Metformin & PCOS

woow twins i love to have too :baby::baby:

sumtimes i say my hubby,i wish to got twins, triplets or more in a go, so my all heart wishes will complete in a go :)

physically m nt feeling good this time, my af ended and our weekend started but so sillt i just got slipped in room, and trying myself to nt hit floor my left thigh turned badly, feeling so much pain and looks as fever is also coming :wacko::sleep:
I always say I want twins too! Would be amazing.

Aww hope your okay! Take it easy and rest and hopefully you will feel better. Hopefully you won't bruise or get a bad fever
Thanks ladies :hugs: I would LOVE twins!!!! I tell my hubbs all the time I would absolutely love to have twins, he wants just single babies. I want 4 all together, so two sets of twins would be perfect! Plus they're soooo cute, & if I got a boy & girl first I might even decide to stop there. I was an only child & was soooo lonely growing up, so I really dont want my kids to feel that way. Even on rainy days I want them to have someone to play with. I want a big family, because growing up I had a lot of cousins & huge family get togethers. Of course now that has all stopped now for a million different reasons, but I miss it & would love to recreate it with my own children.

Haha, bunny I get in broody moods too. I had hubbs put our bassinet & changing table in the attic so I wouldnt have to look at them anymore. I had them in a spare room & each time I'd go in there to do something I'd start cleaning & organizing. Wanting to paint & buy more lol.
Twins would be an absolute dream. The twin boys were great, so well behaved and sooo cute!! Couldnt resist lots of cuddles!

I realllyyy want to buy things! But think it would make me feel worse :( plus it might start a lot of rumours if I just randomly go out and buy baby things :haha:

Im only 8dpo (maybe) !! Hurry up!
Hahaha, well I got a few things dirt cheap off craigslist so no one questioned why I bought them lol
I'm with everyone else - I would LOVE twins!! Bunny, I those baby boys sound adorable. And I totally get the wanting to buy things!! We have a room in our house that is eventually going to be the nursery when I finally get my bfp, but right now it's just an empty room. My hubby wants to turn it into a second office while we're waiting but I won't let him - in my mind, using it for something else is like admitting that it's gonna take awhile to have a baby, and I'm not ready to admit that yet!

Baby - How are you doing? I know you're taking Clomid, how are you finding it? Do you have any side effects from it? I'm hoping to start it next cycle!

Aein - I hope your leg is ok and that you're feelin better from your fever soon! :flower:

Bunny - Fx that your tww will give you a bfp at the end of it!!

As for me, I'm on cd30 (9 days since my last dose of Provera) and I FINALLY had the faintest bit of spotting today. This has definitely been a bizarre month for me and pcos keeps messing with my body :( I've got my fx that the spotting will turn into full blown af so I can get on with my next cycle.
9dpo (maybe..) and counting. Think I'm going to go mad with this wait. Just hoping that I did O and its not a waste of time!

That's great JL, another cycle is another chance so good luck with this one! I see what you mean about the spare room. I wouldn't put anything in it either, I just keep thinkin a bfp may come along soon haha.
So far I havent had any side effects from the Clomid, besides ovulating :haha: but thats what I want to happen! I wasnt sure if I had O'd last month or not since I didnt track it, but since AF arrived on her own I'm fairly confident that I did. Now we just gotta time it right or somethin. Doc said hubby is perfect, so thats two months of O with nodda :/ I agree about the spare room too. I have one room that has like two or three things in it & I refuse to let hubbs put more in there. & we've been ttc for over two years! I'm still not ready to make that room anything other than a nursery!
Today is CD 11 for me. I decided to do an opk because I have been feeling weird. It was almost positive. I am going to take another one when I get home at 4. I hope I'm getting ready to O.
I keep picturing what my nursery will look like and what themes I will pick :haha:

Good luck krissie! Hopefully that mean O isn't far away!

I keep trying to symptom spot but theres nothing to spot :dohh: Gettin a few wee things that can all be explained by other things :( Hate waiting. Have gave up hope! Time goes in quicker that way :haha:
Hey All, I am new to this site and thought I would drop by this thread, as I also have PCOS and I have recently started Metformin.

I was diagnosed in August 2011. I had been visiting my doctor complaining of irregular cycles for about 5 years and it was only when I suggested PCOS that she sent me off for scan and it was confirmed. That same doctor then went on to tell me it was highly unlikely I would be able to conceive without treatment of some sort. She said that when the time came for me to start trying she would give me something to help. As you can imagine this totally freaked me out and I had to tell my partner that it might never happen for us. We were preparing to move to Thailand at the time, so concentrated on getting everything sorted for that and decided that when the time came for us to start trying we would look at all of our options. Well, February 2012 and the big move arrived, everything was going well and we decided that 2013 would be the year for us to start trying. I only get around 3 cycles a year, so we said that towards the end of 2012 we would start looking into treatment to try and regulate my cycles. I had a P in April, so when it didn't show up again in May we thought nothing of it, I had figured that it would be August-September by the time I got another one. In June I had to take some antibiotics for a UTI and I was advised to take a test to be sure I wasn't pregnant before them - We took one, but as expected it came out as negative, so I took the antibiotics. On Friday August 10th I started bleeding and had the usual cramps that I get with my P so figured it had finally arrived, but unfortunately on Sunday the 12th of August I suffered a m/c and had to be rushed into hospital for a D&C. I was never able to find out how far along I was, due to an awful experience with the first hospital I went to, but after describing the sac to the Gyno at the second hospital It was estimated to be about 8-10 weeks (It hurts not knowing for sure though) - I was devastated, all this time I had been thinking that I couldn't get pregnant and yet I had a baby growing in me. Unfortunately, I only had two symptoms and due to other circumstances in my life at that point the last thing on my mind was that I might be pregnant especially as I thought that I couldn't conceive naturally (I eat a lot of rice here and have slowly been gaining a belly since February, so a little more weight gain meant nothing and my hours at work changed at the start of August from 4pm-midnight to 9am-6pm, my body clock was all other the place and so I wasn't sleeping well which meant I was super tired.).

I have still not been able to move on from the m/c - I hate myself for not knowing that I was pregnant, but I know in my heart it was not completely my fault. My partner and I are now trying to conceive again and the doctor that has been looking after me here in Thailand has prescribed 1000mg of Metformin a day - I have been on them for 2 weeks and had the dodgy stomach a few times - the worst was when I ate lettuce at the weekend (will not be eating that again for a while lol) the only other s/e I have noticed is the skin on my hands has started to really peel - it looks awful, has anyone else experienced this at all? I am hoping that the Metformin kicks in and regulates my cycles, because I haven't had a P since the very start of October, so I can't start charting or anything yet - I am super scared that I am going to miss another pregnancy as well, so I have been testing every 3 days for 5 weeks now and I had a blood test done as well. Has anyone else heard that some people with PCOS can go through the first 10 weeks of pregnancy before a HPT will show up as positive? I am so scared to miss another.

I only joined this site this week, and I have spoken with a couple of ladies in the m/c section and I have to say they have been wonderful and now I have found this thread, so I am hoping to meet another group of wonderful ladies that also know what I am going through.

Many thanks for reading my super long story and appreciate any info anyone has on Metformin/PCOS :) xx
Hi sandyhen :wave: welcome to the thread! The women here are wonderful and super supportive! :)

I'm really sorry for your loss, going through a m/c is an awful experience :hugs: I also had a m/c in March of last year and my cycles have been SUPER messed up ever since. I haven't ovulated since the m/c and take provera every cycle to kick start a period. I just got referred to a new obgyn and RE, who diagnosed me with pcos and put me on 1500mg of met (immediate release) in October 2012. I had a few tummy troubles with met at first, but they balanced out pretty quickly. There is a slow release tablet that a lot of ladies here have had good success with without the nasty s/e. Met alone hasn't worked to get me O'ing on my own yet, but a few ladies here have had some good success with it. I'm hoping to start clomid next month (along with the met) to amp up my chance of O'ing and getting my bfp! Fx that the met will work for you and you'll get a bfp soon!! :thumbup:
Krissie - yay for the almost positive opk! Fx you got your positive when you retested this afternoon!! :thumbup:

Bunny - the tww is terrible! What cd are you on now? Fx it will end in a surprise bfp for you!!

As for me - I FINALLY got af today, and she's a real witch this month full of super bad cramps and back pain, bloatedness, and mood swings - hubby must love being around me! :haha: I can't complain too much tho, I'm glad it's here so I can start my cycle monitoring and then get prescribed clomid! I have my first ultrasound this Saturday :thumbup:
Hi ladies, do you mind if I join? I'm 26 and have PCOS. I've done Clomid, Femara, and IUIs and we're at the point where IVF is our last option. While we save for it, I'm taking Met to hopefully make me o. I'm not insulin resistant, but I'm on 750mg of Met. So far no bad side effects, I can even eat whatever I want. But it's CD20 and no sign of o..l how long did it take to start working for you ladies?
Krissie, fx'd you O!!! Good luck! :hugs:

Bunny, I can't wait for your tww to be over!! I'm hoping you get a bfp instead of AF!

Sandyhen, welcome :hugs: so sorry to hear about your loss :cry: I have had two m/c. The first when I was 16 & didnt even know, like you. I didnt think I could get pregnant since my periods were so all over the place. The second time was last year, after taking Clomid. My dr told me if no bfp to take provera, so after waiting & waiting with all bfn's I took provera. Usually when I take provera I get AF 1-3 days after my last pill, but this time was different. It didnt come for almost 8 days, & was very spotty at first which was also odd. When I finally started bleeding I knew something wasnt right, & I we were traveling to North Carolina so it wasnt like I could do much. I passes the sac in a rest stop restroom :cry: I'll never forget my little angel. I feel horrible bc I took provera & I am sure that helped if not caused the m/c. So yes, I think its very possible to have PCOS & not get your BFP until 8+ weeks. & as far as the hands peeling, I have not experienced that! Just the regular upset tummy here & there.

Stayhopeful, :hugs: so sorry it has been such a rough road for you! Ughh, I hope the Metformin helps & you get that sticky bean right before IVF! Wouldn't that be nice :D Welcome to the thread!
Welcome Sandyhen! Sorry about your m/c :( We are all here if you need anything though :) I hope met works for you, it can work wonders for a lot of ladies.

Hi stayhopeful! Hopefully you will get a wee surprise bfp before you do IVF :D I got my first af in a long time around 4 weeks after I started met, not sure if I O'd or not. I don't really understand the first af on met whether its just a shift in hormones that triggers it or if you O. I didnt expect it to work that quick so wasn't checking if I was going to O.

Thanks baby and JL! It's going in so slow! I'm on cd 25 and hoping I'm around 10dpo today if I O'd. Really want to test but I know it's too early. Please convince me to stay away from the tests!! :haha:
Hey ladies and welcome to the new girlies. I tested three more times each getting lighter. I think I must have caught it towards the end. I don't know if I O'd. But with my other symptoms I really think I did or was about to.

I hope everyone's holidays are great!
Hopefully that's a good sign krissie and you have actually O'd! Fingers crossed.
Welcome Sandy & stay on this thread

Krissie! best of luck dear i hope so you actually got ur O

Baby! dear ehh happy you got ur af on da way, good luck and yea my leg is relaxed now lol

bunny! how its going at ur end??

I am on CD10 today and 9th day m taking Metformin, let see what will happen next, i try for opk here but i didnt find in town, bad luck for me
Ladies, i am very annoyed in telling you but seems i should share it with you might i get some idea, this time after cyclle and taking Met, thrice we did beding and within 3 mins i felt to go for pee ... although before doing sex i has no feeling.... wt should i do

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