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Mayhem Babies! May 2011 mummies and babies

Ava was saying boom boom earlier. not with the M though, lol. she fell and then i asked her if she fell and went boom. i kept repeating "boom boom" and she started with "boo boo".
:hugs: sowwy :cry:

The bleeding seems to be calming, but I'm still sore?! I hate this, I want Grace back safe in my tummy. I want to TTC straight away and so does OH but I can't stop feeling like we will be betraying Grace, ARGHHHHH! my head is screwed :cry:
Lol! Richmond sausages are the best!!

Yummy that sounds an amazing breakfast wriggler! Lol I love the smell of bacon in the morning :)

Night all, I'm off to bedfordshire too! Sweet dreams xxxx
Aww I would have thought she'd have bashed herself saying boo boo too but boom boom, thats so cute:cloud9:

American bacon is nothing like UK bacon either:nope:

Wiggler, maybe give yourself a little while to feel better:hugs: My early m/c was very crampy but the bleeding actually felt no different to my period mainly. :hugs:
Urgh my head is all over the place, i miss Grace so much, but I want to try again. I told OH we will see how I fel around ovulation time.
EDIT: Removing the spoilers, because I shouldn't hide how I treated everyone here.

I owe some apologies...

I have been going through a ton of shit lately, more than I let on. My situation is worse than I let on to be because there are some things that I find too personal to discuss, and because I don't want to constantly complain and vent on you guys. I wanted to keep the thread as happy as possible. When I said that my situation is worse than I let on to be, I mean it's worse in a physical sense, and an emotional sense, to the point where simple things tend to offend me and hurt me, and my immediate reaction is to defend myself. Some of the things said are things that the asshole I live with says to me nearly every day, and I reacted wrongly. I felt like heyy's post about the "world best paying barista job" was a personal attack on me and on my ability to parent. I have been told over and over again that I am a horrible and neglectful mother, so much so to the point where I almost believe it because I can't get out of here quickly enough. I'd love nothing more than to be able to pack up and leave at this very moment, but there are many factors that make it impossible for me to do so and would actually make things worse for myself and for the kids. I am doing the absolute best I can to get out of here as quickly as possible. This also includes putting my reversal on hold for now. I am disappointed about that, but I know it's necessary right now.

That being said, I want to apologize to new for jumping down your throat. I also want to apologize to heyy for attacking you and assuming you were attacking me. I did and still do feel as if your post was rude and I am still hurt by it. While I understand now where you were coming from, I think it could have been worded differently. That being said, I also realize that it was NOT a personal attack on me. With the daily abuse I suffer through every day, your words were very similar to things the AILW would say, which is why I reacted the way I did. This was no reason to single you out and attack you. It also was not fair of me to leave out certain points and expect you all to fill in the blanks and understand the complexity.

I'm at a very sensitive point in my life right now and I am trying very hard not to let it spill over into my other relationships, and unfortunately, I did that here, I hurt all of you in doing so. For that, I am very sorry for my attitude, my behaviour, and for destroying a great group and a great set of friendships. I hope that in time you can find it in yourselves to possibly forgive me and maybe welcome me back into the Mayhems. I would love to know how these babies grow up.

Take care.
Flying visit as I am soooo meant to be in bed.. naughty OH keeping me up lol

Charlotte the yellow cream you use what is it?? You can get 'timodine' on prescription for bad nappy rash hun, yellow in colour and stains EVERYTHING but it does work! failing that if the rash is really bad you could try Canestan at 1%, i wouldnt go to 2% without consulting a doctor, but if he continues to have a persistant rash than a doctor visit would be worth while he can give you the correct anti fungal cream that will best suit him hun. You apply that, with Sudacrem or a good barrier cream over the top and it will clear up xxxx
Definately not betraying Grace:hugs: Make sure and take time to feel better first hun:hugs:

Dont let that naughty OH keep you up:winkwink:

Im so exhausted this evening:sleep:
:cry: Eilidh just fell and cut her chin, I cleaned it up but I dont know if its too deep, I put a plaster on :( She was crawling around and our living room floor is hard and her arms just seemed to give away and her head landed and she cut the under of her chin. Theres not anything sharp on the floor so I dont understand the cut, its pretty much a straight line.
OOOh, poor Eilidh! Are you going to take her in to have it looked at, hon?

:rofl: @ Livi clapping her head! Silly girl!

I don't know if you guys have it there- but the product called Butt Paste is amazing on diaper rash- and comes off so much easier than the zinc based ones- I feel like you have to make their bums so much worse just wiping off the zinc crap :nope:

Wiggler- :hug: I know exactly how you feel honey- I felt like actively TTC would betray the babies I lost- I also was so afraid to be heart broken again. We opted to NTNP and turned up pregnant the very next cycle/

Elle has double ear infections :nope: so the Dr started her on antibiotics- Charlotte has seemed a little less sick and in fact her ears look pretty good, but Dr said if she keeps running a fever he'll just call antibiotics in for her, too- And then during their bedtime bottle Charlotte projectile vomited all over the place :sick:
I have her asleep right now with the plaster on, it looks like it should be ok, its not bleeding too much so I'm going to see how it looks in morning. I just dont understand how she managed it :(

Poor Elle :(:hugs: Ear infections are nasty, hope the antibiotics make her feel better quick:hugs: Eek at the projectile vomiting too!!
heyy- aww. poor Elle. hope the medicine help with her infections :hugs:

mummy- yikes! poor Eilidh. hope it looks better in the morning.
2.30am my darling son decided to wake up :growlmad: anyone want a toddler?
Bethany seems loads better today :happydance: Much happier, less snotty and back to her cheeky self :happydance: Dylans not coughing as often, it sounds horrible still. I have got the cough now.

Dylan is in a foul mood, screaming and sleepy. He isn't allowed to nap though, he WILL sleep well tonight.
:cry: Eilidh just fell and cut her chin, I cleaned it up but I dont know if its too deep, I put a plaster on :( She was crawling around and our living room floor is hard and her arms just seemed to give away and her head landed and she cut the under of her chin. Theres not anything sharp on the floor so I dont understand the cut, its pretty much a straight line.

Huge :hugs: to eilidh, hope it's not deep but worth a check :flower:
OOOh, poor Eilidh! Are you going to take her in to have it looked at, hon?

I don't know if you guys have it there- but the product called Butt Paste is amazing on diaper rash- and comes off so much easier than the zinc based ones- I feel like you have to make their bums so much worse just wiping off the zinc crap :nope:

Elle has double ear infections :nope: so the Dr started her on antibiotics- Charlotte has seemed a little less sick and in fact her ears look pretty good, but Dr said if she keeps running a fever he'll just call antibiotics in for her, too- And then during their bedtime bottle Charlotte projectile vomited all over the place :sick:

:hugs: to both the bairns. Aaron projectile vomited two mornings running but we couldn't work out why and it vanished as quick as it came :shrug:
Sorry all your babies are sick or hurt!!

Today we are sending Sebastien off to SILs and we r going out tonight and having a nice sleep in tomorrow... Sebastien goes to bed by 7 pm at the latest every night but somehow when we come home from dinner and its basically the same as if he were home asleep.. it feels so different to be totally alone and we stay up so late and do naughty things outside of bedroom or with doors open and lights on!! its like how it was pre baby Every 2 weeks SIL takes him for like an entire 24 hours its great!

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