I’m not anywhere near ready for this pregnancy to end. Maybe because it’s still the wrong way around, maybe because it’s my last baby, maybe because I’m scared of how it will be having a newborn home during lockdown. I could happily keep this one cooking for another few months!
Symptom-wise, since I started omeprazole and got my heartburn under control, things are relatively easy. I walk up to 4 miles a day and the longer walks do make my pelvic bone sore, but mostly it’s ok. If I sit on the floor (which I do too often), Robert has to help me up. I mean, I can get myself up, but it’s quite difficult and I prefer to let him help me!
Sleep is hit and miss now. I’ve not napped in the day for a while and night is usually quite broken up, but I don’t feel as tired now as I did months ago. It’s 4am now and I’ve been awake for an hour or so, but I’m enjoying the quiet time to watch YouTube and catch up on social media.
I swell a little in the hands and feet when I get too warm, but nothing like I did last time.
I’ve been harvesting colostrum using little 1ml syringes I got from my midwife. I’ve got about 5ml so far. Some days I can get a full 1ml, other days only 0.5ml. If I do have to have a c section, it will be good to help my milk come in and also to have a few feeds for that first night if we are separated for any reason.
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A friend crocheted me an umbilical tie. I’ve gone for rainbow theme as it is a symbol of hope for the end of the pandemic. Also, although Finlo was our “proper” rainbow baby, I kind of see all of them as being my rainbow tribe. I don’t know if the hospital will let us use it, but it can go in the memory box anyway and it is so pretty. She sent me a picture today and she will send it out once it’s been boiled. I’ll boil it again and freeze it wet in a ziplock bag, ready to bring in the cool bag with the colostrum.
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How are everyone’s name choices going? We finally sorted out middle names this week. Both our kids have a Manx name they are known by (Robert’s family is from the Isle of Man) and 2 middle names, so we’ve kept that for this one. Also, we like to use family names and I’m so happy with the ones we’ve picked this time. I am so excited to have stayed Team Yellow this time and cannot wait to find out! If I do have a c section, they have said they will lower the drapes so I can see it being born and see the sex first.