May Mummy's 2012

I wanted so many children but I underestimated how painful labour was! I know the pain is more intense if you're induced but oh my god, I hope I forget the pain so we can have at least one more but I dunno!
The more I hear about other peoples labours the more I realise how lucky I was with mine and I still don't want any more haha
Lollipopbob I forgot the pain after 5 years and then with my first twinge of labour I was shouting and swearing demanding an epi lol!

If Taylor wasn't Undiagnosed breech I would have had the same sort of labour as my second because I went to fully dialated with no pain relief at all before they gave me the spinal for the emergency c section.

Most people say that the first is always the longest and most painful.

X x
I would have gladly had another one until today.. It's been the day from hell..!!
Emily has only had 3 half hour naps since 2 this morning and has pretty much screamed all day.
I tried everything.. Car journey, boob, walk, boob, sling, boob, another walk, boob, skin to skin, dummy... You name it.. I tried it!! Nothing worked and I actually screamed myself at one point which I feel awful about
Phoned health visitor and she said it could be colic or silent reflux and I've to see how I get on tonight.
Chris has just come in from work and took over.. Can't hear much crying.. Bet she settles for daddy and I'll be accused of over reacting!!!

Hoping you've all had a better day than me!!! xx
Chloe.. Emily's belly button healed really quickly. Just get the health visitor to have a wee peek at it.

Tay.. Congrats on the house!! Bet you can't wait to get settled in xx
Aww Clare, sounds terrible! Hope Emily settles and you get to relax!

Mare - If I have another, I'll be demanding every pain relief available!! Hope never to be induced again though!

As for Johnnys belly button - sawthe gp and she gave me some ointment to apply to it so hope it heals soon.

Tay - congrats! We had loads of fun doing up the nursery even though LO has only been in there a few times so far :haha: xx
Anyone wanna share pics of their LO smiling? I can't get enough of seeing Johnny's grin!!


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Mare if that's true then I maybe wouldn't make it to the hospital in time if I had another one since my first was 4 hours haha

Clare you have my sympathy nothing more draining than being screamed at either. Hope you get a decent sleep tonight!
My labour was pretty short for a first timer (officially 4 1/2 hours) but being induced was awful! Could not do that again.

Chloe - Johnny looks so cute in those photos! They're fantastic. Logan is just learning to smile now, he's just about doing it.

Clare - I really hope Emily has a better night tonight for you. It's awful when you don't know what's wrong. Don't feel bad about having a screaming moment, I had one of those today and Logan was no way near that bad. He still won't settle anywhere except on me, I feel like I'm teaching him loads of bad habits. It wouldn't be so bad if hubby worked normal hours but he leaves at 7am and gets back at 9pm & doesn't get up in the night so I'm on my own. When he's here it's so much easier!!!
let us know how she does tonight, there's a reason sleep deprevation is used as a form of torture so I really hope you get some sleep! xx

I know it shouldn't be important but how is everyone feeling about their PP bodies? I had no idea my boobs would look like this, they're going to be so saggy when I'm done! I also didn't know what people meant when they said about their stomachs being looser, now I do :-(
How gorgeous is johnnys smile! He's a cutie.
Clare I feel for you I had about 3 nights on the run when tayor was really grumpy. He wouldn't let me put him down and he constantly wanted the boob but at least he would take it which made him stop crying big :hugs: for you

Sara home birth for you next time then lol!

I've never heard of silent reflux?

X x
Aw lollipop he is gorgeous!

My pp body isn't much different from before I got pregnant if I'm honest and was back in my old jeans after 3 weeks but I think that's just coz I got lucky n had a teeny bump! Managed to keep my hip piercings and everything and escaped stretch marks - i find a bot weird! just my belly button looks a bit strange after being stretched to near breaking point lol

yea I think it's pretty much the same only they don't spit up like they do with normal reflux I believe!

We've had the same here!! Screaming two evenings on the trott. Really hoping it's not colic, tried everything, gripe water, dummy, sling, both of us taking it in turns. I'm on antibiotics for mastitis and so wonder if they are upsetting her tummy. Not sure how I'll handle this until 12 weeks if it is. She's been so settled until now. She was great when she finally finished too, fed at 10 pm then 2:30 and up with Will at 6 am, well in with me at 5 am then up at 6.

Love the pictures of Johnny, he's lush. Haven't caught Ava doing it for as picture yet. They are few and far between at the moment.

My labour was brilliant 5 1/2 hours, first time was awful. I'd got my head around another rubbish time it was quite amazing, I'm still buzzing now. I didn't like being pregnant so that would put me off more than the birth. So glad we're all done and can enjoy our little family.

Oh am my body is disgusting still look about 6 months pregnant, ha ha!!!
It's 8am and I haven't slept at all! Think I'm going insane. Logan just will not sleep, although he settles on the boob (which are now raw!) Before I would feed him in bed and he'd fall asleep but now he's wide awake! He's so grumpy & fussy, he's waking up after being asleep for 5 minutes max.

Did any of you get on any better last night with your LO?
I did last night but I only think its because Lexi screamed. For 6 hours straight yesterday and didnt sleep all day so had tired herself out. I still don't know why she was howling like that
Aw sorry to hear you're feeling rough Tay and LC :(

I'm amazed this morning as Johnny slept from 11-4.. I woke up in a panic thinking something was wrong cos he hadn't cried! Not sure I'll be that lucky tonight!

I'm also feeling thankful that LO was late for the first time as a girl I know had her LO 11wks early on Monday and her little boy is only 2lbs but both doing fine but will obviously be in special care for a while xo
I'm still 2 stone off my pre Preggy weight. Oh well I'm sure it will come of slowly :(

Poor Taylor is covered in spots all over his face and head it's such a shame he's a gorgeous boy! They are heat spots and baby acne. Im keeping him cool but it's not helping much :(

On a happier note he has slept 11.00pm - 5.00am I was the same as you Chloe woke up in a panic wondering if something was wrong. Has anyone tried the johnsons lavender baby lotion. I used it on Taylor last night and followed a baby massage on you tube. He really liked it and he smelt lovely too :)

My big boy is 3 today too :)

Hope we all have a good night :)

Hope your mastitis clears up soon LC I hear hot flannels eases the pain? X
It's funny how alot of our little ones are going through the same phase.. Screaming being grumpy etc.
I was really worried that Emily had colic.. We tried gripe water yesterday and it seems to have worked a treat! She still grunts and moans when she's struggling to fart but at least it wasn't hours of screaming!!

Tay, get some gripe water and try it.. Sounds like Logan is exactly like Emily, the only thing that would settle her was the boob but then she'd cry again!

Hope you all managed to get some sleep last night.. Lollipop & mare, I'm so jealous of your babies sleeping for so long! Longest Emily will sleep is 2 hours in one go.

I've found that breastfeeding has helped me lose some baby weight and I'm just about back to my pre prego size but my tummy is awful... :( rolls of fat & stretch marks.. Yuck!!!!

Sorry to hear bout your friend lollipop.. Imagine how tiny 2lbs would be. Hope mum & baby are well. xx
Well it seems that Logan was just going through a stroppy moment! He has a fussy time in the evening and I have to catch him at exactly the right time to make him sleep otherwise he gets overtired and struggles through the night! He sleeps for 3 hours to start with at night and then wakes every 2 hours for short feeds.

I've got 4lbs left to lose (think that's all in my boobs, they're massive!) but my stomach still looks different, just looser. Not sure how to cure that!

Vicki - how are you feeling now? Hope it's getting better

I'm also jealous of your sleeping babies! we seem to be getting into a better routine & I think it helps that I'm feeling more confident.

Mare - hope your son had a good birthday!
Irish, that sounds like a good pattern! We're good here, Ava seemed to be a bit more settled last night either she's used to the anti biotics now or the infacol has kicked in. She slept well last night, went to bed at 10 pm, fed at 12:30 and 4 am, then in with me until 6:30. DS was up screaming at 5:45 - typically.

4 lbs to go that's brilliant. I still have 3 stone to lose, I'm just a whale. Started weight watchers today, just have to stick with it now!

Mare hope your bog boy had a good birthday x

The mastitis has gone thankfully, only one more day of antibiotics, can't wait to be off them x

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