JL - This scan went a lot better thanks! Saw the sack, yolk and fetal pole. My baby looks like a grain of rice

And got to hear a bit of the heartbeat so I'm more relax. But I managed to get another scan in two weeks

I also forgot to ask how far along I was

but OH said the screen said 6 weeks 5 days but a midwife told me I'm 5-6 and wrote 5 weeks on my notes so I'm a bit confused. Also noticed on my notes that the scan was a viability scan instead of dating :/ Glad I never seen that before I went in or I'd be panicking! But yes everything is good thanks

Any update with you?
Baby - you've been busy! You make me sound so lazy!

Your veggie garden sounds great and what a great idea it is. Don't think I have the patience for it

Well done for the healthy eating, diets never work but healthy eating definitely does. It keeps the weight off instead of it creeping back on.
Sweetmel - Well done for the healthy eating, you have more willpower than me!

Keep up the good work with staying active!
Alycon - Crappy tests have gotten all of us

they are awful. Keep positive cos you never know when your bfp will turn up! Hopefully soon!
Aein - Sorry af is bad this time

It's a horrible feeling. I always found a hot water bottle and a big bar of chocolate helps

good luck with your next clomid cycle
Markswife - Congratsss! Great news!

do you know how far along you are?