May Marvels 2018

Chel definitely speak to your mw or ob about the stars and your higher bp. That definitely needs to be looked into.

Agcam yay for maternity! I wish I could get maternity from being a parent. It's flipping hard now. The school runs and he wants to play in the sun with me and ugh. Can I get a temp in until after bubba comes :haha:
My hands and feet are swollen too. Cankles. Yay. Thanks pregnancy(!)

Ricschick I have to see my consultant and then he will book me in. He wants to see me at 38 weeks but "the clinic is all booked up, we'll send you an appointment in the post" last time I heard that, it never came. So I'm gunna be chasing them this time.
Me and DH are big ole nerds and I'd love a May 4th baby even though I don't like Star Wars, it would be great haha.

I am so bloody grumpy. I'm snapping at DH constantly (he is being a lazy arse who is ignoring all the housework and I'm struggling to do it while I'm so big)
I threw a paddy last night because words with friends kept letting him play made up words and I was salty about it. Jit and Qui are not English words!!! :haha:
I cried at a book today because the main character described getting old.
I'm just a broken person now. This baby needs out so I can get my brain back.
Hi all, I haven't been in for ages!
But 36 + 2 today and my last day at work before Maternity starts!!
How is everyone coping with the heat?
I am so ready for this baby to be here now!
First off, you ladies with heat and sunshine I am seriously jealous of! I’m in southern Canada and we have had the longest, coldest, crappiest winter...I’m so done with it!! I probably wouldn’t be excited about showing off my body at this point but I would hide in my backyard and soak up some Vit D lol.

Happy Mat leave ladies!

Broken-I feel ya on the dh BS train. My dh has been making comments and questioning why I can’t do some things. I’m at a point where I can hardly walk as I’m in so much pain down my right side. I have slept on the couch for the last 3 nights as my reflux is horrendous and lying all the way down is causing great pain. I think a lot of my sensitivity is coming from the fact that I’m not feeling supported by him as he’s normally pretty good.

Chel I agree that you need to mention your symptoms to your dr ASAP. Hypertension is nothing to mess around with and as a bonus they may kickstart the process and get baby out sooner than later.

We went to a birth class last night just as a refresher and I can def say I’m ready for baby to enter this world. I was feeling unprepared for some reason but I think I’m good now. I’m going to work as hard as my body will allow this weekend to clean and do up some meals and come Monday I’m full on in ‘get baby out’ mode...stairs, lunges, walking, meditating...whatever it takes. Lord knows she’s low enough that her head and gravity could work together to start pressing on my cervix and get this ball rolling!
Ladies we are going to be holding our babies so soon!!! It&#8217;s been such an amazing pleasure to have you all here, offering your support and knowing that you all understand what I&#8217;m going through and how I&#8217;m feeling. Thank you for that! If I could give you all a huge hug right now I would. I&#8217;m sending out cyber hugs <3
Hi geebug! Happy maternity!

RnW send us some snowwwwwww. We need it. It's hot. Tbh, I wasn't any happier in winter with the snow because it was all slippy and dangerous. I'm never pleased haha.

DH seems to get there are things I can't do anymore, he just doesn't think he needs to do them. E.g... oh there is stuff on the living room floor from sorting out the coffee table. She can't bend down to pick it up and put it away, but she's asked me to sweep the floor. Better sweep around the stuff then!
Stuff like that that is driving me mad. He only does half a job when I ask him to help. I'd rather be did nothing, because I have to do the whole thing again anyway.
And a foot rub or a back rub would be nice as well... he keeps going on about how much he hates to see me in such pain. But his only solution is a bath. It's like a million degrees here, I don't want to sit in hot water. Plus getting in and out of the bath aggravates all the hurty bits the bath is meant to help. So it's pointless.

Your post made me cry <3

It's been amazing to have all you lovely ladies on this journey. I joined the group on a mad whim, I was convinced baby wouldn't stick and I'd be leaving you all. But here we are, almost at the end together. You're all amazing and I'm sending giant internet hugs to everyone <3
Canada here too and we have only had a few days of sunshine, mostly still rain. No snow on the west coast though! We&#8217;re supposed to get sun next week for the entire week and 20 degrees so that will be welcome.

Last night DH went out and I cleaned the entire house for 1.5 hrs (nesting? Never done it with my other 2!!). He came in and asked what I did for the evening. I said, &#8220;can&#8217;t you tell?&#8221; Nope, I had to explain it! He proceeds to take out his toolbox and work on my spic and span counters and leave it all out. I hate telling him what to do because I hate it when he tells me what to do but I had to say, DO NOT leave that junk all over my clean counters!! Also on the way home yesterday he was talking to a friend on the phone, and he declined my call (we always talk on the way home so it&#8217;s not unusual) but I don&#8217;t think he&#8217;s thinking I&#8217;m 37 weeks pregnant and actually if I call he really needs to answer XD
Hugs to you girls too ive really enjoyed being part of this group!! And looking forward to enjoying the next chapter with you all!!
Chel - The BP is definitely something to speak to the midwife/doctor about. FYI, I saw sparkly stars and other such stuff for a little while, but my BP was not elevated. Turns out that I'm anaemic. They've decreased considerably since starting iron supplements.
I'm going to start eating boat loads of pineapple and sit on my gym ball. I really can't do long walks because of the PGP. Like you, I'm hoping she comes a little early, but I went 10 days over with DS.

Reiko - We live about 20 minutes from the hospital, so I'll take a taxi if I have to go in myself. Wouldn't dream of driving!
It made me giggle, though, to imagine myself sitting behind the wheel cursing the other drivers, "You *£&%)*)!! Leave me alone! Can't you see I'm in LABOUR!" :haha:

Ricschick - I hear you on the summer clothes. I still had some of the old ones from my previous pregnancy, but I'm so large this time around that none of them fit!! Somebody asked me today whether I was overdue. :dohh:

Broken - Yes @ a break from being a parent, though I already feel terribly guilty because I'm already not spending enough time with him. He just has too much energy!

Geebug - Hi! I haven't been around for a long time, either, and have just returned in the last few days. Hope all is going well. Today was my last day at work, too. I feel like I'm free :haha:

Rnw - You are welcome to some heat from here. It's just....ugh. The house is almost 25 degrees inside, despite leaving the windows open and curtains drawn.

Awww@ cyberhugs. Made me all teary. I wish I had managed to spend more time with you ladies over the last few months. I've missed out :hugs:

I'm also mostly in the same boat regarding DH. I think it's going to get worse, now that I'm on mat leave.

Is anybody else still having round ligament pain?
Reiko I would have been furious if DH did that to me. Plate breakingly furious. He knows better than I ask me what I've done all day though. Kept everyone alive. Anything past that is a bonus.

I ended up in a row with DH today over his complete lack of care about the state of the house. But it's like talking to a wall. At least when bubba comes I'll have my body back and be able to keep on top of everything again.

Agcam I am. Whenever I walk for more than 10 mins I get this awful stitch like pain in my right side. All the bottom of my bump hurts as well.

Anyone got shoulder blade pain? It's right in my actual left shoulder blade. It's usually worse at night, but it's been all day today. No idea what's causing it though.
Anyone got shoulder blade pain? It's right in my actual left shoulder blade. It's usually worse at night, but it's been all day today. No idea what's causing it though.

Yes - I do. It's on my left as well, but for me, it sort of follows the edge of the blade. I used to have it in the past, but it's been a couple of years since it has flared up.
I've had it for a few days now, and put it down to sleeping in an awkward position or something. It's sort of a sharp and stretching/burning pain, if that makes sense.
Ok AGcam the taxi makes much more sense Hahaha!!!

I seem to have a bunch more energy yesterday and today so maybe that means I&#8217;m close to the end!!
Yay for all these mat leaves starting! I've got a little over a week left, but my brain is checked right out already. Whoops.

Agcam, encouraged that a taxi's the plan if you need to head over on your own! I've only heard one "woman who almost drove herself to the hospital" story and it did not sound great!

I am in no rush for this baby to get here just yet (I would love to have a little time off BEFORE they arrive), but have started doing cervical ripening points at acupuncture (holy cow they're intense), and our midwives gave us a list of other cervical ripening things I can do if I like. Breast pump (FINALLY) arrived yesterday (ordered almost two months ago!!!) so I know I could start some nipple stim with that, but I keep staring at it as this weird foreign thing.

That said, I either got or noticed my first stretch marks last week, and now I am constantly aware of the feeling of my skin pulling apart, and thaaaat's kind of...not my favorite feeling!

Oh well. We're off to a great little nature-y spot this evening to do some maternity photos, and the weather's been stellar, and then it's the weekend. Finally!
Reiko do you think a burst of energy is an indicator that body is getting ready? I’ve been waiting for some energy just to get stuff done but it’s not happening.

As far as all the dh are concerned they really need to get it together! My dh is headed out for what I’m telling him is his last hoorah for months. I’m already annoyed as I know tomorrow he will be useless and there is so much that I feel needs to get done. He thinks he’s doing so much as I have to keep asking him to do things like lift stuff or grab stuff that’s up high because I can’t. If he had to deal with an ounce of the pain and discomfort I am he would be sobbing in a corner asking for his mommy! Lol

Reiko I would have been pissed if dirty tools were all over my counters! And to not see that you had done something would have enraged me but I’m feeling miserable these days so it wouldn’t take much.

Agcam I am also going to start working this baby out. I’m going to attempt walking but it will depend on how my body holds up. Lunges and walking up and down the stairs will be my next go to. If I can’t handle those then ball bouncing is next. I did ask dh days ago to pump my ball up...still waiting grrrrr.
Kitten - I am more like you, I don't really want him to come early because I would like to have a little break for myself first! Next week is my last week at work, I will be off after Friday. Then I SHOULD have another 10days-ish before he arrives. I am really looking forward to it actually, I need a break!

PS: I forgot how big the bump really becomes in the last couple weeks. Now, I look in a mirror and scare myself. &#128514;

PPS: Yesterday evening, I wanted to tell my darling son that my cervix is NOT a trampoline.
So I made it through today. My feet are so swollen they hurt! I could barely walk upstairs to bed just now. I'm definitely mentioning all to OB when I see her Monday morning. I'll be in bed this weekend.

I just had a finger prick last Monday for anemia and it was fine.
My Strep B came back negative, too.

My insurance gave me the in-network provider for a breast pump and they don't even have it in the store since they barely deal with them! I have hard time believing that and I think my insurance gave me one that was close to my house, not a decent durable medical place I could order online. This one has 1 pump and the guy couldn't even tell me the brand. Arg. OB office faxed script today so we'll see what I get. Hoping it's not really needed much...

I'm in Florida and you don't want too much heat. I'm sweating through everything. Ew.

Had several comments this week from co-workers: "Wow you're so huge." My reply: "Yeah, I own a mirror." :growlmad:
I just now fell asleep during my acupuncture appointment. I am afraid I snored. &#128584;
Wow you ladies are getting so close, I feel a bit behind as I'm only just over 35 weeks. I'm happy for this one to come a little early but only by a week lol as my daughter's birthday party is on the 12th May and I need to get that sorted and have a little rest after!

I started taking raspberry leaf capsules, just 2 a day, might up it a bit at 37 weeks.
I'm still out walking etc as I have dogs to walk and the school runs...although I drive for some of them &#128513; your reply about having a mirror &#128514; definitely agree about getting checked out with seeing stars and your blood pressure. Mine is pretty low so the consultant said if it got near 125 over something then they would be taking me in as mine sits around 100/60.

Best get ready as my little boy has a waterbabies lesson and my daughter has a party...they have better social lives than me ha ha!! your reply about having a mirror &#128514; definitely agree about getting checked out with seeing stars and your blood pressure. Mine is pretty low so the consultant said if it got near 125 over something then they would be taking me in as mine sits around 100/60.

Haha, thanks.
Yeah, m BP cruises in the 90/50 or 100/60 range. To be almost 130/85 was high for me. No more stars since that day and going to do nothing this weekend.
I'll definitely mention it Monday morning.
YAY Ricschick!! 1 more week till early term!!

Ready I&#8217;ve heard the burst of energy can mean labour soon. But I&#8217;m still pregnant over here! I&#8217;ve also heard one or two quiet days for babe (not as much movement) before labour can happen as they&#8217;re resting up for the big event!? But obviously no one experiences the same type of pregnancy so it could mean something or it could not!

I honestly do not feel close to labour at all. I&#8217;m really really hoping her birthday is next week. But I remember with my last baby, 2 days before she was born I had this really tangible feeling of &#8220;I cannot believe this baby is still in me at all&#8221;. Like I didn&#8217;t know what could be possibly keeping her in she felt so low and heavy on my cervix. And then she was born like 36 hrs later. So I&#8217;m kind of waiting for that &#8220;super ready&#8221; feeling. But I would really like her birthday to be in the April 20&#8217;s so this week would be ideal. That&#8217;s silly I know. May 1 would be nice too. I like April 25 or 27 too. My other girls are odd number days so another odd number would be good. Haha the weird things you think about at the end.

My bible study friends threw me a baby shower last night, which I totally wasn&#8217;t expecting as it&#8217;s our third, but they gave me some lovely stuff and a gift card for a baby shop and lots of diapers! I barely had a baby shower for my first so this was really sweet although I felt a little awkward being my third! The girl who threw it loves parties and she&#8217;s older and they couldn&#8217;t have kids so I think she just wanted to celebrate. Anyways it was sweet.
Happy 36 weeks Ricschick! Nearly there.

Chel and yazzy, your blood pressures are really low. So weird how large the 'normal' range is for people. I'm usually around the 130/70 mark. Completely 'average'. I think I'd be on the floor with a 100/60 bp haha

Reiko I would like a May 4th baby. Big ole nerd here haha. But tbh I'm not fussy. Another baby born on the 2nd would be nice as well. I always liked that my mum and my DS shared a birth 'day', her the 2nd of March and him the 2nd of Dec.

That's lovely about your bible group throwing you a baby shower. That's really sweet.

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