MAY testing thread!!!! OMG, 134 testers, 25 BFP's and 4 angels, in MAGICAL MAY!!!!

Congratulations Petesgirl !!! :D

Definitely deserving, and this bean is gonna stick, I´ll make sure of it ;)


Now send some of that :dust: my way :D
I got my bfp!!! I went out and bought the crib and wrapped it just waiting for OH to come home and trying really hard not to give away the surprise lol!!! I think im gonna be fatty and eat red velvet cake ice cream and watch the Lion King all day lol!!! Dear God please let this baby be a sticky bean!!

Heres pics!!! I messed up my FRER this morning idk what happened it was invalid so I just picked up the Answer tests ans surprisingly they gave me a darker line than the FRER!!

Woohoo!! Congrats!! It's official, lol! Yes please tell us how OH responds!! He's going to die! That is such a creative way to tell him.
I got my bfp!!! I went out and bought the crib and wrapped it just waiting for OH to come home and trying really hard not to give away the surprise lol!!! I think im gonna be fatty and eat red velvet cake ice cream and watch the Lion King all day lol!!! Dear God please let this baby be a sticky bean!!

Heres pics!!! I messed up my FRER this morning idk what happened it was invalid so I just picked up the Answer tests ans surprisingly they gave me a darker line than the FRER!!

Congrats! What a wonderful month for you!
I got my bfp!!! I went out and bought the crib and wrapped it just waiting for OH to come home and trying really hard not to give away the surprise lol!!! I think im gonna be fatty and eat red velvet cake ice cream and watch the Lion King all day lol!!! Dear God please let this baby be a sticky bean!!

Heres pics!!! I messed up my FRER this morning idk what happened it was invalid so I just picked up the Answer tests ans surprisingly they gave me a darker line than the FRER!!

BEAUTIFUL LINES!!!! What a joyful month!!!!! Can't wait to hear OH's reaction!!!:hugs:
Sprinkle some of the baby dust around!!
Ladies I have BIG News!!! God has truly blessed me and I am so grateful...this morning I made my first prenatal appt to confirm and I was told to come in on wed. and later one of my friends that works in my OB's office called me since she heard the news and then told me she could squeeze me in then if I could make it there in 10 mins so of course I rushed out so when I got there they confirmed with a urine test and drew blood (I get my results on Tues. :happydance: ) and my Dr. started asking questions and when I told him I didnt have any symptoms he got concerned which really scared me and he said he would give me an ULTRASOUND!!! agh!!! Everything was happening so fast lol! Then I felt guilty since OH didnt know yet and I was gonna be the only one to see the baby for the first time I thought he might be hurt but it was out of my control i wasnt turning Dr. said that the ultrasound will do 1 out of 2 things lol "either it will 'SUDDENLY' give you symptoms once you physically see that you ARE pregnant, or it will show us why your NOT feeling any symptoms, like a chemical or ectopic..." so I assumed something was wrong and while I was getting the ultrasound I told the tech to tell me to look when she the finds the baby cause i didnt wanna get my hopes up...after about 5 LONG minutes of searching and her sighs and "'hmmmmm's", and "interesting..." remarks I was already planning to go return the crib and move on to next month but then she says..." don't look sure you haven't had any symptoms?" "No..." I say..."Not even bloating?" I say no and ask why and she says, "Because....your having twins, and I thought I saw third one hiding...nope just two...and they're IDENTICAL" :shock: I told her to check again 3 times i couldn't believe it!!! She printed out pics and I got my script for prenatals, and I must have sat in my car about an hour and a half staring at the ultrasound pics trying to convince myself it wasn't real and that I must be dreaming...then I had to buy another crib and wrap it for OH's surprise...

While I waited for him I was just a zombie in shock I just couldn't shake when he called to tell me he was on the way I asked him to pick up my script from the drugstore and I put the digital in the necklace box and licked the card but I put the ultrasound pic in there too...Well OH gets home and everything goes according to plan and he opens the necklace box first and he's running around the house like a little kid lol and picking me up and jumping on the bed "we did it?, we did it!!" was all he could say...then after reminded him of the other surprises I had for him in the other room he rushes back and I told him to unwrap the boxes first and he was so cute like a kid at Christmas morning lol he saw the crib and asks me "Why two cribs?" and I tell him to open the envelope and he sees the ultrasound pick and he just without a word runs into the bedroom and sits on the bed and I dont immediately follow since hes one that needs his space sometimes so after 5 minutes I go into the bedroom and I rub his back and ask him if hes ok and he tells me something I never knew he felt he says that "I was starting to give up hope on ever having a baby, my ex-wife miscarried twice, you miscarried, I thought there was something wrong with me...I thought that even if you did get pregnant that something would be wrong with the baby, I never want to burden you by giving you children that would be dependent for the rest of their lives, when you could have had perfectly healthy kids with someone else...since Im adopted I don't really know whats in my DNA and I was always scared of that but to know that we made two identical babies thats on another level for me and then the fact the your pregnancy is perfectly healthy is even really surprised me...i thought you were on your period." Lol We were crying together and all it was a really heartwarming moment and Im glad I told him in that way and we totally ended up :sex: but not too much since Im terrified it mess something up lol and went to dinner and decided to go ahead have the BIG reveal in 2 weeks on our family trip sine our ENTIRE family will be there I know its early but I have a feeling this pregnancy will be perfect so we are going to take the risk and just go for it...

Later after dinner OH was super excited and insisted on putting at least one of the cribs 2gether 2nite lol so i watched him NOT read directions and getting confused lol and earlier he got all mad and lectured me about moving stuff 'in my condition' lol (I had to clear out the guest room for the nursery and to put the cribs in there)

Then after putting the crib 2gether; this is how I ended the night... "Babe, I know why we just happened to concieve twins?!" "Why?" he says...I say "Because...your a triplet...remember?"

Heres a pic of my beans everyone is fine and the Dr. was right...I 'SUDDENLY' feel bloated and exhausted lol thank you everyone for your support and I will still be here for this thread to support everyone so lets get some more :bfp: 's!!!

Hoping for :oneofeach:


  • id-twins-4w2d.jpg
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Petesgirl... Is this even real life?!? This is the most awesome/craziest thing I've ever heard!!! A huge congrats to you and your fiancé!!!!!
Petesgirl... Is this even real life?!? This is the most awesome/craziest thing I've ever heard!!! A huge congrats to you and your fiancé!!!!!

I still feel lke im in a dream lol and I think OH is gonna fall asleep with that ultrasound pic glued to his forehead tonight lol we are both in shock lol
petesgirl: SOOO exciting! I'm so happy for you!

Wow- i was off the internet this week sulking over my AF, and here there are like 5 new BFPs! I'm so happy for everyone!
Petesgirl wow that is so amazing! Congrats on your two blessings!
So you guys were right the dark line was my positive OPK. Tonight, the test line barely exists. I'm a little depressed because last night was the only night this week the fiancee and I DIDNT BD, but we're hopeful we caught that egg the night before. Hoping for the best! BD again tonight. So I'm guess I am either 1DPO or will be in the morning, since you usually get a LH surge before ovulation and I tested LATE tonight, so I'm not sure if I was still surging during the day.

Good luck too all you ladies. And Congrats Petesgirl!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap, petesgirl!! That is incredible news! You guys must be in 7th heaven, lol. I'm so happy for you!! Thank you for telling us about this--so inspiring! Btw, how long were you guys TTC?
Ladies I have BIG News!!! God has truly blessed me and I am so grateful...this morning I made my first prenatal appt to confirm and I was told to come in on wed. and later one of my friends that works in my OB's office called me since she heard the news and then told me she could squeeze me in then if I could make it there in 10 mins so of course I rushed out so when I got there they confirmed with a urine test and drew blood (I get my results on Tues. :happydance: ) and my Dr. started asking questions and when I told him I didnt have any symptoms he got concerned which really scared me and he said he would give me an ULTRASOUND!!! agh!!! Everything was happening so fast lol! Then I felt guilty since OH didnt know yet and I was gonna be the only one to see the baby for the first time I thought he might be hurt but it was out of my control i wasnt turning Dr. said that the ultrasound will do 1 out of 2 things lol "either it will 'SUDDENLY' give you symptoms once you physically see that you ARE pregnant, or it will show us why your NOT feeling any symptoms, like a chemical or ectopic..." so I assumed something was wrong and while I was getting the ultrasound I told the tech to tell me to look when she the finds the baby cause i didnt wanna get my hopes up...after about 5 LONG minutes of searching and her sighs and "'hmmmmm's", and "interesting..." remarks I was already planning to go return the crib and move on to next month but then she says..." don't look sure you haven't had any symptoms?" "No..." I say..."Not even bloating?" I say no and ask why and she says, "Because....your having twins, and I thought I saw third one hiding...nope just two...and they're IDENTICAL" :shock: I told her to check again 3 times i couldn't believe it!!! She printed out pics and I got my script for prenatals, and I must have sat in my car about an hour and a half staring at the ultrasound pics trying to convince myself it wasn't real and that I must be dreaming...then I had to buy another crib and wrap it for OH's surprise...

While I waited for him I was just a zombie in shock I just couldn't shake when he called to tell me he was on the way I asked him to pick up my script from the drugstore and I put the digital in the necklace box and licked the card but I put the ultrasound pic in there too...Well OH gets home and everything goes according to plan and he opens the necklace box first and he's running around the house like a little kid lol and picking me up and jumping on the bed "we did it?, we did it!!" was all he could say...then after reminded him of the other surprises I had for him in the other room he rushes back and I told him to unwrap the boxes first and he was so cute like a kid at Christmas morning lol he saw the crib and asks me "Why two cribs?" and I tell him to open the envelope and he sees the ultrasound pick and he just without a word runs into the bedroom and sits on the bed and I dont immediately follow since hes one that needs his space sometimes so after 5 minutes I go into the bedroom and I rub his back and ask him if hes ok and he tells me something I never knew he felt he says that "I was starting to give up hope on ever having a baby, my ex-wife miscarried twice, you miscarried, I thought there was something wrong with me...I thought that even if you did get pregnant that something would be wrong with the baby, I never want to burden you by giving you children that would be dependent for the rest of their lives, when you could have had perfectly healthy kids with someone else...since Im adopted I don't really know whats in my DNA and I was always scared of that but to know that we made two identical babies thats on another level for me and then the fact the your pregnancy is perfectly healthy is even really surprised me...i thought you were on your period." Lol We were crying together and all it was a really heartwarming moment and Im glad I told him in that way and we totally ended up :sex: but not too much since Im terrified it mess something up lol and went to dinner and decided to go ahead have the BIG reveal in 2 weeks on our family trip sine our ENTIRE family will be there I know its early but I have a feeling this pregnancy will be perfect so we are going to take the risk and just go for it...

Later after dinner OH was super excited and insisted on putting at least one of the cribs 2gether 2nite lol so i watched him NOT read directions and getting confused lol and earlier he got all mad and lectured me about moving stuff 'in my condition' lol (I had to clear out the guest room for the nursery and to put the cribs in there)

Then after putting the crib 2gether; this is how I ended the night... "Babe, I know why we just happened to concieve twins?!" "Why?" he says...I say "Because...your a triplet...remember?"

Heres a pic of my beans everyone is fine and the Dr. was right...I 'SUDDENLY' feel bloated and exhausted lol thank you everyone for your support and I will still be here for this thread to support everyone so lets get some more :bfp: 's!!!

Hoping for :oneofeach:

OMG! IM IN TEARS as too how happy i am for you! May those beautiful twins stick stick stick! So wonderful the way you brought it to your husbands attention! I love it! :thumbup:
This is the most inspirational story ive read since being on B&B!
Now you DO take it easy, and appreciate every waking moment. Take good care of yourself and dont be a stranger! GL and lots of baby glue to you!
Just Awesome.
Start a pregnancy thread or something, i would totally keep up with you!
Petesgirl!!!!! Omg !!! Congrats !!!!what an awesome month!!!! What a great reaction!!! An twins that's awesome!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!
Petesgirl! I replied on the curvys thread but wanted to congratulate you again :hugs:
Maybe im comming down with something im not sure,but I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach,the kind of feeling before you throw up.I felt this before this month but I never throw up usually like a light or mild feeling then it goes away,anyone ever feel this?
I got my bfp!!! I went out and bought the crib and wrapped it just waiting for OH to come home and trying really hard not to give away the surprise lol!!! I think im gonna be fatty and eat red velvet cake ice cream and watch the Lion King all day lol!!! Dear God please let this baby be a sticky bean!!

Heres pics!!! I messed up my FRER this morning idk what happened it was invalid so I just picked up the Answer tests ans surprisingly they gave me a darker line than the FRER!!

Congratulations petes girl!!! :baby: xxx
oh gawd! just read your next one about twins!! double congratulations!! xxx
Maybe im comming down with something im not sure,but I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach,the kind of feeling before you throw up.I felt this before this month but I never throw up usually like a light or mild feeling then it goes away,anyone ever feel this?
I felt like that yesterday too!!!! I'm still wicked gassy, an my boobs have been sore all week and get sorer every day......when I'm close to AF they are usually sore a week before AF which would be today but they have been sore all week, so much so that it hurts to take off my bra!!! They were like this a few months ago and bfn so I'm hoping it's not the case this time. I did have a bit of cramping for a few minutes in my abdomen earlier but it only lasted for a few minutes. Other then that I'm not nauseous today and my stuffiness is gone in my head........not sure what think but I'm excited for test day to be here!!!
Petesgirl- I cried reading your post. OMG! congratulations. That is the best story I have read in awhile.

JamieLoves- I have felt that way going on two months now. However, I got 7 neg tests so I 'm not pregnant. I guess my mind is playing tricks. I'm dizzy, lightheaded, more gassy, tired and peeing like 2 times an hour when awake and 1-2 times a night. I was seriously so nauseous I could not eat and the smel of cooking meat made me ill. This lasted 3 weeks now it is better. Also, I suddenly have blue veins on my boobs and my nipples are hard all the time. (Sorry TMI) But, again, all the HTP's say negative so it must be in my head. Plus, the :witch: got me at the end of April. I'm not saying it is in your head. I hope you get a :bfp:

What do you ladies think? Is there still a chance I am pregnant with these symptoms? The weird thing for me 2 days before I got my full period I had pink/ brown spotting only when I wipe. I am prying I did not have a chemical.

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