~*May Miracles 2020*~

Missielibra unfortunately I broke every rule last time so am expecting to this time aswell, my waters broke just before I was 10cm, my contractions were slightly irregular throughout my labour despite progressing really quite quickly, my contractions were always only in my belly and moving around made them hurt less. Despite all that I was 100% in labour and labouring quickly! Unfortunately I pretty much have to guess if I’m in labour based on how long it’s been happening for and whether or not I can feel dilation :rofl:
Hah . I feel you on certain things.
When I came in they were like oh its gonna be 16 hours minimum. And they werent coming to check me because I was "crazy" to think it was happening. Got into it with the nurse and almost delivered in the hallway because they didnt believe me that from 2 to 4am I had gone from like 1cm no contractions to 10cm go time haha...

Labor will do what labor wants!

Did you lose your mucus plug last time? Could be an indication? Im not a fan of checking too much before term because I am scared it'll provoke things haha. Maybe you could mention it next time to midwife? She might see you if theres a risk of preterm labour
I do think my body is starting to get geared up for labour going by the pains I get but I know it could still be weeks away!

My midwife called me this morning. My appointment has been moved from the GP surgery to the local children's centre a bit further down the road. It's on Thursday instead of Tuesday now so having to wait an extra two days for the check up. At least I'll be bang on 38 weeks!
Sorry you have to wait a little longer for your apt Jary :hugs:
It does sound like things are gearing up tho. FX for you that it happens soon
Thanks Missie, I wanted to be able to talk to her about the growth scan I'd had and make sure bubs wasn't growing too much but I did mention it over the phone and she did reassure me a bit about it and said we will talk about it more on Thursday so I feel a bit better about it.

I don't know what baby girl is doing in my tummy today but she's been quite a bouncer and I think she's got her hands low down because I feel lots of wriggling little limbs :lol: I wonder if she's a thumb sucker like her sister!
See I'm worried I won't know at first if I'm having contractions. With my first my water went before contractions started and they were all in my back as she was back to back. So I have no idea what theyll feel like in the front and this baby is on the left side so not back to back.

I've some lower tummy cramps and backache in the evenings which accompany BH but only happen a couple of times and then they go.

Anyone getting swelling now? I get slight finger swelling in the morning but they go down after a while and last night I started getting that feeling in my legs like they're going to start swelling. Didn't get any fluid retention but in my first pregnancy I had it in the last week of it and I'm sure it's going to happen again soon!
Oh man I also was back to back with my son and holy hell that was painful! All the birthing classes I took with my husband seemed like a joke -chewing ice, rubbing back, etc. I was curled up in a fetal position cursing until my epidural (which was 12 hours after the contractions started!). So I feel for you Jary, lol.

Yes, definitely getting swelling. With my first I was bloated with a double chin starting around 7 months pregnant but this time around it started a couple weeks ago. My mouth also swells up and I get a little bit of a lisp. Very ready for this to be over.

How's everyone sleeping? I get 5 hours a night at most...the nighttime bloating and restless legs keep me up until midnight, 1 or 2, then at 4 I wake up because I'm super hungry, don't fall back to sleep until an hour later, then my son wakes up at 7 and I have to tend to him. I'm soooo tired,
Ive been pretty lucky swelling wise. Altho I look like a got a lip job. Haha. It was the same with DS1.

My sleep is horrible. Cant nap during the day cause of DS1. Then at night I manage to fall asleep around 11-12. Then I wake up minimum 4 to 5 times to pee...and then I'm just awake and baby is kicking and I just cant go back to sleep.
The back labour sucked balls!! Lmao!

I didn't have an epidural as I have a fear of anything near my spine so I just had pethidine and gas & air. Must have been mad :lol:

And the facial swelling cnote that sounds a bit scary?! I don't think I've had swelling anywhere else that I've noticed. Hopefully none of us will get it too badly as we've come so far now lol.
Haha, I feel you Jary, I was scared of it too.

And didn't have time to get one anyway, and by the time the nurse believed me, it was too late for all other type of pain relieving methods, so natural birth... haha. I wanted to punch that nurse.
Omg I do NOT know how you guys did it naturally! ...by choice! You ladies are far stronger than I, I'm such a wimp when it comes to pain. I'm counting on that epidural lol. But I have friends who didn't have time with their 2nd and 3rd babies, the labor progressed so quickly. Ooof, I don't even wanna think about it!

Missie, the face swelling happened last time too, it's water weight. As soon as I had my son, my lisp went away, thank god. But the double chin remained lol, that'll take some work to get rid of (again). Since the quarantine I've definitely plumped up a bit. I was walking 3 miles a day until a couple months ago...I miss exercise =/
I wanted naturally, then I didnt, and then well, no choice to do it that way anyway haha!
They do say subsequent labours are faster! And since mine was 3 hours, my doc just told me, bearing any complications, you're never gonna have time to have it haha... so I've just learned to make my peace with it. I did bite the CRAP out of my husband tho! hahaha.

Oh god, I know. Nothing to do but eat. I was doing pool 3x a week, my prenatal yoga and my preggers cardio class, and now nothing. I mean, they made them available online (yoga and cardio), but I'm on bed rest so... not good! haha. I've gained more in 3 weeks than I did in like 3 months of pregnancy hahah!
Lol Missie!!! I remember my midwives being pretty good with the pain relief when I needed it. I'd love a pool birth this time as I've heard it's really helpful for pain.
So c-section scheduled to happen tomorrow morning and my water broke tonight so I am currently at hospital where they monitoring me as I have Braxton-Hicks but no actual contractions (I think since there isn’t any pain?)
Ohmygod Aphy! I'll be sending you positive vibes. Are they gonna go ahead with a c-section still? You get to meet your LO soon!!
Thinking of you Aphy! Can't wait to see your updates. You've got this! :hugs:
At this stage c-section likely to still happen at 7am as initially planned unless I start getting proper contractions during the night then they will do it immediately. They have given me injection now to try relax the Braxton-Hicks and make me drowsy so it’s a wait-and-see. Will send photos once he is here, whenever that will be!
We will all be thinking of you :hugs:
Good luck, and only a bit more until you're holding him in your arms!
Aphy! That’s amazing! The planned date is exactly when your body and baby were ready!

Praying that you get rest and that everything isn’t a rush. So excited to see your baby boy!
Oh wow congrats Aphy!!!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes and possibly see a few squishy newborn pictures!!
Omg Aphy, it’s happening!!! How exciting!! Wowowow after all these months you get to meet your lil man! Crossing fingers for a straight forward delivery be it c-section or otherwise! You got this! Can’t wait to see some pics!

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