Hi ladies :wave: I hope everyone is doing well!
Aein - have a safe trip! Glad to hear that this cycle is going better than last
Baby - haven't popped it out yet!

I'm almost 17 weeks, which is insane tho - time is going by so fast!
Stayhopeful - how are you feeling about the ivf stuff so far? Do you know which stims you'll be using?
Hippie, markswife, & Bunny - I'm so glad to hear things are going well! GL with your upcoming scans / tests!
AlyCon - I'm so glad that things are going well!
How are all the other ladies doing?? SweetMel, lichongchai, Fallen?

to all
Afm - DH and I just got back from Washington, DC - we were there for a cousin's wedding and made a mini vacation out of it, which was really nice. I have my appt for my 19 week anatomy scan on June 10th and (as long as LO cooperates) we should be able to find out the gender then! I'll keep all you ladies updated!