Members needed in Team LoveBmps!

Conswayla you are so funny.. You are like "Oh I did that." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: HUGS!!!!!!!
LMAO!!! This is like my first time too doing this, i've always had some kind of result, but i checked the test again just to see what has happened, there is a faint line, but i know its an invalid test though!! GRRRR
my god im accident prone since wed onward! dear god.

first i burnt my hand on my hair strighteners, then on thursday i hurt my toe badly and now ive gone and burned my hand while making tea (dont ask!! :rofl:)

ow ow ow.

im going to turn deformed soon!!!
Good thing your preggo Samzi! Otherwise you would be in too much pain to even :sex:!!

Oh yeah I have poas wrong, because it goes everywhere. Just recently (well I don't poas anymore) I started peeing in a cup and dipping the stick, so much easier!
I leave for lunch and you all have such a chat fest!!!

So much going on and yes Iwantabe it helps if you actually get pee on the stick :rofl::rofl:

As you can tell we all have missed a time or two. :rofl::rofl:
LOL..i know i know!! hahaha It felt like i was peeing on it....Its like when you go to the doctors and they make you pee into that cup, I always always sit there and really think i'm peeing in the cup and when i look to see how much i have, its only acouple of drops...:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::dohh:
glad youve been coverted to PIAC con :rofl:
OMG i just realized that i'm a PIAC ADDICT!!! I do that alot more then POAS!!! hahaha:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Here's to all the PIAC ADDICTS!!!!!:thumbup:

Samzi i think you need to start a Team..." Team PIAC ADDICTS" !!! Cause if you don't then i will forsure!! hahah..That is awesome!!!! I bet you there are more PIAC ADDICTS then POAS ADDICTS out there!!!
lol you go for it :p

il just get depressed cos i cant PIAC anymore :rofl:
Ok, well i will start the Team, i hope to see most of you there!!!!
oh gosh.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This is too much. PIAC addicts. Oh golly. Yeah I would be considered one of those. Ok about faint lines!!! I tested BFP 8dpo... Well not BFP but VFP.. (very faint positive lol) Basically if you get a VFP early on don't show anyone. Nothing but our BnB skilled eyesight will catch the shadow of pink or blue. Because we are "addicts" we know a damn shadow when we see one LMAO LMAO... DH didn't believe me until I got the +Beta.. Even the digi saying "PREGNANT" didn't affect him. It was an irritating time. What is worse than a BFP that you can't confirm? A BFP that only YOU see! LMAO LMAO LMAO.. Ok story time. I have a friend I met in college. She is really sweet and lonely. She told me she was pregnant Fall 08 semester. She said she was 6 months. She really looked pg! A couple weeks later she said she lost the baby. We comforted her. She said she lost it at home and it was small. The size she told me it was corresponded more to an 11 or 12 week pregnancy. I became doubtful but she was so sincere. Anyway we lost contact for a few months. I called her yesterday and she called me back. She left me a message saying she was pregnant. I called her back. I was really excited for her. I asked how far along she was. She said 6 months. We started talking. She said she got pg last October. I did the quick math. That would make her 8-9 months!! I got suspicious. Once again she was really sincere... I asked her if she had been to the doctor. She said she went to the hospital a month ago. They told her she had gas. They X-rayed her and said there was nothing there. She told me she knows it is there. She feels the kicking. She said she just has low hcg. That is not possible to have hcg go undetected for 8 months. Then she said the baby's bones weren't "calcified" so it didn't show up on the x-ray. I didn't want to tell her that and x-ray will see a large mass in her uterus with or without bones. Although I am sure the bones would have showed. She said "I didn't make it up. Other people have felt the baby kick. They told me I definitely have a baby." I couldn't say anything to her. It made my heart sink. Basically I had a false pg in March that you all know about. It was in a horrid moment of stress when I had just been told DH and I were infertile. I had symptoms, I felt pg, I WANTED to be pg. I ran to the doctor and told him I was pg. He did a Beta and it was less than 2. He told me I wasn't pg. I realized it and cried for a few days and slept. It was very difficult. I felt like it was so impossible. I studied false pg and hysterical pg's. Strangely enough, they happen to mentally stable women. Women who desperately want a baby or feel they can't have one... It said in worse cases, the woman actually has hysterical 9 month pregnancy followed by false hysterical child birth. I feel like my friend is misled in her mind. She has lost a couple pregnancies in the past and I think she is desperate to have children. The problem is, she is not stable in a relationship. I worry about her floating from guy to guy just to have a baby. I want to talk to her but I don't know how to say she is not experiencing real pregnancy. Besides, she said she got pg in October. In October, she was still claiming to be 6 months pregnant from the last one that "miscarried." She isn't mentally ill. In fact she is very intelligent. I don't know how to help her. I do know that I don't even consider my sillyness a false pg anymore! Thinking you are pg and testing doesn't make you looney. Was I completely on my rocker? NO! LMAO LMAO.. I accepted the neg test and went to bed for awhile though. It was hard. I can't believe someone I know has multiple completely false pg's. Feeling baby kicks? What do I do? I can't let her continue this. It is emotionally harmful. I was thinking I would print a bunch of stuff on pseudopregnancy. We could go over it and I gather facts and show her that it doesn't match up. I know in my heart she isn't 6 or 8 months pg. I guess I believe in miracles and what if she was and the hospital was wrong? I know that is crazy, but what if??? Please help...
Can you ask her to do a test? Tell her to poas so you can check it out. Or take her to get blood work. Maybe you can lie to her and tell her that she needs to get a u/s done, or blood work done to confirm a pregnancy. And then there she will see it is not true. That is a tough one, if you think that she is harming herself with this (and it sounds like she may be emotionally) then I would come out and tell her the truth.

I have heard that women can want to be pregnant so bad that their bodies can actually follow the traits of it. Thier mind takes over and believes they are pg and their tummy will grow, they will feel things, I even heard you can produce milk!! Crazy eh? That's too bad, poor girl needs a little help, it is going to be so hard for her when there is no baby in a few months.
Yes I agree Conswayla. Thanks for taking the time to post about it. It is sad and frustrating. I hate seeing anybody lonely and sad about ttc. After being on here, I see firsthand through myself and everyone around me what a miracle it really is... I think I will try to talk to her. She seems a little defensive though. I don't know what would be the best...
Oh Sarah that's a tuff one! I wouldn't even begin to know how to deal with this. I do know that it's not a healthy thing to think your pg. She defo needs help and obviously her other friends aren't going to help her so you my dear are stuck with it. So sorry but somebody needs to help. :hugs:
She will be upset and get defensive I am sure. She obviously really believes this, so it will be hard for her to take. But I think as long as she knows you are there for her and care for her it will be easier for her. Good Luck hun, I hope it all works out :hugs:
im homei didnt get my BFP :( :( and OH slipped 2 discs in his back sky we are out for this month too....great eh?
am really down atm....
ut most importantly how are you all?! BFPs?! testing?! let me know i will catxch up tomo xxxx

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