Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Welcome to our little group WTB!! Hope you enjoy our thread!! How long have you been TTC?

Thanks Deafgal-I'm glad I have you guys to lean on. I actually had a nice night at work Monday was extremely nice to me. I guess it pays to open your mouth and voice your opinion once in awhile! Still counting down the days until NY and I can leave that place. Your close to the end of your cycle!!! Lets all hope your the first to get that darn, elusive :bfp:!

Jess-Hope your having fun planning your party! Power walking is awesome. I'd walk in my neighborhood if there were asphalt (not dirt) roads and especially if I actually had more than 3 neighbors on our road. It's mostly woods and I don't feel comfortable being alone outside walking around the roads. There hasn't been any crime or anything but unfortunately today in our society, you never know what can happen. And if someone decided to attempt to kidnap me or even something else...I can pretty much guarantee that NO ONE will hear me. Yeesh!! How is your weight loss going?

Well...I've been on my second week of working out/dieting and I've lost almost 3lb! And I'm really starting to tone up which I'm very happy about. I actually have toned muscles in my biceps and thighs again lol. I keep trying on my dress for the wedding in July and I just tried on my bikini for our Memorial Day Boat Bash. Hopefully we are able to go. Today DH and I had a date day. It was really nice...we went to the movies to see Fast Five. AWESOME MOVIE!!!!! AND had my movie popcorn which was awesome too. Its going to be a great year in movies and I already have the next couple of months planned for our date days. End of May is Hangover Part 2, June is Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and July is Transformers: Dark Side of The Moon. And there is going to be a sixth film in the Fast & Furious movies so I'm ecstatic!!!!!

Well hope you all are having a good week!!
:thumbup: yup sounds like a great year for films!!! I am doing fine and yep I am in the last week of my cycle. We will see if I finally get my first bfp ever! I'm not holding my breath though cuz so far the opk has been negative but I know there is a faint line on one. Might be evap though so not gonna worry until next week.
Thanks for the welcome! This is month 11 TTC for DH & I, and we just started with a fertility specialist yesterday. Today I'm a prune due to more than 20 vials of blood drawn. lol. Oh well, all for the cause.

How nice to have a date nite with DH, and I really admire your dedication to getting in shape...I have to admit I'm a bit lax at exercising. :haha:
WTB- so the vampires took a lot of your blood yesterday?! :dohh: But you're right- all for the good cause of having a :baby: or trying for one!
I've got fertility specialists on the brain right now that you mention them. I'm wondering if it going to come to that. Love your birdies WTB!! I have two cockatiels...DH wants African Grey or Blue and Gold. It will be awhile though lol. Yeah its nice to get out...we don't ask for babysitting for DD because of her health problems so our date day is his day off when she is in school.

So will be happy to hear that I put my two week notice in at work today. I just couldn't do it anymore. DD is doing good with therapies and if I'm at work I can't be there when she gets home to work more.

We will be fine. Between the gas I will be saving and as long as we stop eating out so much it will be the same lol. Manager was not too happy, especially since another associate put his notice in 5 minutes before me. Oh well...not my problem that people keep quitting. May 20 will be my last day...

I'm thinking of still doing the NTNP instead of taking a full break from TTC. It's already been 4 cycles and nothing. I'm working out about 5 hours a week and dieting but I've been reading that dieting while TTC is okay as long as your not taking any diet drugs. Plus there have been plenty of women who were running marathons and get pregnant so I highly doubt that excercise is going to drastically kill my chances of getting pregnant.

WTB-Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm very serious about losing weight. It's been going good with watching what I eat and I just force myself with working out if I don't want to...I just gotta remember why I am doing it and how happy I will be!! Plus I keep thinking about the clothes I'll get because once I'm that size again my stepmother will be giving my craploads of clothes. She's a size smaller than me. She works at Macy's and is the top seller and recieves 3 new outfits every month if she sells certain clothes. She literally GIVES clothes away to her friends since she has already taken over 3 closets at my dads place lmao.

Ok, well this is becoming way too long. Sorry's after 2 A.M. and stayed up with DH since I got home since he couldn't sleep. He hasn't slept yet and has to get ready for work now.
:yipee: You will be so much happier once you're done with that job for good. I'm glad to hear your DD is doing so well with her therapies. That is good! :thumbup: I agree with you on the exercise and no diet drugs. It's best to do it naturally and gradually- 1 to 2 pounds per week is suggested safe weight loss. Get some sleep! I'm sorry your DH couldn't sleep! :dohh:

Definitely make sure you readjust your budget accordingly after you stop working that job. It shouldn't be too hard since you won't need to spend money on gas or eating out once that happens.
So many congrats for you Mousey.. 2 weeks at work, losing weight! That's awesome news. I'm slowly shedding weight, seems like everyday my clothes are fitting better. This opens my wardrobe back up. I'll be fitting into my cute shirts just in time for summer. I went to JCPenney today and bought a bunch of summer colored tees.

Still so excited for the party and setting it all up. I hope it is going to look as great as I imagined. We are considering letting people bring tents and campout in our backyard afterward, since our house is so close to where we are having the party. Our friends are pretty outdoorsy so I think they're going to love the option.

I hope you guys had a great mother's day. I didn't know how it was going to go for me. I got my mom's death certificate in the mail and it listed all the medication they found and ruled it a suicide. I knew it would say this but seeing all of our information typed out with [X] SUICIDE really upset me. It just made it so so real. But I'm doing fine, I just kept her in my thoughts today.

There's my latest pup painting!! A guy asked me to do it for his wife for mother's day. I wasn't there when she picked it up but apparently it brought her to tears. That made me happy.. Plus I made a quick $100!

Welcome to our group, WTB! I love new faces... I have been TTC since November.. long story short, my cycles are so irregular. I've only ovulated maybe two times since then. I just got married and will be honeymooning in Iceland in July.. When I get back then, I am going to go to the doctor and see what's going on.. So what do fertility docs do besides draw blood? I'm so curious.
:hugs: Aw Jess... It must have been so hard knowing it was mother's day. I'm glad you did that painting. At least you did something for someone's mother out there- for her gift.

That sounds like a great party. I can't wait to hear all about the party when the time comes!

:dohh: I've not been losing weight. If anything I'm keeping the same weight or gaining. Arugh. :grr: I'm going to have to work at losing some of the weight again or get back into a exercise routine to lose it.
well Jess, to be honest, I'm not sure what all fertility clinics/doctors do, but I'm learning as I go. You are welcome to peek at my journal, though I'm very long winded and only post when I feel like it. :haha:

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. My mother's passing was never explained, though i felt pretty sure it had to do with an overdose of medications, whether intentional or not I cannot say. I'm just sorry you had to go through that.

I LOVE that painting. :thumbup:
Sorry I have been AWOL ladies! Spent Mothers Day with all of DH family. It was very enjoyable! Yeahhhhh weight loss WAS going well. And I gained it back in 2 days??? I haven't been eating bad at all but I haven't been sleeping a lot and been dehydrated too so I think its water retention. Started taebo did I sweat! DH and I are trying another cycle...but I am not going to just sit around.

Deafgal-any news yet?

Jess-LOVE the painting!!! I wish we lived closer so I could pay you to paint me one of DH old dog. Poor thing was hit by a motorcycle. His next Shepherd died too from another accident. DH and his family do not have a great record with pets.

Im currently relaxing since I convinced DH to go out to Harley with his buddy to look at parts for his bike. Hoping all of us go out on the bikes tomorrow to the movies. My ninja will be staying home unfortunately but I can still go on DH bikewith him.

Hope all is well!
Mousey- well, AF showed a few days earlier than expected but LP still not bad (it was 11 days last cycle) unless I figured wrong. AF was definitely a lot lighter though (light to spotty flow the whole 4 days except for one night where it went to almost medium flow). :shrug: Had a headache most of today and tried to sleep it off, I think it's staying away at the moment but we'll see as the night goes on... I'm doing good other than that. AF left today so I guess I'm done with AF a day earlier than I'm used to.

How's everyone else doing?
Hey WTB, thanks for the sentiments. Losing a parent is incredibly hard. I'm not trying to assume I'm anywhere in my grief process, I just try to take it day by day. I was just thankful that mother's day wasn't so bad for some reason. Probably because I tend to see holidays as mass consumerism, lol. I checked out your journal and I'll be sure to keep tabs on it. I'm terrible with replies here though. I check on this thread a lot more than I reply, I always make a mental note to add something and then I close the window and forget!! :dohh:

Sorry to hear about AF, deafgal. Sounds like you had a weird cycle. I'm bleeding again. This time has been heavier than any since I started the Vitex, so fingers crossed its still trying to bring me a real AF. It's never more than enough for me to need a pantyliner and it stops and starts. So weird. I can't wait to get back from Iceland and find a doctor!!

Now since around Mar 17, I've had spotting a few days around then, again around April 1st for a few days, on April 16-20 and now once again as of May 9. I'm a mess.

I am so sad to hear about your husband's dogs, mousey!! So sad!! Sounds like you are getting all set for lots of fun this summer with the motorcycles.

So I got really frustrated the other day. The girl (I know I've complained about this one before) whose baby daddy is a drug dealer and now they both work at the same restaurant is pregnant again and posting baby bump pics on facebook. Then I got an invite on there from the girl who got pregnatn around the same time I did.. (had an early miscarriage, if you're reading this WTB)

I blocked them both! Just too frustrating. I should just delete them. :dohh:

I've been getting so excited waiting for the party day to get here so I can set up all the decorations I'm thinking of. But now my landlord is causing me major stress :cry: I'm actually going to do a new post explaining what's going on with that, maybe you girls can give me some good advice.
I'll be checking back to see what's up with you Jess... I'm curious now and I'm sure we can give you some ideas or feedback about the landlord.

Can't wait for you to go home again and see the dr to figure out what's up with your cycles. Yeah I guess I had a weird cycle. :shrug: not complaining though- it was nice not to have to use so many tampons/pads for once.
I really am going to try not to get to detailed in this and make a long story short so you guys don't fall asleep trying to read lol

Moved into our house January 2010, love it here but early on the heat pump made the thermostat say it was running on emergency heat all the time. This made our electric bill go way high but we paid it and they sent someone out to fix it right away.

Everything's been fine, our lease was up in January 2011, but since they never asked us to renew or anything, we have just continued to stay here. Then the heat pump broke again! It wasn't heating well and the thermostat said emergency heat. So I called and the girl I talked to said she'd send someone by 5:00.

No one ever came and about a week later, my husband called. No one ever came after that so we wrote a letter and addressed the issue and said the only way we could afford the high electric bills is to deduct the difference from our rent. So we have been paying $600 - $650 rather than the full $750.

This was in January mind you.. it is now May and the landlord (not the sole girl I have dealt with since renting this house) calls and leaves me a nasty voicemail. So my husband calls her back and she immediately yells at him, demanding back rent. He explained the situation and she said utilities were not her problem and that the heat pump unit was fine!! During lots of heated back and forth arguing, she also said she would have us evicted, it sounded like we need to learn to budget and then hung up on him!!

So now I don't know what to do. We've got an amazing house for the price. GIGANTIC backyard w/ high privacy fence, 3 bedrooms, basement, my 100 lb pit bull is allowed here and its only $750 a month. I can't even find anything because even the comparable 3 bedrooms with fenced in backyards don't allow pets! I'm basically going to have to find perfect timing for a gem similar to this to become available.. or until we are ready to buy a house.

My plan in the next few mins is to write up a letter explaining the issue, send it certified so that we know someone received it and in my dreams, they will have the heat pump fixed, we can resume paying the monthly sum and live happily ever after. :shrug:

What would you guys do!?
Ok- first of all, definitely get that lease RENEWED asap if you can. I'm surprised they never bothered to renew it. Mine renewed ours by end of Feb when it was due again in March so we're already signed on for another year at our house. I rent the house I live in too so this could easily be the same situation I could find myself in if I'm not careful (but I think my landlord's too smart for that considering she's married to a lawyer).

I assume you still held on to a copy of the letter you guys wrote... It's obvious you two did your part in trying to keep contact with the landlord or someone about the heat pump. I don't care what they say (if it was not broken or whatever) that's baloney because you are the ones who live in the house and therefore you would know if it's broken or not. I think the landlord is still responsible to make sure the heat pump gets fixed whenever it breaks or is a problem.

I don't know what I would do in that situation. I definitely wouldn't have withheld money from rent portion (might have found other ways to pay the utilities somehow) but then again it sounds like the landlord didn't do their part like they were supposed to in making sure the heat pump gets fixed quickly.

I think you're right to write another letter and send it certified this time. Keep proof of that in case they try to take you to court or something. Do you have any friends who are lawyers who might be able to look into this sort of situation?
We had thoroughly researched Virginia's landlord and tenant act and they are required to maintain all electric, air conditioning, etc. in proper working condition and withholding money as retaliation is acceptable :thumbup:

I wish our landlord was married to a lawyer.. all we want is for things to be fair!!
Then I'd say you're within your means and rights as a tenant. :thumbup:
Sounds like you pretty much have your bases covered, Jess. And Deafgal's reply is just about perfect. Most cities also have a tenants rights might check to see if there is a county/city tenant advocate who could give legal advice in that kind of situation. No fun!

As far as cycles for me, I'm currently out of the running since I've been put on birth control to allow a little more testing before AF shows up. I'm also getting the feeling I'll be out of the running for a couple months while the dr's get my body in baby-making shape, but I'll be sending as much babydust to you all as I can.
WTB - :dust: :hugs: Aww hope you are able to get pregnant after that does the job.
Jess-Sorry about the landlord issue. Hopefully it works out. You seem to have everything you need to fight this.

Deafgal-that sucks that AF showed. I am pretty sure mine will be coming too this month.

Web- sorry you're out of the running hun! At least hopefully the docs will figure out what's going on and get your body in baby shape!

3 more shifts ar work for me! I actually had a nice night at work last night. It was storming so incredibly bad and then we had half dollar sized hail!!! In south west Florida no less. So of course all of us are at the door and running out to get chunks of ice and take pictures lol. My job is having a hard time finding good workers but they're not willing to work with me for me to stay so its their problem. Been 3 days on tar BO and im feeling good and look better but scale hasn't changed. A little bit but nothing drastic. Is it better to not weigh myself? Im working out and watching calories so I know my weight wont go up. Its just frustrating seeing the scale. Any thoughts?

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