May Marvels 2018

Great news Ricschick!

I got mine today too.

1 in 56,288 for Down's syndrome
1 in 100,00 for Edwards'/Patau's

So I'm very pleased with that.
Great news ricschick!
Reiko I’m Canadian but doubt I’ll be taking the 18 months. They didn’t increase the amount we will get which sucks! I only work 3 hours a day so it’s like I’m off anyways lol. What about you? Considering it?

I think I would if you could choose 12-18 months, like14 or 15 months but it's either 12 or 18. They must do it that way so they have less calculating to do with amounts but stretched over 18 months its not very much. If I do end up getting the max amount we could make it work. I'll have to see how much I qualify for first.
Great numbers broken!!

I can't make it through the day I need to shut my eyes for half an hour. I'm so tired today I was up the school 4 times today and now I have to drop my daughters friend home. 😴
Other than days I have to go out, I need a daily nap. I'm just exhausted all the time.

Sorry you've been so busy today. Early night?
Viera-that is too cute!

Reiko- happy 15 weeks.

Kitten-at least you are prepared for the expense coming your way.

Yeah! It's crummy but at least it won't be a surprise.

KItten babies are so expensive in the US!! I'm glad everything's free in Canada so I can have as many as I like XD. I mean it's all paid for in our taxes but still, my
Homebirth won't cost me any more than a hospital birth would! Last time we had our baby in the van, I wonder what that would've cost in the states!? Lol!!

Ha ha, I'm sure they would have found a way to charge you! Or maybe you would've gotten lucky and could have had a protracted fight with insurance, whee!

Just wanted to update, I just opened the gender envelope and baby is....

GIRL #4 for me. I am thankful to God for answering my prayer and letting me accept the fact as good as I have. It would be a lie if I said I'm not a bit sad, but I'm happy I found out and can now move on past the gender part.
Most importantly Chromosome 18, 21 &13 all NEGATIVE!!!

Hooray for negative test results and congrats on your littlest girl!

Hello everyone, I am terrible at keeping up, just went through 30 pages :wacko: We had a gender scan done last week to surprise my mom for her birthday, we already have 2 boys so everyone has been hoping for a girl, well we opened the envelope and I cried. We are getting our little girl!

What a sweet note, and congrats on the girl!

All okay. Baby is fine. ECH is smaller (cos obvs I've bled it out) but still quiet large. So i could bleed heavily again.
I'm now on a sex ban and a masturbation ban indefinitely.

I asked questions this time and found out the bleed is outside the gestation sac completely. So baby is in no danger and it wont cause any issues. So that's a massive relief.

So all I can do is sit tight and wait to see if I bleed again or how it is at the next scan in December.

Aw heck. But I'm glad for all the good news in there.

When are you all planning to go on Mat leave? Any Canadians (are there any others on here?) going to take the new 18 month leave?

hahahahaha. Oh boy, if I only knew yet. The US policy is, as you know, trash (12 weeks guaranteed unpaid if you work for a company with 50+ employees, and that doesn't guarantee you'll return to your same role), but I'm lucky to work in tech. But we don't have an official company policy. But we've had at least 4 new moms (including one last week!) and the norm seems to be 3-4 months off...but I have no idea what the pay looks like. Oy. It all seems so far away and so terrifyingly close.

Got my NT results this morning
Down syndrome 1 in 15000
Edwards syndrome 1 in 50000
Pataus syndrome 1 in 50000

So very pleased with that!!! 😃😃

Hooray for good test results, ricschick!

Made it through the whole day without a nap today! Go me!

I'm awarding you a gold star for that one â*
14 weeks today! Bring on the second trimester.
Feeling ok today. Went 4 hours between meals and it didn't make me super sick. Crossing fingers.
My kids just watched way too much tv while I napped on the couch for a couple hours. So exhausted today!! Now I need to get my butt to the grocery store before I have to work!
It's now officially cold enough where I live for my back to basically go into perma-pain mode. Yay fun times!
And ofc my usual meds, and ibuprofen gels are banned now.

Looks like I'll be digging out my hot water bottle and wheat bag. Anyone got any good, natural pain relief I can try?
Reiko I thank god for kids tv sometimes lol I need it to just rest my eyes I'm never "asleep" but I doze and it helps me get through the day!!
14 weeks today!! Where's the energy I'm meant to be having lol!! I got to have a lie in but still woke feeling like shit lol.

Janice that is the bag I'm thinking of getting actually. X
Ricschick I do the same "mummy is just gunna lie down" and I just have a wee dose while he watches a movie.

Janice I'm looking for a backpack changing bag too, that one looks great!
Broken do you see a chiropractor or get acupuncture? I have chronic back issues which worsen in pregnancy and see my chiropractor weekly. He does acupuncture sometimes and it does wonders.
I don't see anyone, my doctors have always dismissed my issues because of my weight. I'll absolutely look into it though, thank you!
Wel ms mamas wish me luck. Cutting my diclectin down from 2 every 6 hrs to 2 every 8 hrs. Yesterday I did 2, 10, and 6am this morning. Feeling ok lying in bed but need to get up and try breakfast and see how I do then!! I have 180 pills left and don't want to buy anymore so I need to be weaned off them in a few weeks!!
Is anyone else still finding their baby's heartbeat super low sometimes? The other day it was a few inches down and to the side of my belly button but today it was way down just above my pelvic bone. I don't recall my boys being that low but maybe it's just been a while and I forgot :p
Is anyone else still finding their baby's heartbeat super low sometimes? The other day it was a few inches down and to the side of my belly button but today it was way down just above my pelvic bone. I don't recall my boys being that low but maybe it's just been a while and I forgot :p

Maybe it's baby moving about lots while they still have the room? I don't have a Doppler so I don't know or sure.
Viera you might want to make a post over in 2nd tri asking for Doppler users help! I'm not sure how many in here have a Doppler!

Day is going good after 24 hrs of drugs every 8 hrs :D yay I see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm having the yummiest sushi for lunch at work too (not sashimi don't worry)!!
Viera I have a Doppler and baby girl stays roughly in the same area give or take an inch or so as far as the Doppler is concerned.

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