Members needed in Team LoveBmps!

I take naps whenever I can :rofl: Men will always be like kids though, they all have this weird energy and us women are so worn from our busy lives :rofl:
Sometimes I invite dh to nap in the afternoon on the weekends, but we don't sleep :blush:

Hi Everyone,

I was asked by the lovely iwanttobebad to take a look at this thread and although you all seem wonderful I don't know if I'm eligible to join?!

I don't really have much to offer! I have an irregular cycle and I am planning to start charting in the hope that some sort of pattern will emerge. At the moment I haven't had a period for 6 weeks and possibly conceived from 5 weeks ago onwards. I have no idea when I'm ovulating all I know is that I 'usually' get af about every 4-5 weeks so it has been a little longer than usual. I have taken 2 non-sensitive tests and both bfn so not sure if 1) pregnant but hormone not strong enough for positive yet/ dodgy tests 2) didn't ovulate last month and still settling down from bcp. So time will tell.

I guess what I do have to offer is that for the time being I am ALWAYS just about to test lol so am right there with all of you at different times of the month!! I am hoping for a Feb baby with most of you at the mo! And I can talk babies allllll day long!

Anyways, I'll understand if I don't fit the bill! Would be honoured to be part of the team though! Thanks for reading! xxxxx
Hi Everyone,

I was asked by the lovely iwanttobebad to take a look at this thread and although you all seem wonderful I don't know if I'm eligible to join?!

I don't really have much to offer! I have an irregular cycle and I am planning to start charting in the hope that some sort of pattern will emerge. At the moment I haven't had a period for 6 weeks and possibly conceived from 5 weeks ago onwards. I have no idea when I'm ovulating all I know is that I 'usually' get af about every 4-5 weeks so it has been a little longer than usual. I have taken 2 non-sensitive tests and both bfn so not sure if 1) pregnant but hormone not strong enough for positive yet/ dodgy tests 2) didn't ovulate last month and still settling down from bcp. So time will tell.

I guess what I do have to offer is that for the time being I am ALWAYS just about to test lol so am right there with all of you at different times of the month!! I am hoping for a Feb baby with most of you at the mo! And I can talk babies allllll day long!

Anyways, I'll understand if I don't fit the bill! Would be honoured to be part of the team though! Thanks for reading! xxxxx

You are so welcome to join hun! Sorry about the irregular periods....lets hope that gets straight soon. You came to the right place, so many opinions and help here. This is my 3rd month charting and I always have questions, but I do have some answers too! So we are all here to help, obsess and plan! I hope that your bfp or the :witch: comes soon, how long have you been of bcp for?
COCO! How dare YOU! I told you these girls are the very very best. You don't need passport to join. Or a period. Just a Va-J-J LMAO LMAO!!! There is a sweet girl on BnB who didn't have AF for two years and fell pg! It is amazing and does happen all the time. Fingers X'd for your journey!
Aww thank you lovelies!! I am in bed with laptop listening to dh snore as I can't sleep AGAIN!! I have such an obsessive mind and once I want something it's all I can think about! guess what I'm lying in bed thinking about :rofl:

I have been off bcp now for about 3 months and seemed to have about 3 or 4 afs quite close together (2-3 weeks) so I'm not sure I actually ovulated prior to any of them and then nothing now for 6 weeks. I thought it was 5 but having double checked the dates I haven't had af since beginning of May.

I so hope this isn't the start of a long dry spell - I was on bcp for about 18 months this last time so I shouldn't imagine it would take my body that long to get back to normal. Despite irregular periods I have managed to fall pregnant whilst on the pill previously so I like to think we're pretty fertile! I am due a shed load of cheapy tests from ebay tomorrow I think so may do one straight away as they are apparently as sensitive as most docs tests. I have days when I feel pregnant at the moment and days when I don't although last time I didn't have a clue as I had no symptoms until I felt unwell at 8 weeks (although obv wasn't looking for them either)! So you never know! I am kind of nervous for getting a bfp though as I miscarried at 13 weeks last time and so it will be an emotional time and a nervous 13 wks that will follow. Gosh sorry for the essay!!!! And thanks again for being so lovely! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I had very irregular periods too before i started to go and see the gyno! I maybe got my Period like 3-4 times a year, but somehow i got pregnant 3 times and m/c all 3...Maybe try going to see a specialist to get your periods regular again if it doesn't happen soon!! Wish you luck!!! I hope you conceive soon :)
I had two miscarriages in a row and my doc put me on progesterone and I got pregnant 2 weeks later- My doc said that is the first thing she tries if someone continuously gets pg and then loses the baby- Maybe that is something to think about?:)

We are SO happy to have you become part of our little group:)!!
Samzi dear I hope you feel better too. It is going to be hard and don't be surprised if in a week you are still stressed. I think I will feel better after the 5 month U/S when I see a healthy developing baby. Also the baby has a shot at living in an emergency. That is when I am buying furniture lol. Fingers X'd, but I think you have a good bean!

Rae- Oh hun. Did the doctor give you any idea what happened? Probably not because nobody seems to know what the hell is going on early. I have been so irritated about that. I don't mean to be impatient or dramatic but I am literally terrified. I have a scan in two weeks to see the baby's heart beat. I am going to video it on my cell phone and upload it. I am going to cry forever... Time is flying. I know Samzi and I are still super early but it was like yesterday we got the BFP... I was 3 wks and 3 days when I got the BFP lol.. That seems forever ago. I can't imagine how much the baby has developed since then. Not size but organs and stuff... I think I am going to cry now lol...

Oh yeah.. Neural tubes are finished in my bean in two days! That is what everyone was freaking out so bad about when I got the fever. I think I am ok though. I was only 5wk and 5wk 1dy when I had the fever. Hopefully they didn't start developing yet!

All he said was that there had to be something wrong. Thats all he could tell me, cuz eveything else seemed fine. Idk obviously something wasnt. Sweetie dont worry about it. Im sure you have nothing to worry about. But yeah at ur scan ur gonna feel so much better Im sure.
Morning ladies!

Thanks for even more lovely responses! I think I'm in that awkward stage at the mo where I am scared I am someone who is going to be prone to m/c but as I have (only) had one the doctor will wait and see what happens in the future before looking into it further. I could just simply be someone who has irregular cycles and was unlucky to have a m/c totally unrelated or there could be an underlying prob. Fingers crossed it is the former. Sorry to hear about your m/c, they are a cruel fact of life. To be honest I haven't thought about mine for a while and I did deal with it quite well and put it to bed at the time. However, I did get a bit peed off this morning looking on my facebook and I have a few friends on there who are moaning about their kids! Fine on the odd occasion but a few of them do it all the time and I feel like writing - why don't you get off facebook and spend some time with them then?! grrr they don't know how lucky they are some of them. (Obviously they are worse than your average hard working Mum who is entitled to a moan now and again!)

Anyway, am hoping my cheapie tests will arrive today so I can do one for fun lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh hunny trust me I completely understand. Ive had 2 mc one last Feb(at 11+2) and then the other just last month (4+2). Im so scared that whenever I get a BFP Im gonna lose it, but the ladies here def helped. Apparently(or so Ive been told) having 1 mc doesnt necessarily increase ur chances of another one.
RaeEW89 - thanks again and I certainly hope so!!

Thanks maybebaby!!

Well girls, my poas tests all arrived from ebay today! 20 of them!! ha ha. Waiting to do a test but got to wait till I need a wee as got so excited at their arrival that I went to the loo on autopilot then whilst sitting there thought - what an idiot!! It's like with anything else in life you think 'I'll just pop to the loo, then I'll get on with it' - I'm so silly sometimes!! I hope I can blame this one on baby brain he he! xxxxx
Moring ladies. Had a rise in my temp this morning so we will have to wait and see what the rest of the week brings. :rofl:

Welcome Coco hope you find all these lovely ladies as helpful as I have.
Good for you sunshine! I have to go check out your rise! Yeahhh!

Hi Rae! SS? How are you feeling?

Coco? Hi there hun! I had a m/c in 2002. Well it was a blighted ovum. I had a chem preg. The doc said there was a placenta and sac but no baby :( That is better than the alternative. m/c is hard and I am not going to lie. I am terrified right now. Every morning I get up, I wonder if I am sick enough or if my bb's hurt as bad as they did yesterday. I am just terrified. It is slowly getting better though...
I know exactly where you're coming from iwantbebebad and I will be terrified I just know I will!

Just to let you all know I had a go with my new poas' did one and it was BFN. No af and no pg grrr so frustrating. Started monitoring ovulation and hoping for af asap to get everything going!!! Hate this sometimes! xx
Good for you sunshine! I have to go check out your rise! Yeahhh!

Hi Rae! SS? How are you feeling?

Coco? Hi there hun! I had a m/c in 2002. Well it was a blighted ovum. I had a chem preg. The doc said there was a placenta and sac but no baby :( That is better than the alternative. m/c is hard and I am not going to lie. I am terrified right now. Every morning I get up, I wonder if I am sick enough or if my bb's hurt as bad as they did yesterday. I am just terrified. It is slowly getting better though...

Thanks hunny Im ok, kinda sick. Ive got a cold/flu right now, it really sucks. Oh well it could be worse I suppose. How are you doing today?
Sorry Coco about the BFN, I would check with your doctor about what Erin said about the progesterone (did I spell that right?)

How is everyone doing? What dpo and CD's are we all on? Are we going to get some more :bfp: 's soon?! I hope so!

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