May Mummy's 2012

I know what you mean Lollipop.. I can't imagine life without Emily.. And the time has flown by!!! I don't want her to grow up either!!

Chris is back at work 2moro, kinda glad he'll be out my hair but dreading a while day on my own.. Eek!!! Don't think I'll be too ambitious, just a wee walk I think!!

Had pics done at Mothercare today.. They are fab! Much better than I was expecting but they are really expensive!!
Has anyone else had professional piccies done? Mothercare photo all newborns for free before 1 month old and you get one free pic.

Took some cute pics tonight myself after being inspired by the professional!!! xx
It's mad it really has flown, Ava is 3 weeks today and feels like we've never not had her! Things are beginning to settle down nicely now. I've left Ava a few times but not longer than an hour, would never have done that last time lol! I'd have gone into a massive panic.

First day on my own tomorrow with the two kids. Did a trial run today, went to a friends and called into the Tesco on the way, Will was brilliant! Ava was in the car seat in the trolley and Will walked along side it and did as he was told. Hopefully he has started as he means to go on - we'll see hmmm.

I think the itching is slightly better, although the evenings are much worse and I could scratch all my skin right off.

Hope you are all well xxx

Sounds like you're doing brilliantly!!! Will sounds very well behaved indeed..!!!

Glad the itching is getting better. I've been very very itchy the past few days but no rash or redness on my skin.. Bizarre xx
Well I think the gro clock might have worked!!! Will was sat in his bed waiting for me at 6 am wahooooo.

Clare hope you have a good day today. I have a lovely but overprowering friend coming round from work. To be honest I think I'd have preferred for me Will and Ava to sussed things on our own. Couldn't really say no. Then she said, she'd be round by 10 am, just as well Will's up early lol!

Clare have you noticed your skin is dry generally? Mine is so bad x the photo's sound great. I don't think I can be bothered getting in to a Mothercare though lol

Ava has been really unsettled the past few evenings, I'm having to jig her around, last night until 11:30 pm. Really hope she's not collicky x
Oh I've fancied getting some photos like that! Lovely to get while they are this small :)

LC hope Ava isn't getting colic for you! Lexi has been fighting sleep like no ones business, seems she's more determined than her mummy, I'm dreading the teens already lol
Logan's been fighting sleep loads as well! He drifts off like normal but then wakes himself up a couple of minutes later. He used to be good at night and drift off after a feed but last night it took me ages to get him back to sleep.

I've been on my own for a week now and it hasn't been too bad. Been arranging at least one thing to do per day to make sure I don't go insane.

Struggling a bit with the in-laws who are all lovely but keep asking hubby why aren't I ff now & I'm obviously not producing enough milk (they don't understand cluster feeding). It sets things in his mind and then he questions it!

A friend of ours bought us a family photo session when he was born! Can't wait to do it. I wanted to wait one more week to try and lose the rest of the baby weight - so weird that I've lost my belly but my face is still fatter!!

Oh & considering how I was moaning when very pregnant how difficult it was to wash, dry & straighten my hair - now just getting time for a shower is difficult enough! Wish hubby worked normal hours and got home at 5/6 to take over! Anyone else on their own for a long time during the day? How do you manage?
When my first was born we had her photos done at mothercare they did cost us a fortune but we bought every single picture lol!
We get the kids done now at max spielman. They have a studio in the back of the shop in our local one. You get 4 poses, photos and a disc with all pictures on to orbit off or get developed as we please all this for 20 quid!! Bargain! At that price I get them done every year! Can't wait to get them done this time I was going to go today but my big boy needs a serious hair cut lol!

I'm at home on my own all day. I would struggle to go out anywhere because my big boy is a handful when you take him out anywhere. Also Im really silly and don't feed in public. I know it's stupid I think I need to just get over it and feed my baby if he needs it.

Glad ur lo's seen to be sleeping much better!

Irish its a shame about your mil. She must have not breastfed herself, my lo imcluster feeds in the evening too.
Glad ur lo's seen to be sleeping much better! .

I've still got baby brain lol! Hope you lo's sleep better soon Taylor is feeding for long periods in the night at the moment. He has a cold though so I'm not sure that might be the reason.

Well what a beautiful day think I will get my arse into gear and take my boys to the park :flower:

Have a lovely day girls :) x
My skin has been so dry recently.. no matter how much moisturiser I put on doesn't make a difference. Hoping it's just hormones after giving birth.

So far my day without Chris is going well... Probably shouldn't be online when I've a kitchen and the bathrooms to clean and Emily is finally taking a nap after feeding all morning!!
It's long days for me when Chris is at work - he leaves at 7.30 and gets back about 6.30, feel bad that he wont get much time with Emily apart from the weekends.

It's a lovely day so might go out a wee walk later if I can get the house done and muster up the energy!!

Tay - My MIL / FIL / SIL constantly do my head in.. they are forever giving me advice and of course my SIL knows best as she already has 2 kids. My MIL in one night told me that I didnt have Emily in the bath for long enough, that her babygrow was too small and thats why she was crying (it was a perfect fit!) and that I wasn't winding her right and she took her off me to show me how its done!!! I could have slapped her..... Chris just says - oh she's only trying to be helpful..!!! And if she tells me one more time that she would just love to take Emily for the day and walk for miles with the pram I will scream!

Anyways, rant over!!

I had a wee photoshoot of my own last night after taking inspiration from mothercare... attached some below!

Hope you are all having a lovely day xx


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Clare those photos are gorgeous!! They look professional. Not sure why but it keeps saying all my photos are too big to load, gutted! Russ is out of the house from 7am - 8.30pm for 9 days in a row and then has 5 days off so it's tough! Bit like being a single mum for those 9 days.

I'm going to check out max spielman now you've said that mare - that sounds like such a good deal!

Oh & Clare, my mum is actually worse than MIL - she talks to Logan about me in a stupid way. She'll be holding him while i'm there and say "oh Logan, does your mummy not know how to wind you properly? Don't worry, Nana will do it" Could seriouly punch her!!! Whereas MIL actually does want to help. She's offered to come to mine and watch Logan while I have a bath whereas my Mum is desperate for me to leave Logan with her.
I had a look at max spielman online.. There's one near me so I might try there before committing myself to spending a small fortune in mothercare!
I had so much fun taking the pics Tay.. My bro has a professional camera so might get a black or white duvet and set up my own wee studio to take some more.. :) I'm addicted to taking pics of her.. It's ridiculous!!

Mothers / MILs just don't get it do they... We live closer to my mil than my own
Mum and it's driving me mad! She thinks she can just come round whenever and has the cheek to tell me my dishes haven't been put in the dishwasher and point out that I'm still in my pj's whereas my mum would put the dishes away and offer to hold Emily while I shower.. Speaking of which... Am I gonna get a shower today?! Emily just won't sleep... Argh!!!!!! xx
Wouldn't worry too much about the shower Clare, my hair hasn't been washed since last week! Luckily I still seem to have some of the pregnancy hair glow keeping it looking okay and it's long so I can just put it up. I manage to get a shower last thing every day, never knew anyone could shower that fast!

I've taken loads of photos of Logan but I've realised we don't have one of all 3 of us! Need to get that sorted asap or he'll be going to college & we still won't have one. we were hoping to have Logans Christening on our wedding anniversary but our house move looks like it's going to be over that weekend so need to rearrange.

How's everyone else getting on? I've been trying to think of things to amuse Logan now he's awake longer but he only seems happy on the boob! Not sure that he's a fan on my singing but he's going to hear it anyway!!
Haha!! I've been trying to spend some time playing with Emily (if you can call it that!!) don't think it does much for her but it makes me feel like I'm at least interacting with her!! Ive been singing to her during day time feeds and keep very quiet during the night time ones so that she will eventually realise the difference between the 2!!!! Wishful thinking at the moment!!

That would have been a lovely idea to have the christening on your anniversary. Chris and I have been fighting non stop about having Emily christened. It's really important to me (even more so coz I'm a depute head teacher of a catholic school!!) but he is so set against it and says it will never happen. He knows how much it means to me and I cry about it pretty much every day but he has made his thoughts clear :( we married in the catholic church and that wasn't a problem for him!!
Dont know what to do about it :(

Still not dressed and it's 1.30... In desperate need of a shower but it will have to wait till Chris comes home I suppose as Emily doesn't seem to be napping for very long today xx
Those pictures are gorgeous Clare!! I really want some of Johnny but there's no Mothercare here, Boots sometimes have one of those pop up ones so I keep going in to check.

Bills been back at work for 2 weeks so we have our routine now, he's such a good baby! I try and get out every day with him cos he sleeps like a trooper in his pram :haha:

I used to suffer with eczema and it's come back since having the baby, it's a right pain! The cream doesn't seem to be working so will have to go to the Doctors.

Have any of you decided what birth control you'll be going on, if any? I used to take the pill but was quite forgetful with it and I remember a lot of women having problems when TTC cos of it. Any one had the injection? xo
Clare those photos are gorgeous Emily is so sweet!
You don't need a professional with photos like that they are amazing! Wish I was that clever :)

Lollipop I have used the pill since I was 16 I've never had any problem conceiving when coming off pill. I have conceived 4 times. First and second time I didn't even see a period. (Baby 1 is an angel baby I miscarried at 2 months:( ) Ds1 took a bit longer 10 months then Taylor took 3 months so I wouldn't worry about that. You can't take the pill whilst breastfeeding they will prob allow you the mini pill. Have no advise about injection sorry.

The shower thing - Taylor has a built in radar my big toe gets wet and he needs boobie lol!

Has anyone managed to have a cheeky :beer: or :wine: yet. I haven't really fancied one which is odd for me lol! It won't last!
Clare - getting Logan Christened is really important to me as well. It doesn't mean anything to hubby but he's happy to go along with what I want. Hopefully you'll be able to get Emily Christened!

Chloe - I'll be going back on the mini pill. When we were trying for Logan I was warned it could take a year or so for it to get out of my system. I stopped taking it on my wedding day and was pregnant by the end of my honeymoon!!

Mare - No alcohol yet :-( could really fancy a beer! I'm too scared whilst breastfeeding, I daren't even have a cuppa tea in case the caffeine keeps him awake!
One benefit to my bottle feeding is the not feeling guilty if I have a drink haha not had a drink yet but I have my friends 21st on sat and my mums having Lexi so we shall see how I cope and also cope with alcohol after almost a year without any haha
One benefit to my bottle feeding is the not feeling guilty if I have a drink haha not had a drink yet but I have my friends 21st on sat and my mums having Lexi so we shall see how I cope and also cope with alcohol after almost a year without any haha

My best friend said she's just going to give me a blue WKD and sit back to watch the results :haha:
I would only have to sniff it and I would be on the floor :wine: bet you won't spend much on drink Raralalala! Have a great night I'm sure lexi will miss her mummy but she will be just fine :)

I will also be getting Taylor christened when he's about 6 months. Hope you get yours Clare!
A lot of people get their lo Christening gowns made out of their wedding dress I thought this was a good idea.

Enjoy your day all :)
Yea so I've been told, my friend said he'd buy my drinks all night as it would only take a blue wkd! Lol and my mum gave me a lecture on avoiding shots as I "can't drink like you used to!" haha!

Aw having your wedding dress made into a christening gown sounds lovely! Really would be even more lovely to keep too!

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