May Mummy's 2012


Clare don't worry about the dummy, I gave Will one and beat myself up over it for ages, we took it off him at five and half months and it was fine, never looked back! If it does the job now and soothes her then enjoy a happy baby. ava has been really unsettled tonight, not sure what's up. Think it might be wind. She seems to be quite sicky at the moment, I think it's because my milk is full on in and it comes out so fast she fills up and then it all comes back up with the wind.

The itching is still miserable and doesn't peak until night time. I'd rather give birth than do this! Been to the dr's but they don't seem overly interest and not sure what it is. I have some steriods but not really doing anything for it. I'll have to go back once the course is finished if it's not improved. I've looked it up online and it seems to be PUPPS, which you normally get while pregnant. Seems exactly like it. Think the dr's thought I was really annoying when I made out I'd self diagnosed online. Thing is I'm scratching my stretch marks so hard, I'm worried I'm doing more damage to my skin. I'm having to sleep with cold flanels all over me lol.

Lollipopbop, love the nursery, it's gorgeous!!

Hi Lara!

Beautiful pic rara x

Hope you all have a good night xx
Thanks girls, he's only been in there twice haha!

Clare - don't stress about the dummy. I'd never been a fan of dummies but they do actually reccommend using one in the first few months to prevent
SIDS so that's made me feel better about using one. We use it sparingly and Johnny rarely takes it but it is handy for when he won't settle!

LC - really hope those steroids work, sounds bloody awful! Poor you xo
Thanks ladies for helping to ease my guilt!! It did work like a treat mind.. Think I've been letting her feed to often mistaking her cries for hunger!

Are the steroids kicking in vicky?

Bought some infacol today to see if it helps Emily. I feel she has a bit of trapped wind at times and hate seeing her in pain when I can't do anything for her xx
I've been told the doctor brown bottles are really good for stopping colic, I know you all bf but if you are expressing and having trouble with colic could be with a shot? I've just bought some so here's hoping they do the trick!
Clare i'd love Logan to take a dummy but he's having none of it! Desperately trying to get him sleeping in his moses basket during the day, not working yet.

It won't let me upload a photo for some reason, says the files too big but I've got some lovely pics of him in his carrier.

How's everyone dealing with the lack of sleep? I was so close to getting some formula today, he literally is hanging off my boob all day! Starting to slowly lose the plot a bit now, especially with hubby going back to work on wednesday.

How's everyone else feeling? Am I the only one where things seem to be getting harder instead of easier? xx
Irish, I felt exactly the same with Will. It will get easier but concentrate on small victories. Ava slept in her bouncer, the night before last and then in her moses basket last night but only until about 4 am, I put her into her chair again after that. It's not ideal but you will get there. I worried about everything with Will but half the time they come round on their own you needn't have stressed about it. Ava is feeding to sleep, which is something that bothered me last time but this time, I'm not worried at all. They have so many phases and they all pass. Just when you think you've cracked it there will be something else, that'll catch you out.

Clare the itching is still so bad, it's like hives all over my body. I've had to cut my nails of to stop me doing too much damage. Back to the dr tomorrow for blood tests.

Infacol is great stuff, I went through masses of it with Will. Ava seems to bring her wind up better, although I have to make a conscious effort to get her to burp. It's def a myth that bf babies don't get wind. Have you tried laying her across your knee for five minutes, the very slowly bringing her to sitting, seems to help Ava. I could never wind DS though, he kept onto his.

Hope you've all had a nice day xx
Hi ladies haven't had chance to get on for ages. Lollipop I love your nursery it's so trendy! Feel so sorry for you LC with the itching it's hard enough work having a baby without that, hope you get on ok with the blood tests!
I tried my hardest to get dd and ds1 to take a dummy but they had none of it. I spent a fortune on all of the different types.
Irish the only reason I am finding it so easy is because it's my 3rd and I'm so laid back with him this time also he is a really good baby. I am blessed lol (probably saving himself for the terrible twos lol)
That's a beautiful picture of your baby girl ra! Loving the headband!

Have a lovely day ladies. :flower:

(I give up trying to correct the word prediction so I apologise if it's all jib bearish < see what I mean - jibberish lol)
How's everyone doing today?

Finally think I've cracked it and have Emily falling asleep in her moses basket! She is now having naps in it during the day and is settling much better at night in it.. I raised one end of it so that she isn't lying totally flat - don't know if this has anything to do with it though!

Just praying now that she gets her days and nights round the right way and gets out of this nocturnal phase!!

Anyways, hope you are all well and enjoying spending precious time with your little ones xx
Well done for getting Emily into her moses basket! What did you use to prop one side up? Logan will sometimes settle in his if he's on his side - he sleeps loads better when we've been out so we're taking the dogs on lots of walks! I've started walking everywhere with him which is working well for losing the baby weight!

Nightime he's still in with me which is working out pretty well for us. I'm struggling a bit with breastfeeding though, feeling a bit tied down & i worry about going out as I can never predict when he'll need feeding.

Vicki - how are you feeling now?
That's great Clare, glad Emily is settling better in her moses basket. We have ours tilted too, not sure it make much of a difference but some night's she's great and others she's in with me.

Irish, Logan will settle with the bfing and then you'll know when he needs feeding. Will got into a four hour pattern pretty quickly and you can get quite a lot done between them then. Ava is already getting much more efficient and taking a feed more quickly. Choking on it all the way. I think that helps you to feel better about it. sometimes I have moments when I think, arghhh I haven't got the energy, but it didn't last long last time, then I really enjoyed it. I get my boobs out anywhere lol!!

She seems to wriggle in pain a bit, not sure if it's wind or if she's slightly constipated. There seems to be a lot of effort for not a great deal. I'm sure Will produced a lot more.

My dreaded itch still looks horrible and is madly itchy. Think I've just got to wait it out now, got some Pine Tar soap, it stinks but I'm willing to try anything!!

Hope you're all having a nice day xx
Hey, can i join you ladies, my little girl was born on the 23 of may shes been fab so far and is gaining weight but i am finding the broken sleep hard:coffee:

Hi hun :) congrats on the birth of your little girl. I had a boy on 26th may he was 1 week 1 day over and had to have emergency c section as discovered he was breech the little monkey :)

Hope were all well today. I'm getting so fed up of this crappy weather. Dying to take my boys a walk to the park whine dd at school but got no chance!
Mare I did go out with Logan and my 2 dogs & it started with thunder & lightening while we were out! I seemed to be the only one bothered though, Logan was wrapped up all cosy and the dogs went in every puddle they found (not great for my sofas when we got home!!)

I really hope this doesn't jinx anything but guess who's asleep in his moses basket?!!!

How's everyone else doing? I got 5 hours sleep last night & it's amazing how different I feel after sleep! Can you believe it's been over a month since we started with our "miserable and overdue" thread?! xx
Yea it rained a lot here today too but went out for a walk anyway with Lexi all wrapped up and cosy, needed to de-stress after her dad being an idiot! Lol
This weather is rubbish.. Rain is far too heavy here to go out with the pram!!

Tay.. Fingers crossed he's settling into his Moses basket! Emily is snoozing in hers just now so we've defo made progress!!

Rara.. Hope you managed to de-stress!!! My OH is doing my head in at the moment.. Never thought I'd say this but I'm looking forward to him going back to work on Tuesday!!!

Has anyone had any time away from their LO yet? I did today for the 1st time and it was so so hard! I only went to asda but I must have text Chris asking if Emily was ok at least 3 times!!!

P.S - I really need to get on the laptop and change my signature!!! Lol x
Lol least yours supports you Clare! Lexis dad and I are no longer together and he found out yesterday that I had called the CSA since he's not paid a single penny towards her, so yesterday I got a load of crap about how he has debts so CSA wont take money off him, then it was that they will only take a small amount as they look at how much he has spare - none of which is true since I asked them! Now he's saying he will be having her weekends when he lives 3 hours away! I don't know whether to laugh at his stupidity or if I want to punch him....hmm sorry about the rant ladies! :haha:

Also yes I nipped into town the other day to pick up a prescription and had left her with my mum for just an hour and I was beside myself the whole time!
Clare - I've left him with my hubby a couple of times for 10 minutes & he's taken Logan out for a couple of walks without me but I couldn't leave him with anyone else. My mum keeps saying she's ready for when I need to just drop him off at hers & leave for a few hours because I need a break but I couldn't imagine doing that. Just noticed your ticker, that's the longest pregnancy I've known!

Hubby started back atwork Wednesday & I miss him! He was so much help, did loads of housework & kept me fed. It's annoying having to make my own lunch & dinner now!

Rara - hope you get everything sorted with Lexis dad, some men are just pointless!
Hope you get something sorted that suits you both Rara. If not... Punch him!!! :)

Chris starts back work on Tuesday.. Is it bad that I'm looking forward to it so Emily and I can get into our own wee routine?!

My mum keeps offering too but it's just too soon to leave her, especially when boob feeding!!

Emily has screamed the house down tonight.. A really sore cry that really unsettled me. She wouldn't even latch on she was that upset :( seems to have calmed now. Hoping she's just exercising her lungs!!!

Good luck to everyone for getting some sleep tonight!!! xx
Hey ladies!

I haven't managed to leave Johnny yet! I've had loads of offers but I can't imagine being without him yet. We have a friends wedding to go to on Saturday so I hope there's no tears haha

Does anyone else feel like our LO's have been here longer? Not because it's gone slowly cos it's gone so quick.. maybe I just can't imagine life without him now! Johnny will be a whole month old this Sunday, I'm a bit sad :( feels like he's growing too quickly! xo
It's mad it really has flown, Ava is 3 weeks today and feels like we've never not had her! Things are beginning to settle down nicely now. I've left Ava a few times but not longer than an hour, would never have done that last time lol! I'd have gone into a massive panic.

First day on my own tomorrow with the two kids. Did a trial run today, went to a friends and called into the Tesco on the way, Will was brilliant! Ava was in the car seat in the trolley and Will walked along side it and did as he was told. Hopefully he has started as he means to go on - we'll see hmmm.

I think the itching is slightly better, although the evenings are much worse and I could scratch all my skin right off.

Hope you are all well xxx

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