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Morning ladies

My temp went down this morning so I don't thing I O'd this month I am so confused! I hate what my body and mind is doing to me!

Erin what dpo are you? I knew back in Dec that I was I don't know how just knew. We were ntnp at that point and now dh and I are actively trying and nothing LOL

Conswayla hope you have a good weekend!

Maybe fxd for Tues!

Samzi how are you?

Rae I lived with my Mom off and on until I moved were I live now so if it was just my Mom I wouldn't have a problem. LOL I think I would wait until at least 12dpo to test.

To everybody else hope your all fine!
Hmm well lets see, wednesday will be 12dpo for me, but I dont wanna see a BFN so I think I just might wait till AF due to test. So I have a question, I have read to check ur cp at the same time everyday, because cp can change during the day. Well if you check at like 11:00 AM and its waaaay high, then check at like 9:00PM an it isnt so high, then next day you check at 11 again and its back up to waaaay high. What do you go with for cp?

Aww Sunshine dont worry Im sure you did O, but yeah our bodies can be horrible sometimes.
cd 22 * 4dpo

So we'll see. Im going through that stage where I am starting to doubt myself- because in the past I have symptom spotted and not pg- So i feel like I am crazy!!
My temp took a dive this am....I may end up with AF much earlier this month! I hate my chart this month, last month I loved it.

Rae~ Your CP is generally higher in the morning, and then lower in the evening. The morning and evenings are not good times to check. It moves around so much. I would check it around 1-2 in the afternoon to get a good reading on it. I have the same trouble, I check in the morning and it is sky high and then in the evening it is low.

Sunshine~ That's too bad you haven't got cross hairs yet, I am sure you O'd but maybe something is off with your temping, are you doing it the same time everyday? is there something that could be influencing the temps to go up and down? Just keep :sex: just in case it hasn't happened yet. Good Luck.

Erin~ It is hard when you have that feeling, because giving into it can be disappointing. But you were give that feeling for a reason!

Maybe~ Can't wait until tues to see your test! Good Luck!
Hey everyone! Hope you're all well. I love reading through your posts and how enthusiastic you all are about your charts! I do keep up with them I just don't post that much as I don't really feel I have that much to offer yet! Have every symptom of af at the moment except bleeding! I don't think I've ever wished for it to hurry up so much so I can get down to serious business like you girls!!! I want a bloody cycle never mind a baby!!! xxxxx
ok so im trying really hard not to symptom spot...BUT shooting pains in bbs, light cramping, yellowish snot mucus (tmi:0),

All of those are not exaggerating:) Come on my little bean!!!!

A word of warning about early testing - Ha - I know.... From Me the POAS addict!!!
If you do get a :bfp: before the :witch: is due - you may well be PG but... there's still a high chance of having a chemical. Isn't it best to avoid this heartache and wait for the :witch: not to show... rather than get all excited about being PG only to lose it in the space of a week.

Well - that's why I'm not testing early this time round.
OK - so I've got 12 days to go - I might not be so strong in a weeks time.
And... you can't worry about everything - what's wrong with being optimistic and enjoying it?

Well either way... let the :bfp: fest begin !!!!
hey ladies

caz - so glad you are going to wait that little bit longer - it definitely saves a lot of heartache if you get a bfp and then af comes. i hope this is your month :hugs:
Thanks - I'm with Sunshine on this cycle though - my temps are very strange indeed. I've searched on FF but no luck..

What does a temp drop to below the coverline mean - after ov?
Hello ladies,

Erin-I know symptom spotting is just something that happens, I dont think we can really stop it, I tod myself this month I wasnt going to and Im not as bad, but Im def finding somethings.

Conswayla-sorry about ur temp, I dont really know what that could mean, but can it go back up?
To all the rest of you lovely ladies, good luck, come on we need some :bfp:s.
I haven't really been on here much but in my defence I've been busy trying to get enough of those :spermy: LOL. It is fab the pma going on this month so I'm hoping that it will rub off onto me once I hit that 2ww (not long now). I always seem to lag a little behind but I just get so excited for all you guys what with the symptoms and the testing dates.
conswayla hun, temp drop after ov can be implantation!! good luck hunnie :)
hope u ladies are all well...gunna test 10. 13 and 16 DPO....(got 3 testss) wish me luck ahh xcxxx
Hmm bbs being very strange, just squeezed nipple on one side lightly and stuff came out. First it was clear then it was whitish, Im confused. Any how when is everyone testing? I wanna see some good things from you all.
Hey Rae! I felt weird in March and stuff came out of my nipple just like that. I was sure I was pg but no. They tested my prolactin to see if I was making milk for some reason. It was low. I think the mammory glands just have a little fluid in them sometimes. Then again, when I was pg with DS, I was always up in my bb's looking for milk lol lol. My mom said I was "gross" digging around all the time. :rofl: Well, I was a perfect fit for cm and cp digging lol... I didn't get colostrum stuff with DS until 7 months pg. No milk until he was born. I have heard some women get milky stuff when they get pg as the hormones rise. Maybe! When are you going to test?

ERINNNNN- What is the scoop? :hugs:
Coco, post all you want, anytihng. What you feel...anything hun, we love to hear from everyone!

Erin~ Your symptoms sound great, your chart looks great....oh exciting :wohoo:

Caz~ Such a good plan, it is much easier to wait when it comes down to it. That way you don't risk seeing a bfn if you don't have to.

Rae~ The stuff from your nipples could be from last cycle.....or an infection maybe? I would get that checked to be sure hun. But I don't know a lot about that. Maybe it is a good sign!!

As for me....I have nothing to share. Temp is all over mainly because of the crappy sleeps I am having...I have like 3 temp dips :rofl: Oh well, I am sure it didn't happen this month.
An infection lol lol.. Conswayla you are freaking hilarious. I mean it could be so lol! I never thought of that. I guess it is weird when your nipple leaks for no reason. Mine was clear fluid. Who knows. It checked out ok lol. lol .lol oh the joy of peeing on your pants...
I have no idea when I o'd ! :hissy: My temps are all over the place and I had a wonky temp that threw everything off! I only hope dh and I bd'd on the right days!

I so want a wonderful birthday present on July 2nd!

Sorry ladies just needed to rant.

How are all my lovely ladies today?

Conswayla your temps are looking like last month only your coverline was lower. :shrug:

Rae sorry can't answer the cp question have no idea.

Cadz I need to look at your chart haven't made it there yet sorry.

Erin sounding good!

Maybe don't blame you about the bfn don't want to see anymore of those!

Coco chat when you feel comfortable you don't need to add anything just chat with us.

Samzi how are you today? Good I hope!
Well ladies, if you've been to my journal latley, you know that I had a *fun* weekend. It really was fun, but maddening in a way too. I just want to be freaking pregnant!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my heaviest day, and DH took Dad golfing so Mom and I went to the market and shopped all morning. More like we sweat all morning.:rofl: It was fun. We took a carriage ride and saw a lot of downtown charleston and heard about the who's who's that lived in the mansions near rainbow row. Very pretty.

Back to reality with TTC.
Ladies- I need your advice. So far DH has been mostly blissfully unaware about when OV time comes around. I think he still thinks whenever he leaves a deposit I should get pregnant.:dohh:
Last cycle I was trying for the EOD :sex: but missed CD10 and I am really Kicking myself for it. He was soooo not in the mood that night, and I knew it was a day I wanted to make sure to BD, but I didn't say why. I just said I really wanted it. He said no.
SO my dilemah is- Do I tell him "listen- when I say I want it it's cause i'm ovulating and you need to help a sista out if you also want to have a baby." or do I just let it go like we have. I mean, who's to say with last cycle when I actually ovulated cd9 or cd13. But should I try and bring him into the whole TTC madness? or should I let him be blissfully unaware?
What have your experiences been?
Premomt~ I would tell him. Because it will help with getting it when you need it. Just tell him, between CD 8 & 16 you need to :sex: every other day, that way he is on the same page and you will have a better chance of getting it.

I on the other hand stressed DH out so much that it wasn't working. But we are on more of a shig plan atm because of it. I went about it all wrong, I should have tried to be more relaxed. But if he knows need an egg to get pregnant, he may be more on board with some planned :sex: Make it fun, I know it is hard after so long. But it may help take some of the pressure off you. That way you are not fighting about :sex:. Then he will know.

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