May Marvels 2018

Lots of sympathy from me as well on the tooth pain. Early on in this pregnancy I broke one of my front teeth which caused an abscess to form and made my face huuuuuge! Of course couldn't have pain meds, and ended up doing a root canal and LOTS of antibiotics.
I had pneumonia at 32 weeks last time and had the hardest time with abx. I'm allergic to penicillin and I guess those are the safest ones during pregnancy. So I had one that didn't really target the infection very well, didn't work, and just ended up waiting it out for 4-5 weeks till it cleared on its own with rest and fluids. I've had a cough this whole pregnancy, my kiddos have it too, and I know my husband is terrfied too lol turn into pneumonia again!

I'm deffo getting my teeth whitened after I have this baby... I could barely brush my teeth in first tri.

2nd tri for me tomorrow!!!! Yay!!! Felt baby move today a bit :D
Reiko, I'm allergic to penicillin too. Makes things difficult when you need antibiotics.
Lovely pic Rosie!

RnW - yes, I did the classes. With my first pg I read up quite a lot on the internet so knew the basics of the breathing for during labour. I had booked classes but then went into labour before ever getting to attend then (24wk). I basically slept through the labour but I hadn't gotten to the breathing for the actual birth and so that part was really sore.

With my second pregnancy I did the actual classes. Listened to the CD every night before going to sleep. Again half slept through my labour as a result and the birth was just amazing. My immediate reaction when feeling that urge to push was to forcibly push, but Then I remembered the hb "breath the baby down" and switched to that and the difference was amazing! It was seriously incredible and left me feeling so in control and so empowered. My OBGYN was literally speechless afterwards seeing how I'd coped with both labour and birth as he was 150% convinced the whole time during pg I'd beg for an epidural :haha:

The Marie Mongan method is the method I chose. It's supposedly the best. I haven't tried any other methods so can't comment on their effectiveness.
The Rainbow Relaxation CD is supposedly the best one to use but it just didn't gel with me so I preferred the CD that came with the book and that worked amazingly for me. But I think for 99% of other people the rainbow relaxation one is supposedly better.

If you can do classes it probably would be a good idea, but if you can't then just read the book to understand the different breathing etc and make sure to listen to the CD regularly and practice the breathing
I listened to it again about 3 weeks ago, having not heard it in 6 years, and it immediately sent me straight back into a state of deep relaxation, just because I'd trained myself so well with it during my pg
I guess I inadvertently hypno birthed last time. I had read somewhere (and don’t know if it is true) that a contraction couldn’t last more than 3 mins usually so I decided almost all the songs I knew were longer than that so as soon as one came on, I’d start a song in my head.

I managed to slink off to the bath on the antenatal ward at about 2cm and just used music and warm water til about 6am when I was about to give in and ask for an epidural. [To clarify, I think epidurals and pain relief can be amazing but I personally react poorly to anaesthetic!]

When I got examined next I was at 9cm so I could go to delivery! :)

I do not interact much in labour. Very much head down, find that core!
I've updated the first post with new due dates etc- let me know if I've missed anyone!

If anyone else would like to join the secret Facebook group, add me on my personal profile and I'll add you. No-one can see that you're a member, or see posts or anything as it's set to secret, so don't worry :) And feel free to unfriend me after I've added you if you want to :)
I'm just the same in labour Riveted Rosie! My first labour was long and very tiring, I didn't want anyone around me, I just wanted leaving to it! My second was the polar opposite and really fast, I went totally within myself and didn't communicate with anyone really. My hubby was fab and kept answering all the midwife's questions for me. Because it was fast, the pain was so intense, the only way to deal with it was to go within myself! I remember hearing the midwife telling me to gave gas and air over and over and I just ignored her haha in my head I was like "just flaming leave me alone woman!!!" I didn't have any pain relief with Evie, I was just like "right, lets get this done". I took everything going with my first- diamorphine made me feel absolutely awful so there's no way I'd have that again and the epidural failed :/ Planning on just G&A if I need it this time, but who know's, it might all go out the window haha!
I was just the same in my labour with DS, my waters broke the day before and I was sent home to come back if things progressed and if they didn't to come back at 10am to be induced.

I had in my head 'you can do anything for a minute' and that's all I thought through contractions. I tried to breath as best I could and just waited for it to be over. I laboured all night (roughly 12 hrs from leaving the hospital) on my own before crying to my mum at 6am I couldn't take it any more, bless her she gave me 2 paracetamol, told me we'd be going to the hospital soon and I would be fine. Another 2 paracetamol at 9:50 before we left and when I got hosp all the midwives were like "ehhh we'll check, you're far to calm to be in proper labour" followed swiftly by "oh heck, you're 9cm, off to delivery we go!"

Unfortunately my midwife told me I was 10cm and let me push for hour and half before checking again and realising I was still only 9 (cos they sat me on a bed and stuff so I couldn't move around anymore. And I was more anxious than I had been at home, at home I just tried to sleep) so I wasted a lot of energy and then it was gas and air cos I need to drip to increase contractions, told to stop pushing cos DS was getting stressed then "we might need to go to theatre and get forceps"

I was like, you can get ready, I've done all this on my own, I'll get this bloody baby out! And I did. At 10 to 5, almost 6 hours after I came in at 9cm!

Whoops that turned into a birth story. Anyway, I guess I tried to hypno birth myself with the 'anything for a minute' idea and it worked for a long time. I just wanted to be left alone to get on with it. I'm gunna try again to do this without any strong painkillers but I'm very go with the flow, my birth plan is no plan. Although I would like a water birth.
Thanks huggles! I will def take the classes then. I'm super excited for it. I tend to have quick labours that are pretty intense. I go to another place and am not totally aware of the entire process. I really just want to be present for this one.
I watched this one video of a woman that was talking the whole time right up until baby was crowning. She was engaging in conversation with her husband and MW, it was amazing.
I used the gas and air with my first and had it during my stitches with my second. I love that stuff haha. Can they bring it to a home birth?
I'm pretty sure the midwives carry it yeah Reiko. I had it being stitched up too. Still made me feel sick lol.
I love gas n air!! It gives me something to concentrate on! I tend to birth with my eyes closed I just go into myself and get on with it. My last mw at our last birth said I was made to give birth which I thought was nice. The only thing with g&a is that it makes me breathless after birth but it soon settles. I was induced with my last baby and it took her 20 mins to break my waters. 😱
Afm, pretty much all my 1st tri symptoms have gone except sore boobs. Heck are they sore! But now I'm starting to wake up in the night to pee. When are these mystical 2nd tri 'glowing' things meant to happen? Still feel like I've been hit by a bus :haha:

I will take ALL that over what I've experienced.

My boobs barely got sore, I can go all night without peeing, no heartburn, no back pain, etc....JUST freaking nausea that kills me.

Chel honestly that sounds a little condescending. I would encourage you to not minimize others experiences of pregnancy. It might seem easy to you to deal with broken' symptoms but you're comparing it to your experience. Everyone adapts to their level of discomfort during pregnancy, very few mamas have it "easy". It's hard for all of us no matter if it's HG or ms or pgp or varicose veins or w/e. We're here to support and encourage each other.

Wow. Meant it tongue-in-cheek; thought our decent relationships on here would get that... :shrug:
Reiko-I had GD with my first pregnancy also. Thankfully it was diet controlled and I had no complications, but I’m really hoping I’m able to skip it this time. It’s just a bummer having to do the low carb diet at a time where you SHOULD be able to let loose a little bit and enjoy treats. And the constant blood sugar taking is annoying too. Here’s to hoping we are both lucky this time around!! I still have my glucometer, but honestly have been too scared to check my sugars, lol.

Cheluzal-I’m sure you’re just feeling frustrated with your sickness. I can relate...during my first pregnancy I was also in a pregnancy group on here. Slowly as second trimester approached, it seemed like almost everyone else was feeling better....yet there I was, still sick, still throwing up, and still feeling like garbage until the pregnancy was more than half over. It’s discouraging and I got really depressed. I felt like I was getting left behind. All you want to do is just enjoy the pregnancy and the miracle that’s growing inside you, but the sickness makes it really hard. All you can do is hang in there. The baby is worth it, I promise!

Afm, I haven’t been posting much because I don’t really have many good things to say. The hypersalivation continues, the vomiting continues, and now I have what I believe to be a tooth abscess!! Ugh. Starting to feel like there is no way I’m going to be feeling better by the time 2nd tri gets here. It would be too good to be true.

Thank you. I truly appreciate it. :flower:
I have definitely slipped into mild depression.
I'm pretty sure the midwives carry it yeah Reiko. I had it being stitched up too. Still made me feel sick lol.

HA I would love it if they brought it to my house! Probably won't have time to use it in labour but if I need stitches again:thumbup:
Reiko-I had GD with my first pregnancy also. Thankfully it was diet controlled and I had no complications, but I’m really hoping I’m able to skip it this time. It’s just a bummer having to do the low carb diet at a time where you SHOULD be able to let loose a little bit and enjoy treats. And the constant blood sugar taking is annoying too. Here’s to hoping we are both lucky this time around!! I still have my glucometer, but honestly have been too scared to check my sugars, lol.

Cheluzal-I’m sure you’re just feeling frustrated with your sickness. I can relate...during my first pregnancy I was also in a pregnancy group on here. Slowly as second trimester approached, it seemed like almost everyone else was feeling better....yet there I was, still sick, still throwing up, and still feeling like garbage until the pregnancy was more than half over. It’s discouraging and I got really depressed. I felt like I was getting left behind. All you want to do is just enjoy the pregnancy and the miracle that’s growing inside you, but the sickness makes it really hard. All you can do is hang in there. The baby is worth it, I promise!

Afm, I haven’t been posting much because I don’t really have many good things to say. The hypersalivation continues, the vomiting continues, and now I have what I believe to be a tooth abscess!! Ugh. Starting to feel like there is no way I’m going to be feeling better by the time 2nd tri gets here. It would be too good to be true.

Thank you. I truly appreciate it. :flower:
I have definitely slipped into mild depression.

Cheluzal have you started a registry yet? That might give you something to focus on that brightens you up a bit? Retail therapy does wonders for me lol.
13 weeks today!
And for you RnW! Happy 13 weeks!
And Broken - I think you're now 13 weeks too? Happy 13 weeks!

NT scan tomorrow!
Happy 13 weeks girls!!!

Woohoo it's scan week for some of us!!!! Mines Thursday!!
Happy 13 weeks ladies!!

Scan week for me too on thursday. Eek! Almost 2nd tri.

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