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Mayhem Babies! May 2011 mummies and babies

Hopeful- I really had to chuckle at "doing naughty things outside the bedroom" - The girls sleep in our room, so for us it's a treat when we can DTD IN our bedroom! :lol: Enjoy your date night- will you be going out anywhere special, or just ordering in :winkwink:

Mummy- how is Eilidhs chin?

Harvey :hi: What's on the plan for today?
Ps- we had a REALLY rough night- so I know it almost doesn't count- But the girls slept til 7am! :happydance: Hey! I'll take it where I can get it! lol
Sorry all your babies are sick or hurt!!

Today we are sending Sebastien off to SILs and we r going out tonight and having a nice sleep in tomorrow... Sebastien goes to bed by 7 pm at the latest every night but somehow when we come home from dinner and its basically the same as if he were home asleep.. it feels so different to be totally alone and we stay up so late and do naughty things outside of bedroom or with doors open and lights on!! its like how it was pre baby Every 2 weeks SIL takes him for like an entire 24 hours its great!

Enjoy your time together :happydance::blush:

Harvey :hi: What's on the plan for today?

Me mam let me have a lie in till 10.15am:happydance:

Then we went shopping to aldi, got some nappies, yoghurts, then went to asda next door and got me mam some black magic to go with her mothers day money I gave her. Nowt interesting really:wacko:

Hubby might be working tomorrow so not sure what plans are there, if he finishes at lunchtime we might go swimming, or maybe park again :shrug:. Eldest SD coming tomorrow for either lunch or tea so need to go shopping tonight or tomorrow at tesco.

I've wrote half my christening invitations out last night, I didn't realise how minotinus it is:wacko:

Any ideas how to dress the room at his christening? I'm thinking dressing the food table area only in a few helium balloons, banners! What about a (what's that thing called that you whack and eventually sweets drop out) for the kids:shrug:
LOL heyy at DTD in the bedroom being a treat:haha:

Wiggler I'll take toddler if he comes with that breakfast sandwich:thumbup:

Harvey, 10 15am is practically lunchtime:sleep:

A pinyata or however its spelt? They're great fun hun:thumbup: Hows the weather where you are for the park?

Milos hows the kids lurgy now hun?:hugs:

Eilidhs chin cut has crusted over but it still looks pretty bad, think I'll take her after I've had my shower, Freja has her friends mom taking her today:haha:
heyy- 7? that's great! its the same over here, we're lucky if we get to :sex: in our bed :haha:

harvey- glad you got a lie in! i've gotten 2 hrs of sleep :cry:
mummy- the kids seem to be clearing up. still snotty nose for Ava. Milo seems to be better though. now OH is coming down with it and he's being a big baby :dohh: i told him i dont wanna hear any of his bullshit since i've done it all week while i was sick, alone, without a choice of being alone or not :grr:
Man flu :argh: Dont envy you that!!!:hugs: Thats good Milo feels better though, hopefully Ava wont be far behind in getting better:thumbup:
My diet has gone to pots :blush: day 1 and I get a sweet shop sent in via air mail.. what am I supposed to do :dohh: :haha: Feel a bit pigged out and :sick: right now though lolol

OH and I were *ahem* the other day, and george was occupied, I felt something touch me (obviously assumed it was OH) and opened my eyes and there sat curiously watching was George :rofl: :blush: we werent :sex: we were just fooling around but george had crawled over, quiet as a lamb and sat right beside us just watching :blush: (the touch was his little hand holding onto mine)
OMG new! I nearly spit my drink out all over my laptop reading that! :rofl: :rofl:
You and OH are going to have to get a bit more creative about the whens and wheres!

Milos- :dohh: why are all men such friggin BABIES when it comes to getting sick??? I have a fever of 102 right now- with a horrid sore throat and I'm pretty sure ear infections comin on. AND I'M TAKING CARE OF SHIT AND NOT BITCHING :grr: Men :growlmad:
Harvey, 10 15am is practically lunchtime:sleep:

A pinyata or however its spelt? They're great fun hun:thumbup: Hows the weather where you are for the park?

Milos hows the kids lurgy now hun?:hugs:

Eilidhs chin cut has crusted over but it still looks pretty bad, think I'll take her after I've had my shower, Freja has her friends mom taking her today:haha:

Thanks mummy! Couldn't remember it's name:dohh:

The weather is cold as usual, a bit grey as if it's going to rain but then sunshine comes out now and then :wacko:
:hugs: eilidh
Hopeful- I really had to chuckle at "doing naughty things outside the bedroom" - The girls sleep in our room, so for us it's a treat when we can DTD IN our bedroom! :lol: Enjoy your date night- will you be going out anywhere special, or just ordering in :wink wink:

Ha yea we are going to this french restaurant that opened last week that my friends own so we shall get vip treatment haha.. then we are going to have drinks at this outdoor lounge sort of thing.. should be nice.. i went and picked up my stuff from the tailor that i had to have taken in and now the top looks perfect..

ahh sh*t we might have to change our after dinner plans and maybe go to a club hahah... because its raining!!!
My diet has gone to pots :blush: day 1 and I get a sweet shop sent in via air mail.. what am I supposed to do :dohh: :haha: Feel a bit pigged out and :sick: right now though lolol

OH and I were *ahem* the other day, and george was occupied, I felt something touch me (obviously assumed it was OH) and opened my eyes and there sat curiously watching was George :rofl: :blush: we werent :sex: we were just fooling around but george had crawled over, quiet as a lamb and sat right beside us just watching :blush: (the touch was his little hand holding onto mine)

:rofl: :blush: poor George will be scarred for life! He must have thought you were being ate alive:winkwink::haha:
Have just sent hubby off to the store for sick supplies- am going to bed when he gets back and Bethy will watch the girls when he goes to work so I can sleep longer- :cloud9: Don't know what I'd do without that kid!
Night ladies-
Uh oh, looks like we are looking at another sicky bug, Bethany was a bit sicky yesterday and OH just rang me to tell me Dylan has just chucked up. Just what I need! :nope: Bethany had it for less than 24 hours though so hopefully it won't last long in Dylan too.
Hey ladies!!

Hope you have all had an ok ish day with the babies?

New - we haven't got any cream on prescription for his persistent nappy rash yet, but now I'm thinking I may take him in after the weekend if he is still not better!
LOL at George coming over when you and OH were having a bit of fun! I swear kids have radars :dohh:

Wriggler - hope Dylan's bug goes quick like Bethany's did. Don't feel that you are betraying grace by TTC again hun, she would want you to I'm sure! She lives in your 2 beautiful babies you already have any any others you will have in the future :hugs:

Hey - you older daughter sounds like a god send! Poor little ladies and mummy! Hope you all feel better soon :hugs:

Milos - hope you all feel better soon too! So many cold going about :hugs:

Harvey's - hope you have had a nice day hun. I love Aldi lol and my parents swear by it! Are their nappies any good? How much are they?

Hopefully - hope you have a fab baby free evening! So jealous I never get anytime without the kids in the house! Hehe!

We have been out most of the day with toddler group then into town where Noah had a obligatory tantrum which meant I got nothing I needed to do done and so therefore mean mummy wouldn't let him go to the soft play area! So he tantrummed some more but I'd told him how it wod be and he carried on. So difficult at the moment. 3 is a weird age!
Awww when OH got in Bethany was so please so see me, she was climbing all over me and grinning and squealing like a maniac :cloud9: She was sick on the way home though which sucks. Just put her to bed, bless her. Dylan will be going to bed soon, poor little guy is shattered, not surprised though as he has been awake since 2.30am!

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