~*May Miracles 2020*~

I am sorry ellie! I hope LO turns, there is still time!
And if ever it does end up in c-section, I do hope they keep their promise, and it goes a lot better this time :hugs:
Ellie, it sounds like you have a great plan to have a positive c-section. I have heard of great c-sections, so I really believe it is possible! Still keeping fingers crossed for baby to turn though!
I'm generally becoming more excited for birth and I am just remembering that emotional high of when I first saw Leila. I can't believe that I still have weeks to wait to meet Nina...
(Not that my bag is packed or my home is remotely ready for a newborn... but hey, the heart wants what the heart wants)
Glad you're out Kitty and the contractions have calmed down.

Ellie sorry to hear the baby is still breech, but exciting to have a delivery date! If the baby doesn't turn by then, I'm sure they will honor your c-section wishes. Can't wait to hear what the gender is!
Well my boob ‘shells’ worked a treat... but I’ve put it in a bag not syringes (I haven’t been able to order any), have I just wasted precious colostrum because it’s in a bag not a syringe?

Also, I never collected with my daughter, I’m ashamed to say it just all got mopped up and washed/put in bin, is it supposed to be that yellow??? It looks like egg yolk colour!!
Yep! Colostrum is yellow! Good collect! Its not wasted in the bag. You could always transfer it to a spoon/bottle. People collect in syringue because its easy to give to the newborn without affecting breastfeeding.

Ive also been struggling to get em!
Kitty I’m so happy to hear that the contractions have stopped! Stay in there baby! At least 3 more weeks! [-o<

Ellie, I’m so sorry that baby hasn’t turned yet. Have you looked at different at home techniques for turning? I know there is one where you have your legs on the couch and hands on the ground, and your OH uses a towel to sway your tummy... it sounds weird 8-[, but there are videos on YouTube. I think gravity is supposed to help the baby flip.
I'm sorry baby hasn't turned yet Ellie :( she still might so there is still hope, but like the others said if she doesn't then you know she's coming on her due date!!

From what I've heard planned sections are quite nice and relaxed and it sounds like you have a great team there on hand!
Im a bit jealous of you all getting colostrum already. Last time it took about 5 days for my milk to come in after giving birth and I had to supplement with formula for the first week of her life. I really think that it was one of the big reasons why Leila never really latched and why I had to spend months and months pumping milk instead of being able to breastfeed.

I really want to start pumping already (or at least wear my Medela shells), but am just terrified that it will bring on early labour. Think I will wait until week 39 before going near my nipples. Am I scared for nothing? Should I try to get some milk? Or wait?
Blo I'm not getting much in the way of colostrum, but I'm not worried as I know it'll be there right after birth. My milk came on day 3 with my daughter - a huge amount! But she was cluster feeding from me almost constantly at night which is the most important time for getting baby latched. So I'd say try to get baby on you as much as possible in those early days and it should help with your milk. That and lots of skin to skin contact!
They do say that pumping or even manually squeezing milk out can provoke contractions. But if you're not anywhere near labour, it won't MAGICALLY bring about labor (you know how some people do all the <tricks> and it doesn't happen?) I'm not risking it because I'm already struggling to keep this baby contained haha. But you could do it now without risking to bring her about I'm fairly certain. My cousin was PUMPING and the kid wouldn't bulge (she also wasn't effaced or dilated...)
Bloblo, I’m jealous too. I got a boob job when I was 18, one of many many poor choices I made in early adulthood (although the job itself wasn’t bad just generally not done for right reasons) and despite what surgeons say, it absolutely affects breastfeeding. I tried very hard with my son to breastfeed but the milk just didn’t come out that much. I had to begin supplementing with formula his first week and by the end of his first month, he was exclusively on formula. I felt sad and ashamed but you know what, he’s brilliant and was never sickly etc., he turned out great. I’m gonna try and breastfeed this one but I’m totally prepared for the same outcome.
How’s everyone doing mentally? I am so sensitive right now, literally everything makes me cry. I feel really sorry for my husband, lol. Can’t tell if it’s hormones, or lack of sleep, or grappling with the changes I know are coming. I’m a mess!
Cnote I'm up and down like a roller-coaster! Most of the time I'm content and just a bit anxious about the changes the same as you, and then other times I'm upset for silly things or frustrated.

I feel bad for my DD as I havent done much homeschooling with her this week but I just can't bring myself to do it :(

Her teachers send stuff online to us and I've told them why I haven't been doing much and they are understanding thankfully - their headmaster worries more about their mental health so he doesn't want anyone to feel pressured.
I’m a mess emotionally today. I think I’m starting to grieve the birth I wanted and it’s hit me that it’s not going to happen. It’s even made me consider having a fourth baby ](*,)](*,)

I’m also very swollen and hot. I spent some time lying with a fan on me this afternoon and it helped. I’m a bit worried though, as my blood pressure in pregnancy is usually 120/80 at the highest and yesterday it was 136/90. They have asked me to go back next week to check it. I am thinking of ringing Labour Ward tonight, but I’m worried that they will try to bring the c section forward a week if I go in and it’s high again. Also, I checked my own cervix last night and it’s about 2cm dilated. If they find out, they won’t be happy because they are terrified I’m going to go into labour with a breech baby. I’ve not had any contractions though, so I’m not worried. I just want to give this baby the best possible chance to suddenly realise how it’s meant to lie and get head down.

Oh, just thought I’d mention that I am a trained breastfeeding peer supporter. I don’t push it on anyone but I’m always here if anyone would like any support or any new ideas to try out. I can help via zoom too if you like.
Ellie did they say what type of breech she is? If she's in a type that can be delivered naturally then they might not worry so much if you do go into labour.

I know I would feel exactly the same if I was in your position - I really wouldn't like a section so although I haven't experienced it, I can understand why you are grieving the birth you had planned :hugs:

Im still a bit anxious because my waters went first last time and I really don't want that again, so I'm praying that contractions start first with this baby and the delivery can hopefully be more straightforward.
It’s frank breech, which is the best possible option for a vaginal birth. But they don’t want to let me try it because of previous caesarean (not sure what difference that makes) and I also had a third degree tear 19 months ago with second birth. I’m quite scared of things like head entrapment and cord prolapse. Finlo’s swimming teacher delivered a breech baby (they didn’t know it was breech) and things went very wrong. The baby died soon after due to being deprived of oxygen. I’d not forgive myself if that happened. C section is more risky for mum but less risky for baby.
Yeah I suppose it would be more reassuring for you to have the section.

Childbirth is so full of uncertainty sometimes!! It certainly isn't easy but as long as both mum and baby are safe that's the most important thing :)
Thanks for the advice ladies. I think I will hold off until my appointment next week and then start trying to pump (maybe just with the manual pump?). I had such a difficult time emotionally with breastfeeding last time and spent a huuuuuuge amount of money on different lactation consultants, different pumps, different gadgets to change my nipple shapes etc and in the end Leila just refused my breasts and it became a great big struggle until I finally gave up after 10 weeks of trying. I was then exclusively pumping for what seems like forever and managed to give her breastmilk (supplementing with formula) until right before her first birthday when my supply dried up. I just can't go through that again. I want to do everything in my power to set us up for success, but if there is no latching in the first week, I will go straight to formula. I gave up a lot of snuggle time with Leila because I had to put her down to pump.
Anyway... breastfeeding and pumping is my only regret out of ALL my parenting decisions in the past 2 years, so please ignore this long emotional rant.

@cnote, I guess the fact that I am emotionally ranting answers your question on how it is going here :haha: Im pretty much a hormonal mess. Generally I am in good spirits and I feel ok physically, but I do get crazy hormone rushes that last for a few hours at a time.

@ellie, I think it is good and even healthy to grieve the loss of the birth you wanted. I went through the same grieving process when I found out that dh won't meet Nina until she is 3 daysnold and that I need to be alone in a hospital full of people who don't speak English. But I came out on the other side with positivity and even excitement for the parts of birth that WILL BE as I wanted. So grieve as much as you need to, and then try to shift focus onto the good, magical parts. You will get to look that newborn in the eyes and you will find out the gender and you will get to hold him/her for a good long time. <3
Hope that the blood pressure resolves on it's own, do you have a way to check it without going in to the hospital? Perhaps at a pharmacy?
I think no matter what, something is triggering.

I didn't have a breastfeeding issue, or a labour issue but I had a post birth issue. DS1 was born so fast, he still had the liquid in his lungs. So suddenly, he was a few hours old, they were whisking him away, x-ray, incubator. No one explained to me anything properly (like that if he didnt get IV he'd dehydrate, and have to stay even longer, so I didnt know it was important he got it). We ended up there 5 days. The doctor on call told me 20 hours after birth, stop asking me when he can go home, its only bothering you. You're no one to your baby, he doesnt care if you're here or not. Not a good thing to say to a very hormonal new mom who just gave birth. I never cried so hard in my whole life. I felt like a failure as a mom... and I had just started! How could I fail him already. Anyway. I am apprehensive for this part. I am scared it'll happen again since they keep telling me labor will be even faster. As Blo said, I try to see the positive. Maybe breastfeeding went so well because I was there so long with like 3 nurses supporting me and helping me through it for 5 days. Who knows. So silver lining.

But I know I have to let the anxiety go because... at the end of the day? Its not something I can control.

And yes, to answer, I am also a hormonal mess aha. I'm either snapping or crying.
Thanks for the advice ladies. I think I will hold off until my appointment next week and then start trying to pump (maybe just with the manual pump?). I had such a difficult time emotionally with breastfeeding last time and spent a huuuuuuge amount of money on different lactation consultants, different pumps, different gadgets to change my nipple shapes etc and in the end Leila just refused my breasts and it became a great big struggle until I finally gave up after 10 weeks of trying. I was then exclusively pumping for what seems like forever and managed to give her breastmilk (supplementing with formula) until right before her first birthday when my supply dried up. I just can't go through that again. I want to do everything in my power to set us up for success, but if there is no latching in the first week, I will go straight to formula. I gave up a lot of snuggle time with Leila because I had to put her down to pump.
Anyway... breastfeeding and pumping is my only regret out of ALL my parenting decisions in the past 2 years, so please ignore this long emotional rant.

@cnote, I guess the fact that I am emotionally ranting answers your question on how it is going here :haha: Im pretty much a hormonal mess. Generally I am in good spirits and I feel ok physically, but I do get crazy hormone rushes that last for a few hours at a time.

@ellie, I think it is good and even healthy to grieve the loss of the birth you wanted. I went through the same grieving process when I found out that dh won't meet Nina until she is 3 daysnold and that I need to be alone in a hospital full of people who don't speak English. But I came out on the other side with positivity and even excitement for the parts of birth that WILL BE as I wanted. So grieve as much as you need to, and then try to shift focus onto the good, magical parts. You will get to look that newborn in the eyes and you will find out the gender and you will get to hold him/her for a good long time. <3
Hope that the blood pressure resolves on it's own, do you have a way to check it without going in to the hospital? Perhaps at a pharmacy?

Is there any way to get them to reconsider? If you don’t speak the language surely they can allow a ‘translator’ in the form of your husband!

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