Foreign, my first instinct when seeing the scan was boy like everyone else, because of what looks like a nub. But I looked closer and I'm pretty sure what people are assuming is the nub is actually the umbilical cord! So it could very well be a girl. I think mothers intuition goes a long way in guessing gender, although I do know there are a number of people that are convinced of one gender and land up with the opposite.
There is no nub captured in that image. I think what the ladies are guessing off of is the skull (skull theory). Which is totally just for fun. All 3 of my girls had different looking skulls, dd2 got all boy guesses based on that theory, so I'm well aware of its accuracy
I completely do not believe in intuition. I was 100% sure my 1st was a boy. 500% sure my 2nd was a boy followed by 1000% certainty my 3rd was a boy... I know it was just all wishful thinking. I'm not buying into that anymore. The reason why I think this one is another girl, is simply because I don't think I'm capable of growing boys, or perhaps because I wanted one so badly and am just not meant to be this lucky.... I don't know, but it surely is not the motherly intuition I once believed in :/