Mayhem Babies! May 2011 mummies and babies

Monster has been sick 3 times now :( He is being very brave though and going back to sleep straight away after.

Madam is awake and has been for over an hour. She is currently in her pushchair as its the only place she calmed down. If Bethany falls asleep in there then I am sleeping in the lounge with her and OH is sleeping in the kids room with Dylan. Poor ickle bubbas.

If it is a sicky bug how long do they last? and what foods should I avoid giving them, I know dairy is a good one to avoid, but not sure what else...
:hugs: Wiggler hope u get things sorted, erm when mine are sicky i stick to water toast & dry biccies?
I would say they generally last from 24-48 hours but it depends hope he feels better soon x

:hugs: 24 :nope: That's so sad u feel that way exactly how i'd feel if i had to go in the day is there an option for nights?
My dh would say the same as if you are in the same situation to us there's no option not to work really so it's not one he would consider iykwim?

I'm at work it's 2.10 am & i want to go to :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:..............Please :shrug:
I love my sleep night shifts are not agreeing with me :dohh:

Hmm what did i read what was i going to say :dohh:
Have u put your mam to bed :haha: couldn't put up with my mum babbling in me ear lol!

Went valentines day shopping today....................................... for the kids boyfriends & girlfriends :wacko::wacko::dohh: shocking especailly when the boy Ashten wanted to get a card for is 3 or 4 years older than her :dohh:
Lots of :dohh::dohh: from me tonight lol:dohh:

Gonna order Miss Livi Lou her new car seat tomorrow it's £50 some of them are so expensive the reviews seem good & it's purple :shrug:

Oh yes i saw your video Milos wow Ava actually amazes me u can see how dinky she is Livi would look like a right 20lb something chubba next to her :haha: Cn't believe she's walking like that wow x

Hey i feel like that about my body it ain't pretty but i'm hoping to find the will power to do something about it sometime soon & stop eating a big bar of galaxy cookie crumble at every given chance it's been a few days since i last munched & i miss it sooooooooooooooooo much!

Having a :coffee: to keep me awake x
Geez, you ladies can TALK!!

Brandi pardon me for being rude but if you are still separating how will you be able to afford 4 babies on your own? Wouldnt it be more beneficial for you and the kids to put the money away and have financial security when you leave Mike? Though your benefit schemes over there must be lucrative if you are able to live off them and save your entire wage, we couldnt do that over here lol

My monthly child benefit is $1172 a month, plus $250 a month for Zoe's disability benefit. On top of that, in April or May, we will receive an additional $3500 (or more) for an extra disability benefit. In all, monthly, we receive $1422 a month. This is likely to increase after our 2011 taxes are filed. Mike is also receiving $900 bi-weekly for unemployment insurance. If I cut out my own luxuries on benefits alone, I will have no problem affording four kids even without a job. However, even with the job, I'll be able to afford four kids, especially if I have child support coming in too.

Benefits is NOT what I plan to live off though. I'm not one of those kinds of parents who keeps popping out kids for the benefits. I HAVE a full-time job, and yes, I CAN afford four on my own. With benefits and a job, I can afford RESPs, life insurance, rent, groceries, bills. I've worked it all out.

Not to be rude, but it really isn't anybodies business but my own. If I didn't feel as if I could afford or handle four kids, I wouldn't try for four kids.

New makes a very good point brandi! Why doesnt Mike have a job? Is he looking? xx

No, Mike does not have a job, nor is he looking. He's in school once a week. His lack of concern for affording the family, his laziness, and much more contribute to me wanting to leave him. Not too long ago, we didn't have ANY income but my benefits and we got by on benefits and his line of credit. Concerned about when his EI would start (since they kept giving us different dates), I asked him to at least start looking and he refused claiming he didn't want to lose his EI that he paid into for 11 years, and that EI would pay him more than any job would. This REALLY pissed me off, which is where my wanting to leave came in. This is where I started applying for jobs. His excuse for not looking now is still that EI will pay him more than any job will. He lays around like a lazy ass in bed or the couch or his computer all day long in his underwear. REALLY pisses me off. I already feel like a single mom, so why not be one?

Brandi- I wish I could save that much! Are you's surviving on something other than your wage ?

Job, EI and Benefits.

Wiggler - Sorry to hear about Dylan. Keep him on the BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast and WATER WATER WATER
Typed out a huge reply but stupid computer died:growlmad:

Milos, he'll get there, I still think its pretty positive that he's showing the emotions of being upset even though its traumatic for you:hugs: Ruaridhs spent the morning screeching in a circle while I hoover:haha: The surgeon thinks the stone came out and got stuck in the bile duct so blood tests for that. Avas sooooo cute:cloud9:


Going to experiment with play doh recipes tomorrow:happydance:

Eilidh just did a nappy full of mucosy poo :sick:

Brandi are you and Mike getting back together then? Must be a great wage you're getting to save so well:thumbup:

oh yikes! hope everything turns out well. :flower:
new- i can tell he's getting better with sessions. he's opening up more once he's over the initial melt down of actually GOING to therapy.

24- sorry about work :hugs: i know i culdn't go back to work yet. i'm not sure when i'll be ready! i feel like i cant leave Milo :cry:

wiggler- sorry to hear about Dylan :hugs: i hope the doctor can tell you what you need to hear. way to go Bethany with the standing! :yipee:

mummy- yay for the LL :)

wud- i noticed that in the video too. her legs look like twigs :haha:

brandi- 8 lbs 8 oz? :shock: :rofl: my guess was dead on :thumbup:
7am wake up this morning :happydance: I think that is a new record.

Bethany did not sleep well, I am so glad I kept her in with me, poor baby was so grizzly and upset :( She is in a lovely mood this morning though. Just put her down for a nap,I hope she has a really good sleep.
yay for the lie in :) though hope the LOs are feeling better quickly hun :hugs: D&V is NO fun!

Milos Im glad you are seeing improvements already, must be so reassuring hun :hugs:

George has cut peggy #7 lol both corners are cut so Id say yesterdays whine was due to this as it looks new lol bless him!

Joshua is taking part in a swimmng gala today he totally forgot about it so that was a crazy rush getting him there on time lol the other kids went on the school coach, but because he had 2 days off he didnt know he was supposed to be in school early to catch it so school rang me and i had to go back for him and take him myself! Be good experience for him though not sure his swimming is on parr to win anything so hope he isnt disappointed!

And..... I have got mastitis (mummy see i do listen to your advice lol) so got antibiotics and hopefully see improvement quickly! I did say tot eh doctor i thought Id be in molre pain or something, and he laughed and said, 'Christine, you were walking round with acute colecisitis and pancreatis without pain relief for 3 weeks, do you really think you would feel that much pain from mastitis?' :haha: cheeky git!

Got home from GPs to a missed call from the dentist so i returned the call and they want to see george :shrug: i explained the dentist said he was to be seen 12monthly for now but she insists not, and so he has an appt next Friday with me and his brother lol

Just got little man down for a nap, now rest or house work hmmm decisions lol
No vomiting since 2-3am and no squits for a few hours so hopefuly its a fast passing nasty instead of a 48 hour one. He had a long nap this morning and iss nw laying on the floor playing with his trains.

Bethany is a lot happier since her nap, she is so smily and giggly today :cloud9:
I don't think he has been this snuggly and cuddly since he was a baby, I would like more of this Dylan please :rofl:

Bethany has been racing round the lounge a day, I can't believe how fast she is now. Its so scary to think she will be walking soon!

Argh, just tried uploading some pics to here and it wont work. I'l upload them to FB. Much easier :D
Going to work on Miss A's First Year video. The picture transfer is taking forever. I can't decide between two songs though.

This is a definite song

And then I can't decide between these two:

Wud, all your kids have boyfriends/girlfriends?! Thats too cute:haha: Hope you managed to stay awake:coffee:

New, aww hun:hugs: I did wonder, you've got such a high pain threshold that mastitis is like a mild annoyance to you not the agony it is for most women! Hope you feel better quick hun, take it easier and see if OH will look after you:hugs: Good luck to Joshua!

Wiggler, glad Dylans feeling a bit better, yay for 7am wake up:happydance: Good luck with docs:hugs: Go Bethany:happydance:

Brandi, your situation is just a lot different to what we're used to is all, hard to get head around:flower: Anberlin is a great size!

Milos, so glad he's opening up more. Good luck at the evaluation today:hugs: I think Ava looks bigger:shrug: She's certainly doing so so well and is seriously cute:cloud9:

Harvey, hope you're haveing a fun day with your mum:ignore::tease::hugs:

LL was going well until his wife took a huge tantrum at hubby because heaven forbid he wants to use the garage hes paying for:dohh: Talk about stressful evening!
ohmygosh you ladies chatted a lot yesterday! I will try to catch up- but early mornings are kind of my window of opportunity and it may have passed :(

Wiggler- LOTS of fluids for the sick Babas- Clear liquids- broth, juice, jello, water, popcycles- anything you can get down them- dehydration a danger for anyone with D&V but for little ones it's a BIG danger

New- :dohh: Sorry you had to go drive Joshua in! How are you all feeling now?

Girlies slept til FIVE FORTY-FIVE :happydance:

Have a phone interview with the administrator and admittance advisor for an on-line based high school for Bethy in 5 minutes- FX this is a viable option for her. Will explain more later

Mummy - Argh, I hope you get everything sorted with your LL, maybe threaten to take your lovely money elsewhere?

Heyy - Way to go twinnies!!! I hope you get something sorted for Bethys schooling :hugs:

No sickness all day now and no runs since this morning, but he keeps farting and OMG :sick: He is really tired, trying not to let him nap now. He is barely eating but is having some water. Its horribe seeing him like this, when he gets colds he just gets a runny nose, might be a bit whiny but is fine, his usual whirlwind self, now he is so quiet and still, he has been laying on the floor paying trains most of the day.

Bethany is a cheeky girly, Dyan refused some banana, but kept it close and wouldn't let us take it away, Bethany went over an stole it :rofl: She rammed it in her mouth before I could stop her. She loves her food :D

She has become so vocal recently, before she would save all her chatter for Dylan and save her best giggles for him too (she worships him, she follows him round all day :cloud9: ) but now she chatters away to all of us and spends almost all day giggling when her teethies aren't hurting her.

Not sure what to get her for her first birthday, TBH she doesn't need much, she has clothes until she is 2, loads of toys, books...

OH is actually playing with the kids, its really nice to watch as it happens so rarely, he has Dylan cuddled on his lap and pulling faces at Bethany and making her laugh :cloud9: Aww was going to upload a piccy but it STILL wont let me :(
Just been looking through my old photos and feeling a bit down, we don't have a lot of Dylan when he was younger, there were times when we didn't have a camera and then my old PC broke and we lots most of our photos and videos of him. We are having some problems with our external HDD, I hope we can get it sorted so I can see if there are more on there. x x x
Just got off the phone with the doctor. The have refered Dylan to the HV and he will most likely get referred to someone else through them and I have an appontment for Tuesday to see a doctor to get me some anti-depressants. The doctor sounded really worried, that makes me nervous. :wacko:
new- peggy 7?! geeze. Ava is still working on her 4th. its not in as much as the rest. but still bugging her. hope the mastasis clears up for you soon :hugs:

wiggler- 7am! :yipee:

heyy- wow, that's almost 6am! lol. hope the online schooling goes well for Bethy. OH and SIL tried that after dropping out of high school. neither did well with it and just got their GEDs :roll:

well we're back from Milo's assessment. the psychiatrist wasn't involved in this appt. just the developmental pedi. she mainly wanted to see if he's had any progress or any change in behavior and what not. she is referring us to a doctor to do a sleep study for his snoring. going to try and rule that out for his sleep problems. if that comes back okay she said she'll start him on clonindine. as for autism. she said since he's still showing red flags and hasn't had progress she thinks he will meet criteria and will retest in May. she also said that he seems to have poor mouth muscles that could be atributing to his lack of speech. so right now the next step is to get a sleep study done! i hope the waiting list isn't long. :shrug: he had a total meltdown at the assesment. in the beginning he sat in the corner of the room crying until the doc came in. then he wanted us to leave (pulling us towards the door). he wasn't taking no for an answer. so there was a lot of crying and dropping himself to the ground. and he didn't like the toy they brought him to play with either :dohh: i dont look forward to them doing a sleep study :nope:
I'm glad the doctor was helpful, you have done great asking for help, I know it wasn't easy for you. :hugs: xx

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