Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Jess- thanks for the words of encouragement! That's true- not all of them fall out when I use the toilet after :sex:! I was wondering where you gone off to when we hadn't seen you on here for a while. Now we know you're ok. Sucks about your friends being so wrapped up in themselves or not taking much interest in what happened with you. Hope the drs can sort out what's going on with you... The sooner you get on your DH's insurance, the better. Yes, definitely need to find a real practice. I didn't have one for like 4 years and then I finally went and got one after getting really sick from my sinus allergys/infection, which is the same dr I use for my gyn.
That must be really convenient to have one doctor for everything! Have you had a TTC check up? My What to Expect book says you should always have one. I know I should have a long time ago.

My diet/workout has been NOT working lately haha. The past week I have just let it go!! So disappointed in myself. But I'm trying a new approach. Basically low carb but I'm just really going to focus on lean proteins, veggies and avoid the starchy stuff.

My dream dinner? Probably includes sides of mac n cheese, mashed potatoes and lots of bread!! Clearly doesn't do anything for my waistline :haha:

I just decided that if I have been at least trying to stick with a fitness routine I should really make the effort to eat well! It's easy to do since all sorts of awesome produce is finally coming in season and plus Will started doing P90X. He's following the meal plan and its much more restrictive than I plan on being, but we can buy basically the same groceries and eat the same meals this way.
TTC check up... Um... no... Not yet... I'm due to get a check up in June though so need to call the dr to schedule that for after school ends. Last year he had asked me if I was planning on getting pregnant- at that time sure enough I said no. Unfortunately things happened in Nov. and Dec. and we've been trying since. :dohh: Hopefully I won't need a TTC check up by then. :shrug: We'll see what happens in the next one month and a week (or two) til that appt.

Jess it's not a bad thing to let go of yourself occasionally... We need a break from everything every now and then... Hopefully you get back on track. Or at least stick with portion sizes and stuff... That will help as well if you're not watching what you eat.
Sorry about your weekend Jess. People can be so inconsiderate. I understand wanting to beat your friend upside the head (the abortion one). I had a friend like that back a few years ago. She had 6 abortions. I was just appalled! She just kept going to different guys and would use abortion as birth control basically. I don't understand people. And I haven't had a miscarriage but I do feel its a big deal. I can't even imagine how it feels. Just know that your the better person and don't even let their stupidity bother you.

Deafgal-That is pretty awesome to have a doc for everything! I have been going to Planned Parenthood for my check ups but I want a regular obgyn.

The doctor is adamant on testing before I start trying for another baby because of my daughter's condition. I understand she is just trying to be safe but I've gone to all my daughters doctors and like I've said before...its not something that will happen again. Plus we are up to date on all genetic testing and it's most likely that my daughter's condition is because of her cells and wasn't anything from us. I trust 7+ specialty doctors to a GYN at a health place...

And with my sinking feeling...I'm just concerned because I go pregnant so easily with DD and this time it's taking a lot longer. I tend to overreact with health problems so I'm not too worried but I need to get a check up anyways so I'm going to bring it up. I think it's just a number of things between stress and what not. Still no AF so we will see whats going on. I'm probably going to wait until Sunday to test again. Sometimes AF is 3 days late so I'll see if I can wait that long.

Sorry about the bleeding Jess. It must be frustrating. Deafgal-any ovulation yet?
I wrote a long reply but it didn't post earlier... Arugh! :grr: Oh well... Forgot all of what I said in it too... So I'll just answer your question...

I got my first positive opk yesterday... It's still dark this morning when I tested again so I guess I'm due to ovulate sometime between this morning and tomorrow morning. :) I'm definitely gonna hop my DH tonight when he gets home... :-= and do it again tomorrow! :haha:
That's great deafgal! Good luck and will be keeping my fingers crossed for ya! Woke up to cramps this morning and checked and AF just started. Don't have time to be upset since I had to drive to Miami on my own today for Katheryn's check up. Im a bit mad I guess? I told DH we are taking a break with TTC now. I want to get my life back and lose weight and take care of all the new things going on with DD. I can't do either of those while worrying about getting pregnant or possibly being pregnant. We are gonna wait until july I think. That way we get thorough the brunt of things and are past our trip to NY since that is costing us a bundle already. Time to help hubby work so see y'all later!
Sounds like a good plan... Yeah plan a failed lol I fell asleep before I could jump DH last night cuz he got stuck in construction traffic! :rofl: so we did bd this morning at 6 am instead! :thumbup: even then we did bd twice day before the pos and the first day of pos. We will see what happens.

Hope everyone is having a good day! Mine has been interesting.
:bunny:Happy Easter Ladies!!!:bunny:

Hope you all are having a great weekend! Mine has been going okay. Between two trips to Miami for a total of 10 hours of driving, and working until midnight last is a major :coffee: day. I don't think I'd ever get to the point, but today at Wal-Mart I kept seeing pregnant women and my spirits would get a bit down. But I will be ok. Been in spring cleaning mode and the way I look at it, gonna clean what I can until the feeling goes away! Tomorrow starts my dieting/workout finally. It's exactly 90 days until NY so I really have to get a move on!

Deafgal-So hopefully you got some :sex: in before your ovulation!! I understand about being sleepy!! It's difficult to have baby making time when you just want to go to sleep!

Jess-Hope all is well sweetie! Haven't seen ya is your couch to 5k going? Hopefully since I've been in cleaning mode...maybe I can go into workout mode easily too!:haha:

:wine:Just Relaxing now with a raspberry Margerita while DH is grilling ribs! Then later it is time to roast marshmallows in the firepit! YUM!
:hugs: Yeah... I did it again last night too several times... :haha: I haven't gotten any today yet. :-= but I will get some on tonight... I think I ovulated yesterday anyways- cuz the chart shows a dip in my temps. So if the next two days shows a rise in my temp, then obviously I ovulated yesterday which makes today 1 dpo... :shrug: time will tell...

Mousey- :hugs: it sucks to hear that AF came. Maybe you're right- the timing isn't right- especially considering everything you've had to handle on your plate right now. A break will do you a world of good- not focused on ttc and focusing on you (losing weight). Are you going to be more of the NTNP route or is it going to be all out nothing? I hope you can be bump buddies with me at some point. Enjoy that margerita for me! I'm craving some right now but can't be bothered to go out for any anyways (especially considering the fact we don't sell alcohol on Sundays in my state- stupid conservative law)- I wonder if I went to a neighboring state would I get to drink any? I might... I have to look into that later.

I hope you are having a good Easter- Jess and Mousey.
Hmm dry state? If they had that down here there would be way too many pissed off rich alcoholics lol. Well hopefully you'll get :bfp: this time! We tried the ntnp last cycle and still nothing. Im just going to take a total break of trying until July. We will both be less stressed, things will calm down a bit with DD, and we would rather not have our next one share a birthday with DD. I feel that they should have their own parties and if they're close together in dates, even by a will refuse to come to two parties. Its okay though...3 months isn't that far away. I will be still here on the page! I can't bear to leave heehee.
Dry state... :haha: Only on Sundays... Blah! I hope they change that and say we can buy alcohol on Sunday. I feel sorry for the people coming to superbowl if they don't change that law here next year. :rofl: I wouldn't know if that excludes sales of alcohol at the games or whatever... :shrug:

I'm glad you won't leave this journal... :rofl: 3 months isn't that far off... Who knows maybe I won't get my bfp til then and then we can be bump buddies this summer. :thumbup:
Aww that would be nice to be bump buddies! Hmmm...yeah they should probably change the law for the super bowl, that would NOT be a pretty sight!

Ended up leaving work early tonight. Just wasn't feeling it whatsoever and I just really wanted to be home with the family. With everything going on, I've got DD on my mind nonstop. I'm thinking I might be quitting after summer. It's just becoming too much. And they keep putting all the pressure on me. Hit October, we have DH truck and boat paid off so I'm going to try and and hold on till then. Could be why there has been no :bfp:.

Soooo you are now in your 2ww hun!! Hopefully you stay more sane than I did with this last cycle!! It would be soooo awesome to be bump buddies but I still hope that you get your :bfp: as soon as possible! Yeahh...I couldn't leave here if I tried. It's so nice talking with you girls about life in general. I got rid of FB a few months ago because of a few issues I had with "friends" and "family" and it was just a fiasco.

Hope all is well!!
:haha: I think I'll be staying sane... I got this bulletin board contest to brainstorm for right now. I'm thinking I'll do a Where in the USA is Carmen San Diego? for the May bulletin board. Why not? It ties in nicely with summer- especially if the kids do travel somewhere with their family this summer (not everyone will get to travel but it works out). I got to change the bulletin board this week- probably start taking down stuff Wednesday and start putting up the new decorations Thursday night. Need to go shopping for the new decorations too...

That'd be good idea... I got a lot of stress and pressure on 2nd shift, so I switched to 3rd and I'm loving it since. There's so much stress and pressure on 2nd shift than there is on 3rd. Apparently 2nd shift has so much more to do (supposed to plan trips off campus twice a month, help with homework, etc.) Plus I never saw my DH during the week and according to my love language, I like to have quality time with him and sometimes he was busy on weekends too. :dohh: So me working 3rd shift worked out better for both of us. Not to mention how much we'll save on the babysitting just by having me on 3rd shift too- DH'd be free to make more money in 2nd shift if he picked up a couple jobs interpreting colleges since I'd be home with the baby all day long when we have one. Maybe you do need to quit- at some point it becomes not worth the stress/pressure.

Hope you're doing alright. Yep, 2 weeks wait... We'll see how it goes.
Hey girls! Sorry to hear about AF, mousey. And as always, I'll be sending best wishes your way for your 2ww, deafgal!

I always go MIA for too long hehe. :haha:

This time, I had been working and then the other night I had a reply typed up but my laptop froze and I lost it. This weekend, I was in an old friend's wedding. I hadn't seen her in probably four years! But she's one of those friends I know I could have always counted on for anything. It was a beautiful wedding and she was so kind enough to have the photographer take some professional pics of just me and my DH! I am so so excited to see them.

I have just been planning my reception party as well. Going for the irish pub theme and decided to have irish food. The coffee shop makes a delicious Irish stew as a special every few weeks and it always sells out quickly. I think this will be cheap and easy since I work somewhere that has the recipe for large amounts. Throw in some bread and yummy sides, and we've got our meal!

Will and I are both mutts from the South, so we know there is some Irish heritage in there somewhere, just not so sure how much. :blush:

I have found the CUTEST centerpiece idea:

Along with dark green tablecloths and probably an Irish flag or two hanging up. Either string lights or rope lights along the ceiling..

Trying to think of something I can do with candles but I'm not sure. I'm just feeling so relieved to have the place picked out and thinking up the cute decorations is so much fun!

Hope everyone's having a great start to the week and I'll try to start checking in more often!
Jess- that's a lovely idea- everything you're thinking up for your reception sounds amazing. I'm glad your old friend thought to have professional pics taken of your DH and you. That's very sweet of them.
Deafgal-Awesome with the Carmen San Diego idea! I bet the kids will love it.

Jess-I love the centerpiece! I'm from Germany originally, and so is all my family except the few from Ireland so I REALLY love it!

Yeah 2nd shift sucks. There is a lot to do and especially on Saturday nights since its the last day to keep up with numbers. Im always up front so they tend to put that entire burden on me and only me. Its exhausting! And when you don't keep with the numbers and we don't make budget, Im the one who gets faulted and everyone especially management is rude.
Deafgal-Awesome with the Carmen San Diego idea! I bet the kids will love it.

Jess-I love the centerpiece! I'm from Germany originally, and so is all my family except the few from Ireland so I REALLY love it!

Yeah 2nd shift sucks. There is a lot to do and especially on Saturday nights since its the last day to keep up with numbers. Im always up front so they tend to put that entire burden on me and only me. Its exhausting! And when you don't keep with the numbers and we don't make budget, Im the one who gets faulted and everyone especially management is rude.
Btw idea for candles if you want to stay with gold/green, you can get gold or green candles and and have a gold/green ribbon around them. My SIL did that for her reception. Her colors were white/pink/baby blue so she had white candles with pink ribbon around them. I know you'll come up with something beautiful!
I can't wait for the girls to wake up and see the bulletin board. I was too excited that I went ahead and put the bulletin board up for May :blush: Can ya tell I'm that enthusatic about my decorating job? Now I'm working on the door name tags. I will post some pictures later when I get home. Just need to make myself sleep better today when I get home somehow... I haven't been sleeping more than 5 hours this week. :dohh: so I've had to drink a little bit of coffee... It helps that I was busy with the bulletin board all night too... :thumbup:
Lol couldn't wait could ya deafgal! That's great your so enthusiastic about it. I bet it looks great! I've been enthusiastic too...about cleaning lmao. Well that and working out and tanning and getting ready for our trip!

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