down. And her baby never cried, so she couldn't understand when my baby had colicky evenings. I don't doubt that one wakeup was hard for her -- when you're used to something anything else is difficult.
I def don’t want all day nausea/vomiting over exhaustion. I think the Diclectin has def kept my nausea manageable but in doing that I literally have zero energy. I too lie on the couch, in and out of sleep and then drag my ass to bed to wake up feeling like I haven’t slept. It’s just making me so freaking miserable.
Lessening my pills this week has brought back some nausea and I have vomited a few times but food is helping keep the nausea at bay. I just want to feel like I can wash the dishes or clean a bathroom without needing a nap after. I think I may need iron as well which would add to this draggy, crappy tiredness. I’m going to get some tomorrow and see if it helps.
I'm also super excited for labour since we are hoping for a homebirth this time!! Newborn isn't my favourite but from 2months on I just love it, all the milestones and everything. I want this baby tomorrow lol!! 6 more months to wait!!

Broken-do your MW offer a home birth info class? Dh was also hesitant but after we went to the info night he was fully on board. Basically what they say is there are red flags that allow them time to make the call to go to the hospital. The 10 min drive to the hospital isn’t any longer than it takes them to prep the OR if you are already in the hospital. For me it’s the best choice as the hospital and it’s staff cause me anxiety. With ds I wanted to get up and move and I was made to lie on a bed (not ideal for delivering) with a fetal monitor strapped to my already uncomfortable belly.
I needed to pee and They wouldn’t let me as they thought I was going to deliver ds in the toilet. Sitting on the toilet is actually one of the most natural positions to deliver a baby! To top it off I wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom on my own post delivery because I had some clots after birth. It all was too much for me!

Oh yay; I was wondering if anyone else in here was planning a homebirth! Our midwives (and the other two practices we met with) said the same thing: they're really, really used to normal, boring labors, and they're really alert for red (or pink) flags (e.g. they know the difference between a good yell and a bad yell). My husband and I ended up watching The Business of Being Born early in our relationship and it confirmed our feelings of "we'd prefer to be at home unless something goes wrong."

Our midwives in particular have a fairly high hospital transfer rate, but it's because they err on the side of caution, and it's usually just first-time moms who are having long labors & are exhausted. They go in, they get an epidural, they get to nap/rest for a bit, and they usually come out of that energized and ready to do the rest. (We were referred to them by a mom friend/doula who needed a transfer with her first; she went on to have a great delivery & apparently she'll tell me the scary details after I've had a "normal, boring delivery.")

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