Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

PICS ARE POSTED IN MY JOURNAL!!!! Oh oops, haha yes I was so excited about the whole idea- I waited long enough. :-= So check them out! They totally rock too! It looks amazing and I'm so proud of it too- it was the first thing I showed DH pictures of today. :rofl:
Sooo love it! Love your journal too! Hope your doing good...your 4 dpo and counting so lots of baby dust heading your way for that :bfp:!
I love the display too!!!!! The girls have been talking about it all day while I have been at home sleeping. :haha: My coworker in my dorm also mentioned other staff have been stopping by to check out the bulletin board. :blush:
Thanks for the candles idea, Mousey. I was able to get huge beer mugs at Wal-Mart for $3 and some fake carnations to stick in the top. I got string lights and rope lights at Big Lots, along with some quirky Irish Pub signage. We even found some cute little fake moss covered rocks that will probably look great scattered around the beer mugs.

Now I just need to find some gold cellophane to put inside the mugs and some lace as the "beer head". Unrelatedly, I got a HUGE mirror at big lots for $9.84. I think it'll go great in our bedroom above my dresser. Isn't that nuts? $10. And some big glass cylinders at Pier 1 for $5 each, originally $20. Finding bargains and couponing is my reason for living, lol. :haha: Which reminds me, WalMart used to have FLAT twin sheets for $2.97. These would have been perfect for the rectangular tables but now WalMart has some fancy stuff for way more than $2.97! I remember this because I got some when I went to college. Not now! Ugh!

Deafgal, I loved your boards!! Want to help with my reception? :winkwink:

JK.. I think I've got my decorations all set. Just need to worry about food and drinks!

So I was thinking I should wait to see a doctor until after I go to Iceland in July. This will give me time to enjoy the summer without worrying about TTC , or if for some HILARIOUS reason I would do something nutty and off the wall like say.. ovulate... I won't have to worry about being pregnant and travelling.
Feeling odd today though. Had a day off and have had the house to myself. I was really looking forward to the "me" time, but I've just been feeling lost for some reason. Oh well. Hope everyone's doing great today! I really need to start posting more so I don't write you poor girls a novel everytime I update. :wacko:
Jess- I love reading the novels each time you update. I don't mind at all. It gives me something to do. If you're serious about my help with your reception ideas- I'd be glad to give you some insights/ideas. Just say the word and let me know what you're thinking of/post pictures and Mousey & I will be glad to give you ideas/inputs/feedbacks.

Gold cellophane? Wonder where you can find that at... Hmmm... Amazon has gold cellophane wrapping paper... I'll be on lookout tomorrow when I tackle Jo Anne's and Hobby Lobby... I don't remember seeing any at Michael's. :shrug: Would the party stores maybe have some? That's another place to check out.
A week ago, I would have been fretting for ideas, but once I settled on something easy enough I'm alright. The way St Patrick's day is makes it easy to find things really cheesey and Irish. It's probably an abomination to true Irish people!

I think you're right, I will just order the cellophane online. I'm watching a documentary right now showing the effects of a somewhat low carb diet. Which is interesting because it's what I've been doing for almost a week and a half now. I feel smaller! My clothes are fitting better. Embarrassingly enough, I've only exercised once during this whole time :( I need to change that as that should be the number one thing I focus on.

Maybe I'll go do some lunges and crunches while I watch this :haha
:dohh: Jess- you're in the same boat as me on the exercise front... :blush: I haven't exercised one bit since getting sick with allergies. :dohh: My allergies aren't as bad now so it's not stopping me from doing my exercises but I've not been motivated to do my work outs lately. :-=

Yep, go whip your butt and get to working out! But hey, you're doing something right if you're slimming up more with that low carb diet you are on right now.
I just did some lunges and crunches. Probably won't help at all but makes me feel better. The low carb diet I'm doing (I mentioned this an earlier post) is just mainly fruits vegetables and lean proteins. I don't buy into anything really strict, like Atkins, where you can't have bananas or apples or corn, etc. I just am trying to be reasonable. Everything in moderation! I can't get the numbers on the scale to budge though. But my clothes are still fitting much better. I usually air dry my jeans, not only because they don't shrink but also because I tend to wear dark jeans and they fade much less. The other day though, I dried them in the dryer and they fit fine! I couldn't believe it. I usually have to put them on, hop around, do some splits and make them stretch out lol.
I can live with a low carb diet if I wanted... :haha: I just don't want to give up my favorite pasta dishes... :rofl: At least I don't eat them as much as I used to so I guess that's a plus. Yep, everything in moderation helps.
Party city might have the gold cellophane? Or any party store for that matter. Oh yeah us girls definitely have plenty ideas! That's good that the low carb is working for ya...I have been doing a lower calorie diet. Not even really low calorie just healthier over all. Its about 1700 calories. Doing that and high intensity aerobics every other day and the rest of the days its been dance, elliptical and ab workout. And two cheat days. It takes a few weeks to notice a change on the scale but I am already noticing that I am toning up. Just found out we are all meeting up with family in Ocala next Sunday so I am on the workout bandwagon. My SIL keeps bragging about losing weight but she takes diet pills and doesn't really eat (she was 234lb when she gave birth to her second) so I am really set on doing this all natural! I about cried last night, found a scale at walmart and though what the heck and weighed myself and it was the biggest I had ever seen..then driving home I realized I weighed myself with holding my huge purse...which weighs 6lb!!! Sheesh...:dohh:. Hubby is my personal trainer so to speak and tells me I need to be up at 6am and eat breakfast and start my workout instead of sleeping in. Alarm went off at 6 and it ended up getting thrown since I couldn't turn it off! We'll see how this 6am thing goes. Love your novels Jess! I get worried about my novels lol. Man I wish we all lived closer!!!
The 6 am time is easier to wake up if you get in enough sleep, Mousey- an adult like us usually require 7 hours or 8 hours of sleep per night I think (some do require MORE sleep or less than the average). :shrug: I find that if I go to bed by 10 pm on Saturday night, it's not as hard to wake up to the alarm at 6 am the next day.

:dohh: I ate pasta and bread last night... I hadn't had spaghetti in forever. :-= Yeah, I think I'm more focused on lower calories in take like you are Mousey- instead of 1700, mine's to aim for 1600 something. So far I've been maintaining my weight so I need to kick it up a notch by throwing in some work outs on a more regular basis- I fell off the wagon when I got sick bad with the allergies and haven't gotten back on it since... That was almost two weeks to a month ago I think. I'd have to check my ff chart to see when I was very :sick: with the allergies.

Yep, Jess- use us for giving you ideas. :thumbup: I'm sure we'll help you think up many more things... :-= I can't wait for your wedding so I can see pictures.
Yeah I got up later today. Didn't get home from work until late so didn't go to sleep until 2am. Im not totally sure what my usual calorie intake is but it ranges from 1500-1700. Its become so easy to do! Today was my 4th day of working out. I had gone up to 169 but now back to 166 finally...I think it was water weight. It feels great to be getting back into the routine!

Got so aggravated at work last night. I about walked out. I changed my schedule and management got an attitude with me and told me it can't be permanent. Little do they know that I will be putting my two week notice in two weeks before I leave for NY. We just want to use my paycheck for NY so that's why I am trying to stick it out. Then its back to NTNP. I feel guilty for wanting to wait until then lol. Like people will think that I don't want to get pregnant that bad. It just feels like a good fit. I will be ovulating during the trip or around when we get home so its perfect timing. Plus DH will be less stressed.

On pregnancy news, two more co workers are pregnant. A 19 year old who moves around anytime she meets a guy. And the psycho bitch who I had an issue with at work a couple of months ago. I didn't let it bother me really but it does kind of irk me. Yup...a girl who doesn't want kids and one who doesn't even have custody of her first two kids. The world is a crazy place...

Sorry for was just one of those nights as you can tell. Tomorrow going to the in laws and I am PRAYING that it goes ok!
Mousey- that would totally irk me too if I had coworkers like that all pregnant! :dohh: The world's definitely a nasty place.

Glad you'll be quitting them soon enough... Yep, just hang in there a little bit longer. Soon you'll be free of them and everyone'll be less stressed. :dust: Hope the New York trip is a lucky one and gives you that bfp you've been waiting for!
Thanks hun. I went into work tonight with my head up and telling myself its only 3 months and it will be fine. Then shit hit the fan lol. Assistant manager got an attitude because I couldn't answer the phone since I was helping a customer so I tried talking to her and she flat out said that I didn't do my job and she can find someone who will do it and that she doesn't give a shit and that I should quit. So I told her that I was going home and I will be back next week. Manager is backing me up on this one so that's good. 3 more months!!!!!!!!

Enough about my endless drama from work. How are you doing? Looks like you will be testing soon! Lots of baby dust heading your way. I will send the coffee from seems to help with fertility lol. Maybe I should drink it too. So how is the carmen san diego board going? I bet its a big hit.
Hey girls. Mousey I feel so bad for you about having these issues at work!!

Having nonstop stress at work or home is the worst thing.. You have to be at either. The last place I worked had signs everywhere telling people to do this do that, always ended with "because we have a stack of applications of people ready to take your job". Did wonders for morale. :wacko:

I was just watching a documentary on drug addicts and naturally, this drug addict couple was about to have TWINS. I'd like to tell my fertility book to suck it and that I'm going to start doing pills, heroin and then methadone on top of all that and wait for my twosome. OH and gain weight, as this lady was quite large. So sick of this!

I'm watching a reality show about a couple who decorates weddings, receptions and parties. Everything they do is so awesome and it's making me really excited for my party. I won't have millions of dollars to spend, but I'm just getting so excited thinking of how to arrange lighting and centerpieces and decorations!!

I found table cloths online for $1 each. I think I will alternate them maybe green, white and gold? Also some gold cellophane. I might go to the party store here and check, just to make sure, but either way, I'll be covered!!

SO invitations.. I'm an artist in my spare time and I was sketching things for them and thought about a comic book cover idea. But I'm not going to do that, too much effort once I started sketching and it makes no sense with the irish idea. So I'm just going to do it up Irish! Make the text green w/ a
celtic/irish looking font.

I had a cheat dinner last night at WAFFLE HOUSE! lol! deafgal, I hope I didn't bother you too much by posting about it on Facebook. Seriously guys, we went in, sat down, the server took our order and maybe 3 minutes later we had the most perfectly prepared food I've had in so long!!! I can't believe I'm raving about waffle house but it was AWESOME! Best cheat meal EVER. :cloud9: lol

Women usually use that pink cloud icon for announcing their BFP's and I'm using it because I had chocolate chip waffles. This is my life! Lol.

Then, I got a small frozen pizza for dinner tonight, cut one piece and the dogs got the rest. I was mad at them at first, but it helped me stick to limiting bad stuff and I worked out instead. What do you guys think about power walking? Think it really works? I did that mostly.. Kept up a pretty solid speed. Definitely was sweating a ton. I did some 3 minute long jogging intervals and overall I'd say I'm feeling beat! Maybe you could start slow with some walking too, deafgal?
I love power walking! DH and I did that yesterday. I sometimes throw on a Leslie s walk at home DVD.

Facebook? I have to go see! :dohh: I missed something- have been bad about following Facebook lately. It's been a busy weekend too. I am tired and still need to put together state portfolios for the bulletin board.

Great idea with the invitation- that will be very lovely! Mosey you need to send some of your work coffee my way- maybe that is exactly what I need. :haha:
HaHa I LOVE wafflehouse! Today is my cheat day. Well mini cheat..had Combos on my way to the in laws. And had a coke with breakfast. Thanks for the support guys...its awful when people have to be so rude. So I have my usual horoscope that seems to always be right...and here is todays.

Pisces May 1 2011
Don't be afraid to dream for fear that you'll only wind up more disappointed and more disillusioned. It's time to do some spring cleaning of the soul. Free yourself of negative energy, dreary expectations, and fear. You probably don't even realize how dark and gloomy recent events have left you feeling about yourself and your life. But once you begin to clear out the cobwebs and let in some light, you will see by comparison how truly bright and beautiful things can be. There is good fortune waiting for you - but you have to be able to see it to embrace it.
Copyright (c) DailyHoroscope.

LMAO! Soooo true! Love the ideas with the three tablecloths..and that is a great price too. It sounds sooo exciting! Wish I could go!
Wtf? Wrote a long response but it needed a moderator to approve? Anyways walking is awesome. I stick with my high intensity aerobics, dance, and elliptical. Im thinking of getting into tae bo again and maybe yoga too for stress. Love the idea of the three tablecloths! It sounds like it will be a blast!
:thumbup: No prob Mousey- that's what we're here for- to listen to you vent when you need to. If only half of the people out there were decent and nice and polite...

Jess - that's quite a bargain for the tablecloth idea... That's a great price.
haha, I feel for your mousey...I'm surrouned by the just pop'd and the about to friends and family are the same....

and at work I listen to people who are pregnant and either don't want to be, are self-admitted to young to be, or just plain don't appreciate what they have.

I'm glad you posted this, and I'll be keeping my eyes on this string of posts:winkwink:

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