Bunny, thats so exciting you got to see the sac! I bet you were doing backflips

congratulations! & yes, my cycle is very aggravating this time! I can't believe its doing all this, especially when I thought I would have already gotten AF by now & been onto my next cycle! Ha, what a joke!
Alycon, I've got my fingers & toes x'd for you that this is indeed implantation!!! Good luck hun!
Afm, nothing new to report. Spotting never came back. This morning I came into work & could smell the red rice & sausage they were having for lunch & it made my stomach turn. I was scared I might be getting the bug AGAIN, but it went away thank God & I'm ok now

I did go to the gym Wednesday morning, & plan to go this evening. My love handles are so sore! My legs too lol. But thats what I'm aiming for! To work those areas & lose this fat! Hopefully I can lose some more of this weight before our vaca in July. Thats going to be my main focus for a while, as opposed to ttc. I'm still going to try for sure, but this cycle has thrown me off & I'm just wanting something a little easier to aim for, like losing weight. Plus, it'll benefit me either way, so why not? My next ob appt is May 8th, so I guess we'll see where we need to go from there.