~*May Miracles 2020*~

So tonight I cried over dinner. My feet are no longer looking like mine as they're swelling, BH have been ongoing all day and getting more intense, my bump hurts.... It feels sore and when baby moves it just adds to the soreness.

Baby love I am with you.....i am very very done with being pregnant [-(
Oh the pain from movements now is insane!! I do not remember this with my son, maybe I've blanked it out.

I've literally just finished work, had a set of minutes that I needed to do and they've ben keeping me up at night worrying I won't get them done!! I'd tried in the day but with a 3 year old it was impossible. Anyway I bit the bullet and waited for him to go to bed then I got stuck in, I feel amazing that they are done now and I can rest easy. My handover notes are done too so if I go into labour right now I feel at peace with how I've left things at work. Phew!!

Sorry, its been bothering me so much lately I just needed to get it done!!
I’m not anywhere near ready for this pregnancy to end. Maybe because it’s still the wrong way around, maybe because it’s my last baby, maybe because I’m scared of how it will be having a newborn home during lockdown. I could happily keep this one cooking for another few months!

Symptom-wise, since I started omeprazole and got my heartburn under control, things are relatively easy. I walk up to 4 miles a day and the longer walks do make my pelvic bone sore, but mostly it’s ok. If I sit on the floor (which I do too often), Robert has to help me up. I mean, I can get myself up, but it’s quite difficult and I prefer to let him help me!
Sleep is hit and miss now. I’ve not napped in the day for a while and night is usually quite broken up, but I don’t feel as tired now as I did months ago. It’s 4am now and I’ve been awake for an hour or so, but I’m enjoying the quiet time to watch YouTube and catch up on social media.
I swell a little in the hands and feet when I get too warm, but nothing like I did last time.

I’ve been harvesting colostrum using little 1ml syringes I got from my midwife. I’ve got about 5ml so far. Some days I can get a full 1ml, other days only 0.5ml. If I do have to have a c section, it will be good to help my milk come in and also to have a few feeds for that first night if we are separated for any reason.


A friend crocheted me an umbilical tie. I’ve gone for rainbow theme as it is a symbol of hope for the end of the pandemic. Also, although Finlo was our “proper” rainbow baby, I kind of see all of them as being my rainbow tribe. I don’t know if the hospital will let us use it, but it can go in the memory box anyway and it is so pretty. She sent me a picture today and she will send it out once it’s been boiled. I’ll boil it again and freeze it wet in a ziplock bag, ready to bring in the cool bag with the colostrum.

How are everyone’s name choices going? We finally sorted out middle names this week. Both our kids have a Manx name they are known by (Robert’s family is from the Isle of Man) and 2 middle names, so we’ve kept that for this one. Also, we like to use family names and I’m so happy with the ones we’ve picked this time. I am so excited to have stayed Team Yellow this time and cannot wait to find out! If I do have a c section, they have said they will lower the drapes so I can see it being born and see the sex first.
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We have our name picked out, I'm feeling quite smug about it as my son was nameless for a week or so :haha: I've even been tempted to buy something personalised for her nursery but have held off just in case....I am female after all so prone to changing my mind!
I love that umbilical tie Ellie! So cute!

I've started harvesting colostrum too. It's mainly in case hubs needs to take baby for an hour or so in the night so I can nap as it helped last time and if she gets fussy he can offer her the colostrum. My DD was on me practically all night to help with my milk coming in lol. Which I know they have to do but it was hard going!
I’m not anywhere near ready for this pregnancy to end. Maybe because it’s still the wrong way around, maybe because it’s my last baby, maybe because I’m scared of how it will be having a newborn home during lockdown. I could happily keep this one cooking for another few months!

Symptom-wise, since I started omeprazole and got my heartburn under control, things are relatively easy. I walk up to 4 miles a day and the longer walks do make my pelvic bone sore, but mostly it’s ok. If I sit on the floor (which I do too often), Robert has to help me up. I mean, I can get myself up, but it’s quite difficult and I prefer to let him help me!
Sleep is hit and miss now. I’ve not napped in the day for a while and night is usually quite broken up, but I don’t feel as tired now as I did months ago. It’s 4am now and I’ve been awake for an hour or so, but I’m enjoying the quiet time to watch YouTube and catch up on social media.
I swell a little in the hands and feet when I get too warm, but nothing like I did last time.

I’ve been harvesting colostrum using little 1ml syringes I got from my midwife. I’ve got about 5ml so far. Some days I can get a full 1ml, other days only 0.5ml. If I do have to have a c section, it will be good to help my milk come in and also to have a few feeds for that first night if we are separated for any reason.
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View attachment 1081134

A friend crocheted me an umbilical tie. I’ve gone for rainbow theme as it is a symbol of hope for the end of the pandemic. Also, although Finlo was our “proper” rainbow baby, I kind of see all of them as being my rainbow tribe. I don’t know if the hospital will let us use it, but it can go in the memory box anyway and it is so pretty. She sent me a picture today and she will send it out once it’s been boiled. I’ll boil it again and freeze it wet in a ziplock bag, ready to bring in the cool bag with the colostrum.
View attachment 1081135

How are everyone’s name choices going? We finally sorted out middle names this week. Both our kids have a Manx name they are known by (Robert’s family is from the Isle of Man) and 2 middle names, so we’ve kept that for this one. Also, we like to use family names and I’m so happy with the ones we’ve picked this time. I am so excited to have stayed Team Yellow this time and cannot wait to find out! If I do have a c section, they have said they will lower the drapes so I can see it being born and see the sex first.

I’ve seen you on bumps on lockdown on Facebook!!! I remember this cord tie being posted!!!!
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Ellie, saving you colostrum is a great idea! That’ll make it easier to breast feed right away.

I’ve had 3 sections, (waiting on my 4th), and each time I was able to breastfeed right away. My milk came in on day 2/3... but doing what you’re doing would have made day 1 smoother for sure!

Aphy, I’m glad all is well! Your LO looks so chubby and cute! What’s his name? (I think I missed it)

I am very much over this pregnancy! The SPD is preventing me from sleeping through the nights, and I’d take newborn sleeplessness over waking through the night from the pain! :?
I am so sorry the last weeks are being so hard on you :hugs:

babylove, good news on the notes being done! It'll let you relax a little more while you wait for LO to arrive! It is hard to get anything done with a young one around!

ellie, that umbilical cord tie is absolutely adorable! Good job on collecting the colostrum! I really wish I could do that, but I don't need to be doing anything that'll bring forth more contractions! I hope the little one is turned and head snuggled in your pelvis by now!

Tishy, I sympathize with the SPD, I *cannot* anymore!

I was up from 1am to 5am, I was *convinced* this baby was coming. Ouf. 37 weeks cannot be here soon enough. I never sleep anymore. I'm just up all night in pain.
Luckily I managed to sleep better last night. It's really helped after the day I had yesterday.

The downside to today is that I was ready to build up the crib, but part of the base which has hollow screws bored into the wood have unfortunately been damaged - probably from the previous owners when they dismantled it. My FIL came over to pick is up (social distances kept!) as he's quite good with woodwork and general DIY. I'm hoping he can secure it because otherwise its been a waste of time. It took months for my mum to get it down to me as she's been busy and it's the only bedside crib that reaches our bed height and they don't sell them brand new anymore so we had to get it second hand. I have a new mattress for it too so I really don't want to have to scrap it.
That really sucks Jary. FX that your FIL can fix it up for you guys! At this point, it would be difficult to get another one and it would be such a waste!
Thanks Missie! Yes it would definitely be a waste! At the very least the crib part can still be used but just means I'll have to get out of bed and bend down to pick her up.
I’m so desperate for at least 5 hours of sleep. Last night I got less than 3. I get terrible restless legs, itching and bloating at night. Nothing helps. I know this will pass but I’m just so desperate for some sleep.
Not long to go cnote! We hit 38 weeks tomorrow! So hold on a bit longer and we will be tired new mummies but probably way more comfortable hehe!
I’m in hospital, on the monitor, they’re keeping me overnight which I’m really worried about, I didn’t bring anything with me, not a phone charger or anything. They aren’t happy with my tightenings.
Oh no kittykat I am so sorry huh :hugs:
If it helps, I was sent home despite having contractions every 5 mins for 4 hours (I mean its all the time but monitoring was 4 hours) :hugs: thinking of you. Keep us updated.

Can anyone bring you a charger, or maybe one of the nurses has one? A gift shop downstairs, they would let you go to for a few minutes?
I hope everything is ok Kittycat. The last few weeks are so worrying. Thinking of you <3
I hope they are going to send me home, tightenings have slowed and not as painful after they’ve taken the monitor off me so I can move around. I just don’t want to be here to be honest! As awful as that sounds I didn’t say goodbye to my husband or my daughter, I just leapt out the car without thinking, now I’m regretting that, I had a bit of a cry to be honest.

Not allowed to go get anything unfortunately, wish I could, a book or something, they’ve offered me food which I declined as don’t feel hungry but after a quick review of what I’ve eaten today I should have taken it, 300 calories isn’t enough really. I do sort of want a nap but if I go to sleep I’ll be here all night for definite
Thinking of you Kitty! Fingers crossed they are happy to let you go home, but if not and things keep happening you are still in the best place. Its not ideal being there on your own I know, but I'm sure they will look after you on the ward!
Hunger could also make it worse, so you should definitively eat! 300 is not enough! At the very least, (while not knowing your height weight, etc) you should be at 1650! Your stomach trying to contract, the air in your stomach and intestines can cause extra cramping and contractions.

I hope you can go back home :hugs:
Just sending you lots and lots of good vibes and positive thoughts kittykat.
:hugs: :hugs:
I know it sucks now, but you will get through this. Keep up the good spirits and send lots and lots of love to your little one. <3

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