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Mayhem Babies! May 2011 mummies and babies

I dont know why they dont enlarge:wacko: They used to! Eilidhs currently emptying a box of wipes:dohh: He likes being called super cool:thumbup: Doesnt like not having access to his butt though..

Glad music is helping calm the girls:hugs: They have good taste!

Does he wake at all during his dream feed harvey?
Argh!!! SIL has just put on FB how she hopes her baby doesn't kep her awake kicking her all night... does she not realise how fucking lucky she is?! *cry* x x x
:hugs: Wiggler, hun I'm sorry. She probably doesnt realise, I dont think you can until you've experienced it yourself, maybe try and distance yourself from her for awhile until you're stronger:hugs:
17? as in SEVENTEEN? Eek! Down to five now which still creeps the hell out of me. BTW if one of you is my OH's mother then please fuck off, you aren't wanted!

I will admit I never knew how hard it would be until I went through it, but I was always apreciative that I had a healthy baby in my tum, all she does is moan, it pisses me off so much. it pissed me off before I lost Gracie too. x x x
17? as in SEVENTEEN? Eek! Down to five now which still creeps the hell out of me. BTW if one of you is my OH's mother then please fuck off, you aren't wanted!

I will admit I never knew how hard it would be until I went through it, but I was always apreciative that I had a healthy baby in my tum, all she does is moan, it pisses me off so much. it pissed me off before I lost Gracie too. x x x

Sorry I meant I never knew how hard a loss would be until I went through it, but I was always always felt incredibly lucky when I was pregnant even though I moaned.
Are we really that interesting that 17 people would want to lurk and look at the 20,000 odd posts we have clocked up between us?! lol!

Mummy your little mad looks proper dudey in that dungarees! how come he can't ahve access to his butt? does he like playing about with it too much? lol! Noah is a bit like that with his man parts at the moment :doh:

Thw problem i have is that Noah has never been dry at night yet! I just tried to put him on the potty for a wee in his semi comatozed state and he had a hige hissy fit so i don't think he is ready to make the change yet. Will try him again tomorrow and if still no, i will leave it for a few more months.

Wriggler i'm sorry SIL wasn't a bit more tactful. Does she know what you have been through?
Yep 17:wacko:

See I always got jealous of those who had healthy, uncomplicated pregnancies with a term baby at the end they could take straight home:flower: We just cant ever really know how another woman feels while pregnant, she may be in alot of discomfort and is letting of steam, I'm sure she does love her baby. Hun try to distance from her pregnancy until you feel more able to deal with her:hugs:
I have my suspicions on a few of them- and they can all fuck off an get out! :rofl: But SEVENTEEN??? :shock:
Charlotte lol yes you could say he likes playing around with it abit too much :rofl:

If he's not been dry yet maybe he associates having clothes on to the feeling of a nappy? He'll get there hun:hugs:
I dont know why they dont enlarge:wacko: They used to! Eilidhs currently emptying a box of wipes:dohh: He likes being called super cool:thumbup: Doesnt like not having access to his butt though..

Glad music is helping calm the girls:hugs: They have good taste!

Does he wake at all during his dream feed harvey?

Sometimes, if he does he looks very drunk lol

I'll have to take him up as he's trying to sleep on his front in my arms :dohh:
Yep 17:wacko:

See I always got jealous of those who had healthy, uncomplicated pregnancies with a term baby at the end they could take straight home:flower: We just cant ever really know how another woman feels while pregnant, she may be in alot of discomfort and is letting of steam, I'm sure she does love her baby. Hun try to distance from her pregnancy until you feel more able to deal with her:hugs:

Aww sweet I can't even imagine how you feel, I remember how worried we all were for you and Eilidh and I know that doesn't een scratch the surface on how you felt :hugs:

I don't want to distance myself from her cos this is my first full neice/nephew, she might bbe a moany cow (she pretended to have contractions at 18 weeks to get my bro to come home :growlmad:) but I want to know my baby relative is OK.
Charlotte lol yes you could say he likes playing around with it abit too much :rofl:

If he's not been dry yet maybe he associates having clothes on to the feeling of a nappy? He'll get there hun:hugs:

:rofl: isn't that just a boy thing? hahaha! My younger SS is the same but i think he has grown out of it a bit now. Noah has terrible potty humour too :dohh: Is he your only boy? I can't remember how many lo's you have :blush:
heyy you have suspicions on a FEW of them? :argh:

Wiggler, yeah its hard to explain, I guess look after yourself in the sense of rising above it and understand that at that minute where shes moaning she probably doesnt feel great and just let it wash of your back:hugs: Pretending to have contractions though is just low, is she usually that insecure?
Dylan wonnt use the loo since OH was in hospital, he really regressed, but hopefully he will want to use the loo soon, I won't rush him cos he has enough goig on, he is showing an interest again though :happydance:
Charlotte yeah he's my only boy but I'd love another one:blush: I have 3 girls too. I think it is a boy thing for sure, when combined with Ruaridhs obsessive tendancies as part of his autism though the er butt play goes to a whole other level:dohh: :rofl:

Harvey awwww hun he sounds so snuggly:cloud9: Enjoy it hun!
You know what 17 sound like to me? Sounds like an entire other thread/board following a link to check us out for something... Have fun gawking, Lookie Loos- read your fill then GTFO! :haha:

Charlotte- give him a few days to adjust to the new routine, see if he can get on board wiht it- Night time training is a big step- good luck, mama!

Mummy- I now know what you mean- when the girls were in the NICU I would get so upset when I say new mommies checking out WITH their babies- I tried so hard not to hate them, but I did a little :blush:
heyy you have suspicions on a FEW of them? :argh:

Wiggler, yeah its hard to explain, I guess look after yourself in the sense of rising above it and understand that at that minute where shes moaning she probably doesnt feel great and just let it wash of your back:hugs: Pretending to have contractions though is just low, is she usually that insecure?

Yea, when she told me she was having contactions I was so worried, I rang my mum and forced her to go to hospital, my bro tels my mum everything ad wen she got to hospital shewas put on the trace and nothing showed but bubs HB (not even BH's) and she denied feeling anything, then I foundout from my mum after that she has been doing this from 12ish weeks?! I don't care how insecure she is, its fucked up to pretend she is in early labour every time my brother goes out.
Aww mummy i didn't realise he had autism, my friends boy has autism very bad and he was OBSESSED with his bottom and playing with what comes out of it too, he also used to love to eat carpet and cardboard.. apparently according to his dr, its pretty common! Probably a good thing you have covered it up lol!

Right ladies, i'm going to sign off for the evening :hugs: hope you all have a better night with your poorly lo's, sending you all lots of get well soon vibes xxxxxx
Big hugs to everyone who had their babies in NICU :hugs: You are all so strong, I remember reading your posts and wishing I had the stregnth that you ladies had. I ccan't believe how they al have grown, Aaron is Megababy so long and cheeky, Eilidh is making mummy run around after her with her little fidgety ways and the twins are keeping heyy nice and busy, and are walking now! I still can't believe it, they were meant to be june babies! :cloud9: You are all my stregnth, you all went through hell with your tiny babies, not knowing what the next day would bring, you are all so amazing, I am so glad your babies are doing well, they are gorgoues little fighters :cloud9:

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