Hi Ladies,
Sorry I've been MIA, life has been way too busy! I'm so glad to hear all you ladies are doing well!!
Hippie and Bunny - I'm so glad to hear your scans were good and everything is going well! Seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat is always so magical

I'm excited for you two to find out the gender of your little ones!!
Krissie and Isobel - That's wonderful that inositol is helping!

I've got my fx that you will see your bfp soon!!
Baby - How are you feeling about your upcoming appt? Hopefully this last cycle of clomid will do the trick and you won't need the specialist after all!!
Stayhopeful - I'm so sorry to hear about your cyst

Fx the BCP will take care of the cyst and you'll be able to start your injections asap
Aein - I'm so sorry, I don't really know much about laproscopy except that it's often used to check for endometriosis. I agree with Baby and would listen to the doctors advice. How much longer are you in Karachi for?
Afm - I'm doing really well. I've been feeling the baby move for about the past week and it's been really amazing

I had my 19 week anatomy scan just over a week ago and everything looks perfect! We also found out that we're having a little boy!!!!!

We are THRILLED and couldn't be happier

My mom came to visit this past weekend and helped us paint nursey baby blue - I know it's such a typical color, but it's so cute that I can't help but love it - it looks like the color of the sky

to all you ladies waiting on your bfp!!!