Ever since that stupid photo appeared on my news feed I can't stop crying, their child will never go through what they put my little boy through. I hate them so much
I have tried to put it behind me, but Dylan is really acting out recently, he shouts "stop banging" and stuff like that in his sleep, he is really affected by it. His behaviour during the day is awful too, and cos of THEM he is terrified of loud noise. ATM I just feel like they broke my baby boy. He spends most of the days crying/tantruming, and a lot of the night crying/shouting in his sleep
We never talk about THEM in his presence. In a lot of ways he is improving but at the same time he is getting worse if you get me?
Whn the git downstaurs went beserk the oher morning Dylan never knew luckily, I gave him my iphone that morning to watch train viddies so he was engrossed and couldnt hear, me and OH could though
When they bang we tell him what we did in the old place, that its my mums dog called bear. we say "oh no, bears being noisy" I don't think he believes though. x x x
Oh wiggler hun He will get past this hun and getting him the help will definately hasten the process
My son will not stop sticking his naked bum in Maddis face Poor dog looks horrified