Hey girls. Mousey I feel so bad for you about having these issues at work!!
Having nonstop stress at work or home is the worst thing.. You have to be at either. The last place I worked had signs everywhere telling people to do this do that, always ended with "because we have a stack of applications of people ready to take your job". Did wonders for morale.
I was just watching a documentary on drug addicts and naturally, this drug addict couple was about to have TWINS. I'd like to tell my fertility book to suck it and that I'm going to start doing pills, heroin and then methadone on top of all that and wait for my twosome. OH and gain weight, as this lady was quite large. So sick of this!
I'm watching a reality show about a couple who decorates weddings, receptions and parties. Everything they do is so awesome and it's making me really excited for my party. I won't have millions of dollars to spend, but I'm just getting so excited thinking of how to arrange lighting and centerpieces and decorations!!
I found table cloths online for $1 each. I think I will alternate them maybe green, white and gold? Also some gold cellophane. I might go to the party store here and check, just to make sure, but either way, I'll be covered!!
SO invitations.. I'm an artist in my spare time and I was sketching things for them and thought about a comic book cover idea. But I'm not going to do that, too much effort once I started sketching and it makes no sense with the irish idea. So I'm just going to do it up Irish! Make the text green w/ a
celtic/irish looking font.
I had a cheat dinner last night at WAFFLE HOUSE! lol! deafgal, I hope I didn't bother you too much by posting about it on Facebook. Seriously guys, we went in, sat down, the server took our order and maybe 3 minutes later we had the most perfectly prepared food I've had in so long!!! I can't believe I'm raving about waffle house but it was AWESOME! Best cheat meal EVER.

Women usually use that pink cloud icon for announcing their BFP's and I'm using it because I had chocolate chip waffles. This is my life! Lol.
Then, I got a small frozen pizza for dinner tonight, cut one piece and the dogs got the rest. I was mad at them at first, but it helped me stick to limiting bad stuff and I worked out instead. What do you guys think about power walking? Think it really works? I did that mostly.. Kept up a pretty solid speed. Definitely was sweating a ton. I did some 3 minute long jogging intervals and overall I'd say I'm feeling beat! Maybe you could start slow with some walking too, deafgal?