Hi, my friend (also on bnb) just had the same thing, and it turned out she's pregnant. It was IB for two days and seemed heavier than IB to her. She was freaked out, dismayed, thought she was out for the cycle. Nope just a bun in the ovenWhat can that mean? Still too early to be AF unless my luteal phase is fecked and not having proper cramping or anything.
Such a sleepless night. I just want to know already whether I'm out. Ok so, using opks this month for the first time ever. Got 7 high readings and then a peak on day 15 and 16. Also ewcm on day 15 and loads on day 16, haven't been sleeping well since around then so my temps are a mess. Bded every two days during the high readings and then on both days of the peak. When does O normally happen in relation to a peak opk? I thought it would be the second peak day but acupuncturist reckons the day after?
Anyway, pretty much the whole time since O I've been feeling off, nausea which seems to be getting worse, dodgy stomach, slight but regular headaches, feeling tired- haven't been feeling up to going for my runs (tho I know that's at least partially being scared to cause a problem if I am bfp) I've also been getting sharp twinges in my lower stomach. Yesterday my temp dropped ( was either 9 or 10 dpo) I then started getting mild AF type cramps. At about 3pm I went to the toilet and there was a little bit of blood. It was pinkish rather than red but definitely more than just a couple of drops. I thought this was AF but a few hours later when I checked again it was pretty much gone. Levers second time I go to the loo there's enough to thinly coat the tissue and then the other times there's nothing or nearly nothing. Head is so wrecked. I want to be pg so much I'm wondering if I'm imagining half of it! Going to get a test today and take it tomorrow if AF hasn't arrived. I guess if I'm even still lightly bleeding at that point it's not likely.
Do you have ovarian cysts? I've confused o pain with cyst pain. Sorry hun that you feel you're out this cycle, is it because you didn't bd near CD 19?
Do you have ovarian cysts? I've confused o pain with cyst pain. Sorry hun that you feel you're out this cycle, is it because you didn't bd near CD 19?
I've never had cysts before. We bd all over the place close to cd14 but not after that. So 5 days before "O"... I'm still not convinced.
Maria keep your chin up, it's still early
im late posting but im supposed to test on May 9 th, i have tested since May 3rd lol but today May 5th i had something but i don't know people say it looks like either an indent/evap its on a dollar store test, it occurred right at 3 mins. i will be testing every morning until the 10th lol
im late posting but im supposed to test on May 9 th, i have tested since May 3rd lol but today May 5th i had something but i don't know people say it looks like either an indent/evap its on a dollar store test, it occurred right at 3 mins. i will be testing every morning until the 10th lol
Post pictures! I love looking for the 2nd line!
See it?
Bleeding seems to be getting heavier again and looking more red than pink. Still not as heavy as a period- no real cramps or anything but it deffo seems heavier than iB should be. Just took a test and it's bfn, though it's still early and didn't use fmu or anything. Feeling so heartbroken. Missing Max so much and just feeling disheartened I won't have his little brother or sister here by his birthday 😟
im late posting but im supposed to test on May 9 th, i have tested since May 3rd lol but today May 5th i had something but i don't know people say it looks like either an indent/evap its on a dollar store test, it occurred right at 3 mins. i will be testing every morning until the 10th lol
Post pictures! I love looking for the 2nd line!
it say my file is too large ....how do i fix that?