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Have you got any symptoms (other than your made up ones for FF :rofl:)?
Yes, unfortunately. I am bloated, feel crappy half the time and feel like AF is coming. It was crampy now it is uncomfortable. I napped today which I never do and overall just feel crummy. BB's did hurt but that went away today. Probably the end of O. Oh, LOL POAS update...
First, I am too cheap to buy FRERs right now. SO. I said earlier that I pee on old sticks for fun. (Conswayla is gonna love this) I googled it :rofl: Some girl asked if it was reliable LMAO and one reply on Yahoo said "You are an idiot, you can't pee on them more than once, buy a new one" (not to me, to her) Well I am here to debunk the myth LMAO. YOU CAN pee on them more than once, but it IS NOT accurate. However, you cannot pee a third time because the pee doesn't even go through the lines LMAO LMAO. So, if you are craving POAS and it is too early for a real BFP, you can pee TWICE on your old POAS... But not a third time. Luckily for me, I have several hundred peed on OPK's and HCG's just waiting for the second round of pee. As far as a new FRER? I don't know yet. I am being strong... LMAO... We will see how long that lasts... I think until 7.5 dpo then :test: :test: LMAO... That is my tidbit for the evening... Oh I changed stupid FF. It has my real stupid symptoms LMAO... I was just "fine tuning." I don't get it. What other symptom do they want me to have?
CAZ! This is where "no symptoms" is a symptom! Don't put any symptoms on FF and I bet you get a 100% chance of pg!!!!
OMG Brit! You did change your emoticon!!! :rofl: Ok, I have a new one. DH says its popcorn... Why would popcorn be wearing glasses??? LMAO... I liked your rice crispy idea...Conswayla and I laughed about that until we about peed our pants... Where in heck are you right now? Somewhere across the planet... Please FF just tell me I am pg!!!! PMA PMA PMA PMA
:rofl: That's a money saving tactic if ever I've heard. I tell you, the things you learn on this site.... Never knew you could poas more than once! :rofl:

I like the popcorn suggestion.

Wow you do seem to have some fab symptoms. I have a very positive vibe for you. I feel very sicky - at the back of the throat - and tired but unable to sleep. I'd be getting really excited if it wasn't for the fact that I felt exactly the same the last time I flew home (I'm back in the UK). We weren't ttc then but I'd convinced myself back then that I was pg 'cos they lasted for 2 weeks! Never mind, this month we have been ttc so fingers crossed. Chick has started us off on a very positive month!! Here's to more bfps coming this groups way!
4 dayts til testiung for me, and I am not feelin pg is in the cards for me this month. Here are my latest symptoms:
Tired all day yesterday and today. Irritable since last friday. Back ache today and a full feeling in my tum. Headache atm, but I think that's just cause I'm tired.
Let's hope my temp stays up the next few days, though I dobut it will..
I hope that :witch: stays away for you. Not long to go - four days. Wow. I feel this 2ww has been going really quickly, mainly 'cos of all you girls have given me so much to look forward to with your symptoms and testing dates. They're coming around quick - obviously not for myself, which I'm sure is the same for you with your own dates.
Wow premomt! You are so close! I don't know, those sound alot like pg symptoms too! I am scoping around the internet with a magnifying glass right now. Seems the end all verdict is that PMS and PG are exactly alike... Everyone says it is hard to tell... Have you poas yet??? I am so excited to hear. You are the thread mommy and you deserve a first thread month BFP!!! PMA!!
I used to be 28 cycle girl until I had my 2 kids- then I very regularly start at 30-31. But this month was diff- I had for the first time in my life ovulation spotting on cd11 and cd12- I dont know- plus I never get early results- I have been pg 4 times and never had an early test- I dont know why I do this to myself???
Well girlys Im never usually on when the rest of you are, but :witch: is due today!! We shall see what happens. Been having some wierd symptoms, but Im not going to hold my breath, but Im sending loads of pma and :dust: to all of you!!!
Wow there seems alot to catch up on today!

Firstly, CHICK - HUUUUGGEE CONGRATULATIONS!!! So pleased for you :happydance:

Premomt & Rae - Sending PMA and :dust: your way. Hope the :witch: stays away!

Brit - yeah I feel like the 2ww is going quite quickly too

iwantbebebad - you crack me up - can't believe you've been making up symptoms. By the way "Doh" is a British thing I think - its when you do something silly and then realise it (hope that makes sense)

Anyway...I think I need some of your girly advice!!!
My temp went right up this morning! Does this mean anything? I know if there's 3 increases it means you are triphasic which is possibly a good sign.

Also I did an FMU OPK this morning and got the faintest of lines. I know this could mean nothing but should I do an hpt or should I wait? I have some ic's sitting under my bed which are 10miU. Maybe I should wait til tomorrow's fmu when I will be 10dpo. I was so determined not to even think about it this month, let alone test early, but I think that's not going to happen now!

What do you all think?
CHICK !!!!!!

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! :baby: :baby: :baby:

Such fantastic news - bet you're having kittens!!!!

Buds - any lines are fab - defo :test: :happydance:
and a nice triphasic chart is great!

Sarah - I'm too much of a skinflint to pay for FF so I don't have a PG score.
But I did get a free trial last month and it gave me 17 !

Re @@s - I can't wait to have some! Mine're like smarties on an ironing board!
Big old whammers is going to be so much fun!
but after b/f I'll probably be left with 2 little flaps :rofl:
Re @@s - I can't wait to have some! Mine're like smarties on an ironing board!
Big old whammers is going to be so much fun!
but after b/f I'll probably be left with 2 little flaps
:rofl::rofl::rofl: you crack me up!

Well,,, 3 more days for me, and I am trying soooo hard not to cave and test early. I am really not wanting to see a :bfn:, so I am gonna try my best to wait till AF is late.

Symptoms today:
Again- very tired. Didn't want to get up today, but my best friend is coming into town and I need to pick her up at the airport this am :happydance:
Had a back ache this am- but I think that's due to poor sleep.
BBs are achey
Sore Throat
Bleeding gums when I brush yesterday night and this am.
My temp stayed the same today, which is... well it's hard to say wether or not it's normal, or what because of my wonky previous cycles. I would say it's normal, and I usually start spotting between 12 and 14 DPO, so I will be on guard as of tomorrow for some pink in the panties.
and i forget if I said anything before, but congrats to you Chick+2!!! WOO HOO!!! doo do te do?:rofl:
Well congrats to all the 2ww symptoms and chicks BFP!!!! I am probably out this month as my temps took a dump a little far for implant dip. Looks like progesterone is headed down the potty. BUT it still looks to me like I did make an egg for however short!
Premomt- Lookin good hun! Bleeding gums is a great sign! I had bleeding gums my whole pg with DS. Best of luck to all for BFP'S!!!!!!!! BABY DUST!!!!
Oh yeah - you just reminded me!

dammit - taking epo last month gave me a few days extra spotting pre AF.
I've taken it again this month so I'd best be on guard too for some early spotting. Ta!

Symptoms sound good though - bleeding gums - is that unusual for you? If so - FAB sign!!!
Um... I would say its not that unusual. I get it every once and a while, but haven't had it happen in a bit. Nose bleeds too. Not full on dripping bleeds, but like the inside of my nose was super dried out and bled when I blew. Haven't had that this cycle.
I just realized I have another symptom today: itchy nipples. :rolf: I just wanna reach down my shirt and scratch the crap outa em!! Haha!
ETA: also feeling a very rumbly tum. (Think its trapped wind..) And was nauseous this am in bed when I woke.

Can I pull any more symptoms outa my @ss or what??:rofl:
Hello ladies oh sounding good on here all the symptoms and what a wonderful thing to come on here and read BFP for Chick Congrats! :happydance:

Premomt your having wonderful signs hope this is the month!

Buds, Conswayla, Wantabebebad, Cadz how are you today?

Me I am trying not to symptom spot and really the only thing I can say is happening is Bloated and feeling a little crampy in the lower parts. I am officially entering the 1ww ARGH!!!!!
Has anyone been pn progesterone?? I am wanting to know side effects and how it affected you BBT and AF.
First of all CHICK CONGRATS!!!
:wohoo: :happydance: :baby: :thumpup: :laugh2: :thumbup: :dance:
What wonderful news!!!! Keep us updated!!

As for me, nothing....I have PMS. All my normal PMS symptoms. I am not testing, :witch: will be here Friday, tomorrow is the last day of my LP, my temps should drop and :witch: will be here the day after (CD27) I am sorry i have no PMA. But I just know it.

Anyway to the rest of you JUST :test: :test: :test: And test with new sticks....not old ones...:rofl: Sarah you kill me girl!!! But at least it saves money especially when it is too early to get a accurate result!!
Hey Conswayla your not out til she shows! You of all people have the best PMA!

I have no symptoms so I can't say anything. :rofl:

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