Mayhem Babies! May 2011 mummies and babies

new- good to hear things went well and they can get the heater situated.

heyy- perfect picture! maybe that should be the new pic for our FB group :haha: sorry the girls were giving you trouble. Ava screams bloody murder if i set her down to walk away :dohh:
Oy- they're FINALLY asleep :thumbup:

Harvey- yes, Bethy went off on one- dog is lucky to be alive! Lola is only 2 1/2, but has always been kinda dumb and then fried her brain a few months ago on the electric cord :wacko: This is still very a-typical behavior for her, though :shrug:
And yes, sheers are scissors

Milo- I knoe you would understand my love for that picture :hugs: :friends:
:dance: yay for the girls asleep! our dog is a real idiot! took him nearly a year to be house trained. and still i dont trust him to be left alone too long.

i might just have to share that pic on my FB :blush:
picture update :thumbup:


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Ok, seriously, did the UK fall into the Atlantic??? You guys usually start posting around 11 or 12 PM here, and then when I get up there are pages and pages to catch up on... and now nothing? :shrug: Wiggler was right... there be tumbleweeds in here!!!
:hi: I'm here

Milos- lovely photos of ava:cloud9: what does she weigh now? Can you put a video or pic of your dog on here please:thumbup:

Heyy- how's your early morning going? What you got planned for today?
Hope you enjoyed your wine :wine: :drunk:

New- how's George? Hope is getting over this cold/chest problems:flower:

Wiggler-what are you and the bairns doing today? Have you got snow:shrug:

Mummy - choc buddy I'm missing you :winkwink:
It's Snowing here :cold: they say we are getting loads by midnight :shrug::nope: just a dusting so far :wacko:
Well aarons sisters came and went and said it's too cold to take Aaron out:shrug: he's :sleep: at mo so I'm enjoying the peace before tigger wakes with new batteries lol his poor bum has broke out in angry red sore patches:cry: so I've out metanium cream on so sooth his bum.
My little Baba Beans didn't wake up til just after 5, and we stayed in bed playing til nearly 6! :thumbup: :happydance:

I'm all talk about the wine :wacko: never even got around to opening a bottle :dohh: Oh well, maybe tonight! :lol:

My BFF is coming over today- supposedly- she's at the top of my shit list right now, as I haven't seen her in WEEKS
My little Baba Beans didn't wake up til just after 5, and we stayed in bed playing til nearly 6! :thumbup: :happydance:

I'm all talk about the wine :wacko: never even got around to opening a bottle :dohh: Oh well, maybe tonight! :lol:

My BFF is coming over today- supposedly- she's at the top of my shit list right now, as I haven't seen her in WEEKS

:happydance: on the lie in :winkwink:

I had a glass of my sangria with MIL, well she had 2! greedy get, owt for nowt :growlmad: lol

Enjoy your day with your BFF:hugs:

Well it looks like I was right, the shop has now asked me to make up the sandwich fillers as it's costing too much to buy :dohh: honestly men won't listen until they are proven wrong :haha:
Did you ever get him to look at that food cost worksheet I sent you?

What kind of sandwich fillers?
Hi ladies!

I'm in a bit of a better mood today, not completely better, but improving. Mike and I had a long talk and both agreed that we want a divorce, but we're going to remain civil until I can move. I asked him if he wants his rights to Anberlin terminated, and he said absolutely not. He loves her too much and "she's my daughter. I can't walk away from her", which is awesome.

...and then we had :sex:

Yeah, totally wrong move, I know, but if I can make him think I want to stay together, then maybe we won't fight in front of the kids anymore, and it can all remain civil until I can move.

Brooke's prediction finally came back. It's unanimous. All three say girl, and all three say before 2014 :happydance:

Hope you're all well.
me and the kiddies have had a lovely lazy day today, making the most of having a well behaved Dylan before OH starts his holiday on monday.

No snow here :cry: I want snow :hissy:

Hope everyone is well x x x
I'm back!!!!!:happydance::cloud9::kiss: :munch: (for you harvey):winkwink::dance::yipee:

Call my hubby an electrical engineer:dohh: Took him to today to rig me up some internet from his phone:dohh: Missed you girls soooo much:hugs:

New, glad your landlord meet went well, hope you get the heating sorted esp while its so brr there:cold: Poor George too hun, is he any better now? He's had one lurgy after another poor lad:hugs: Yay for sorting OHs valentines out! Hope he and his son are better too?xxx

Harvey, I read you had choc chip muffins, did you save me some?:flower: Hope you can sort your work situation out too hun, if they're not thinking firstly about you and your loyalty then dont feel bad about thinking about whats best for you:hugs: How's aarons batteries? He tarzanning around?

Heyy, you've made me hungry again, you seriously have the best meals! Lol I remember you posting when Lola had her accident, didn't realise it was having these longterm affects though?! Have you had her at a vet? Eek hope the pooping and peeing everywhere inside passes quick :sick: Your girlies are too cute, shame you didn't get the pic! Are they sleeping any better at all?

Brandi:hugs: Are you getting back together then since you :sex:? Hope it works out hun! Chin up:hugs: Cute vid too!

Milos, I'm sorry you have to wait for his OT :( Thats brilliant he didn't come out upset, he's making steps already!:hugs: Avas doing awesome:happydance: Are you getting any more sleep hun?

Wiggler, yay for pretty much getting the carpet financed:happydance: Got everything crossed for you hun. Hmm I guess boy,thinking you're getting a nephew:cloud9: Wow very very jealous of that stash! Hows Bethany now? Hope Dylans early wakings are still improving and that things are still going well with OH?

Wud, hows things with you guys? Hope works treating you well?:hugs:

New, lol it does seem I talk too much :rofl:

I spoke to the surgeon, he thinks its either constipation or a stone got lodged in the bile duct:blush::dohh: I got stuff to er try and fix the problem lol and if that doesnt work he's arranging an ultrasound so fingers crossed!:blush: Eilidhs been clingy alot, she doesnt want to sleep in her cot period anymore and is very shouty:haha: Shes got the hang of crawling but not stairs:haha: The move went well, the old place seemed to think they could charge us $440 just for 4 days prorated rent:wacko: They're trying to whack on all kinds of charges but I guess its to be expected:shrug: The parrot here pissed me off wayyy too much and Maddi keeps trying to eat it:dohh: So I told lardlord in no uncertain works to take his fing bird before I let the dog at it:blush: It just wouldn't shut up! Then he's like oh do you mind leaving my dog and 2cats here :shock: er no!! :dohh: They've never rented out before and are having to with the economy ruining their business so its a wee bit weird but not our problem?:shrug: They still have a fair bit of their stuff outside inclu a car and caravan and taking up half our garage, how long till I should have a word? I know they're struggling what with moving into their mobile home but we're paying a lot!! Grrrr rant over :rofl: Bet you've missed these rants:winkwink::haha:

I'm back!!!!!:happydance::cloud9::kiss: :munch: (for you harvey):winkwink::dance::yipee:

Call my hubby an electrical engineer:dohh: Took him to today to rig me up some internet from his phone:dohh: Missed you girls soooo much:hugs:


Ummm, he left vehicles, a bird and how many pets??? Weirdness- I'd tell him NO WAY on the animals. Period. And then give it a week before calling and asking when he's getting the rest of his crap out!

The girls are sleeping MUCH better- we moved their big meal from mid-day to 5-5:30 at night, then give them a big bottle at 6:30- three days in and every night they sleep way better the first half, eat at 1AM still, then have slept solid til morning- this morning was AFTER 5 am! :happydance: And they are in a much better humor when they wake up- I honestly think just because they have slept longer and are more rested. There is a downside to all this= they seem to be phasing out naps >.< :nope::nope: So far today they have had a 1/2 hour snooze :dohh:

I hope you get your tummy sorted out :hugs: I know the best never fail laxative method!

Wiggler- Sounds like a lovely day :cloud9:
Welcom back mummy!!!! :happydance: So glad the move went well, Grr at your hubby for slacking with getting you the net, and your landlords sound a bit... erm... odd.

Bethany is brilliant, been a little bit grumpy and has been upsetting Dylan by playing with his trains, well trying to eat them :rofl: Still no tooth :hissy: Dylan has reversed with his sleeping, itsnow 4am wakeups. They are both snot mosters at the moment :sick:

Me and OH are getting on ok, not brilliant by most poeples standards, but way better than before :D

Been enjoying Final Fantasy this evening, but at the final boss and it keeps killing me :hissy:
Note to self, never click on a link Heyy posts again :cry: :cry:

Must resist the urge to wake OH up and get him to spider check the entire flat :cry: :haha:
Oh god that spider looks an awful lot like one that was above the shower last night :argh: Yep problem fixed, never constipated again :rofl:

Glad you're cracking the sleep issues heyy, not so great at the nap phsing out though! Naptime is up there at best time of the day:winkwink: How much do they eat at their big meal hun?

Wiggler, whats this final fantasy game, sounds fun?! Did you give Bethany that brick already? Glad Dylans sleeping better and you and OH are getting on:hugs: Yeah I'd have him spidey check just in case:winkwink::hugs:

My hubbys a giant slacker, he's been sent to clean the old place with Ruaridh and Anja for the day, punishment:haha: Landlords are well weird, they've had 3 months plus to get ready but their craps still all over the outside:growlmad: Shame cos this is a gorgeous house, we just want to make it our own:shrug: His dog n cats are elderly and not good with kids either:dohh: oh and they've crapped a lot, should I make LL clean it?
Hell yes you should make LL clean it!!!

Final Fantasy is an amazing series of games, the storylines are really good, its like playing a book :D I really get lost in them which is really good for when I am stressed :D

My brother and his girlfriend are really annoying me, they are on benefits so very limited income, they spend ALL of it on junk food (the pic I showed is only a tiny portion of what they get each week, they must spend at least £100 a week on that crap - my mum pays for and cooks their main meals...) and shit, then they moan that they cant afford baby stuff and now they are deciding which games console to buy next :dohh: :dohh: And me, like a mug, is giving them a load of baby stuff. :dohh:
Oh no hun do you have to give them your baby stuff? What about if you have #3:hugs: why cant they go get a job? Seems odd that they cant even sort themselves out to cook their own meals, how are they going to take care of a baby?

Sounds like a fun game, definately good to have a way to destress:hugs:

Going to get hubby to talk to LL and tell him to come pick up the turds:thumbup:
Yea, it'll cause aggro if I don't and I CBA, and I will be getting mainly new stuff for next baby if/when we have one, I'm giving her the stuff I no longer want and keeping the best stuff for myself :rofl:

I'm really worried for the baby. the girlfriends mum is a loony, told her its disgusting to BF so she isn't allowed to, its very dangerous for babies to use carseats, told her what pram she has to get, told her from the moment that the baby is born its staying with er every weekend (bear in mind she is on tonnes of meds and leaves them all over the floor and sides, not a problem with a newborn, but with a crawler...) and the best bit, she will be calling SS as soon as the baby is born. neither my bro or his GF have any money sense, they are claiming wrongly on their benefits (I will be ringingmy mum tomorrow to tell them to sort it or I will be making a certain phone call...) my bro is a binge drinker, he reguarly drinks a crate of beer a night, they both have their heads in the clouds thinking they will get a house when they click their fingers... the list goes on...

The worst thing is my mum has just been told she has severe arthritis and possibly a nerve disorder on top of her existing medical problems and she will probably end up looking after it all the time, and if SS took the baby off them I know my mum would take the baby in and she isn't well enough
That sounds like an awful situation for that baby :( None of them sound fit to be having a LO! Sorry you're involved in that hun:hugs: SS would need to be involved if they're that unfit though no? I feel for your mum, its got to be hard for her watching it unfold:nope:

Definately keep your best stuff:hugs:

Off out to petsmart now, then have to go make a vet appt for maddi to get her eye fixed, she has a cherry eye, not sure how long it takes to schedule the surgery or whether she needs it so it'll be interesting!

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