~*May Miracles 2020*~

Ouch Missie, sorry to hear that but really glad you and the baby are okay! I think having contractions is okay as long as youre not dilating and your water didn't break? Scary though I know...keep us posted.
Thank you everyone :hugs: I was sent home. I'm not losing fluid, baby is hyperactive haha, and contractions were staying 5 mins apart and I wasnt feeling half of them... so who knows.

Dont think 40 weeks is in my future, but that's been clear for a while. I had been optimistic lately thinking 37 was in the cards, now I am just praying I will make it to 36!
Hopefully they'll settle down and baby will just happily wiggle away in there!

I've given up on sleep. Too uncomfortable.... I mean who needs sleep right?! Lol
Hopefully they'll settle down and baby will just happily wiggle away in there!

I've given up on sleep. Too uncomfortable.... I mean who needs sleep right?! Lol
Jary, I totally feel your pain. I got like 1 hour of sleep last night literally, after getting maybe 3-5 hours max every night before that for the last week. It was so frustrating hearing my husband and my son snore all night while I watched the hours tick by. Really hoping some sleep is in our future!

Missie I'm glad you're okay! 36 weeks...37...who's counting ;) he'll come out when he's ready!
I've decided to come downstairs and have a cup of tea and watch TV. It's 5am here now. I really hope I can sleep better tonight!

I think even after having my DD and being awake with nightfeeds etc I was happier because my pelvic pain was gone and I could move easier! So I'll take the sleepless newborn nights over this any day!

And my BH have been ongoing for the last few hours, had pain lower down too and back pain which got worse with BH but I think it's just pain from my SPD which just gets worse when I contract. I don't think it's anything productive unfortunately lol.

On a brighter side, tonight or tomorrow will be the Lyrid meteor shower that fly past the constellation of Lyra. That is going to be our baby's name so I think it's pretty sweet that it's happening close to her coming into the world!
Ugh, sorry sleep wasn't in the cards. On the bright side, you get a little you time with a cup of tea? I always like waking up before everyone else to enjoy the early morning, check emails. Doesn't have the same satisfaction when you're dead tired though. Hope you sleep better tonight.

Lyra is an awesome name, what a great choice! So pretty and unique! Super cool the shower is happening right before her birth =D
It's nice having a bit of me time although I do miss sleep!! Lol.

My husband came down to check on me as he woke and I wasn't there bless him.

And thank you :) we took a while to decide on the name as hubs wasn't sure at first but he's come around to it.
Oh no Missie, sorry you fell, so glad to hear you are okay though and fingers crossed baby stays put for a bit longer for you!!!
Thank you :hugs:

Jary, I hope you managed to get some sleep!
I was up most of the night with cramping,but it seems better now!
Missie, that must have been a scare! I am glad you and bubs are ok and I am holding thumbs you make it as late as possible...

Jary, I love that name, it’s beautiful! Glad hubby came around on it I hope your SPD calms down soon

We otherwise doing good. Hopefully I can be discharged by Thursday. Experiencing some internal cramping currently but that’s the uterus and also gastro like cramps but I will survive it. Sucks that hubby can’t be here though. It’s so strange for me to look down at baba and see brown hair my first is blonde
Thanks Aphy! :hugs:

I hope they let you and cutiepie go home by thursday! Haha is your husband the one with the dark hair? Or do you both have light hair?

It might change! DS1 had black hair (I have brown, DH has BLACK ABYSS latino hair haha) and now he is dark blonde hahahaha! Maybe he will lengthen up too as time goes on? You seem to have very very blonde hair!

Sorry you're having some pains, but I am glad you're okay overall!

Jary I missed the name! Its such a beautiful name and Im so happy to hear your husband came around to it!
@Jary, Lyra was my first choice for my first girl! I always wanted a name that is connected to stars or planets. My hubby vetoed it since its the Turkish currency, but I am still sour about that. We named our girl Leila in the end meaning dark night or dark beauty which is as close to a night sky reference that I could push him :haha:

@missie, I am glad that you are starting to feel better. Little boy must just grow a bit more, sending you all the good vibes!

@Aphy, my first had black hair at birth, but it all fell out and is only now returning in a light brown colour. But I am also struggling with the idea of having a baby that it different from my first, must be an interesting feeling. Fingers crossed that you get discharged soon. <3
Thanks ladies! I just feel its right for her even tho I haven't met her yet!

Aphy my daughters hair was black when she was born but now it's dark brown like mine. I'd love to have a red haired girl as my husband has a beautiful rich auburn colour but chances are the brown genes will stay dominant lol.
Aphy my son had red hair when he was born! I’m dirty blonde and hubby is lighter blonde so we were pretty amused. Over time his hair turned into a beautiful light beige and it’s still that color. I miss his red hair sometimes though! It did suit him.
I’m the blonde and hubby is brunette. DS hair is slowly starting to darken now into a darker blonde so will see what he ends up with eventually. Hubby apparently was blonde at birth but is now fully brunette so who knows?
Evie came out with jet black hair (like me) and has ended up a dark golden blonde like hubby
Finlo had brown hair at birth but it went very blonde, as my husband’s was as a child. He’s now brunette, so expecting Finlo to get darker too.
Finlo also has amazing blue eyes. They are so stunning. Both Robert and I have dark brown eyes and were both born with brown eyes, which is unusual.

Kirree was born with black hair but it has lightened up and is now medium brown with chestnut highlights, exactly how mine was as a child. Kirree’s eyes started off dark blue, then went hazel. Sometimes they look green.

I predict this one will have dark hair and dark eyes.

I have a scan on Thursday to see if this baby has turned. I don’t think it has yet, but I’m still hoping it does in the next 2 weeks. I’ll be 38 weeks on Thursday and the c section will be booked for 40 weeks. I’m trying to find ways to give myself some control if it does come to that, but it’s killing me inside to imagine it.
Oh Ellie lots of hugs to you! I hope baby has turned - I'd feel the same about a section, but the way I've been thinking about it should this little lady decide to flip back and I have to have a section, it'll be planned so itll be calm, plus there's no rush for recover due to the virus lockdown. I know you have little ones which make it harder but I'm sure no matter what happens you'll be fine!
Finlo had brown hair at birth but it went very blonde, as my husband’s was as a child. He’s now brunette, so expecting Finlo to get darker too.
Finlo also has amazing blue eyes. They are so stunning. Both Robert and I have dark brown eyes and were both born with brown eyes, which is unusual.

Kirree was born with black hair but it has lightened up and is now medium brown with chestnut highlights, exactly how mine was as a child. Kirree’s eyes started off dark blue, then went hazel. Sometimes they look green.

I predict this one will have dark hair and dark eyes.

I have a scan on Thursday to see if this baby has turned. I don’t think it has yet, but I’m still hoping it does in the next 2 weeks. I’ll be 38 weeks on Thursday and the c section will be booked for 40 weeks. I’m trying to find ways to give myself some control if it does come to that, but it’s killing me inside to imagine it.
Ellie, my husband also has stunning blue eyes and both his parents have brown eyes. I call him the milkman baby! :lol:
But really, he looks a lot like his grandpa who is blonde/blue-eyed like him. Genetics is so amazing. I have a latina friend who has a little boy with strawberry hair and green eyes (father also latino). When we all go out together everyone thinks he's my kid since I'm fair with blue eyes, lol.
My son came out with dark brown hair, his hair was white blonde by 6 months and is showing no signs of darkening. I'm blonde and looking at my baby pics our hair is identical!! He has my husbands blues eyes luckily, mine are hazel. Really hoping this baby gets blonde hair and blue eyes too!!!

I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and I am so done being pregnant now!!

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