Honestly, the whole stopping the religious TTC mode took a big weight off my shoulders. You truly feel like yourself again...not some robot. It has worked wonders for me and I'm learning to start doing my own thing again and work on ME. I pretty much know my cycle now too with using the OPKs. For the past 3 months I have ovulated on CD 16 every time. Its good to know cycles without doing all the temping, opks and what not. Like we don't have anything else to do than check our mucus or pee on a stick and differentiate that stupid little line!
Hmmm...Holiday World? Never heard of it but it sounds awesome! I guess there are perks to not being pregnant. Guess we will all get that darn

when we are meant to even thought I know we all hate hearing that!
That's awesome that you and DH go to church every Sunday. We don't. Not that we aren't religious or anything but neither one of us really grew up going to church so I think thats why we really don't. We do follow certain "rules" with Good Friday and what not so at least we try heehee.
I do have to say that I have had a wonderful weekend! DH has been so attentive to me and has been taking me shopping this weekend. He actually spent 3 1/2 hours helping me pick out clothes, getting his opinion, and just having a nice time. AND with no complaints!! When I thought I was done, he would find more clothes for me to try on. I am not good whatsoever with style lol. I'm very plain when it comes to clothes and am happy wearing jeans, a tank top and a baseball cap with ratty flip flops. But I know have a new wardrobe for the year and gotta go pick up the rest of the shirts I picked out tomorrow. A total of 14 new shirts, 2 mini skirts, 2 shorts, and a pair of capris. I think I am done. I don't even want to look at clothes anymore! And the most amazing part of today-when we were almost done I asked DH if he still wants us to go out with his buddy and wife. He didn't even look at his phone and he says "Not really, I'm having a really nice day just spending time with you." I think I fell a little more in love with him after that!
Unfortunately when it comes to Busch Gardens, it's very limited to what DD can do since she is handicapped. With not being able to walk or hold her head up perfectly we can only do certain things. She can go to the shows and thats about it. Its sad but we get through it and do as much as we can with her. She definetly does not go without. I just need to realize that its okay to go on adult trips sometimes. I will probably always feel this way...guilty. Guilty when I don't take her places. (It's only maybe once or twice a year) But we are getting better with it.
I truly understand that drama with facebook! I had so many issues with people on it. I had so many friends on there that I grew up with. Plus my SIL and other family. Suddenly, it would just be drama. I would post something and SIL would blab to the family. Or she would get pissed because we didn't invite her somewhere. Then I had my family on my mothers side out of the blue asking me for pics of Katheryn. They were never interested before. So I am 99% sure that my mother wanted them. And honestly, she doesn't deserve any info on my daughter. She can't even call to see how she is and with the crap she said about her before? Not happening. I don't care if her and I are arguing/fighting/not talking. You don't do that to a child. And with how she is with her life and her husband with drinking/drugs/domestic problems...I am not putting my daughter through that to have a grandmother who only is a grandmother when it's convenient for her. I already dealt with that from her growing up, not happening again. I eventually got rid of my Facebook and actually had withdrawal!!! For about 3 weeks! I actually looked it up and I guess its true. But now that it has been months...I'm so happy without it. Nobody knows what I am doing and I can't say the wrong thing and piss someone else off accidently. Every friends I had on there had my cell phone number and not one has called or texted. Hmm...I found this great article about a writer who got ride of his FB and went through withdrawal...it was HILARIOUS. And after searching I have found it! You will love this!
Alritey, well I am rambling and can't sleep so I think I'll go before I keep on! Have a wonderful Monday!