Mid-August Testers

You know Snow we don't even appreciate it here! All the Aussies and Kiwis in my office spend their weekends and holidays jetting off to places and I've lived within 30mins from an airport my whole life and now 30mins from a Eurostar terminal and I've barely been anywhere!

Hands - Even though he's now walking we decided to do one more term of baby sensory. He really does love it, especially the songs. After that I think we're going to do Bounce and Rhyme at the library which is free. His Daddy also is keen for him to do sports so he'll be doing Rugby Bugs after Christmas. He kicked his first ball the other week and Daddy was so proud!

Hope everyone is well xxx
Hey folks, back from hols, had a lovely time! Elliot really enjoyed his first trip abroad. We went on the ferry which was perfect for elliot as he could run around and here was a little soft play area which was great for him! I cant even contemplate going on a plane with him at the moment as he wont stil still for 2 minuted everr!!plus it meant we could pack the car with everything we could want! :thumbup:

We just stayed in Normandy and the weather was average so no beach days unfortunately but lits to do...visited the D - Day landing beaches, and the Bayeux Tapestry and ate lots of yummy french food! Photos are all on hubby's phone at the moment but will upload when we get them on the computer.

And on a TTC front, we were lucky that the holiday fell at ov time so managed to BD plenty of times...hehe...the TWW begins!
We are back from our vacation too. 6 plane rides and 8 days later and we are all still alive and the grandparents got to see Dexter. No more vacations for us any time soon.

On craigslist I found one of those step 2 ladder and slides for dexter and bought that for him and he loves it. he climbs up the slide and tries to go down the ladder over and over LOL

hubby goes in on the 24th for his vasectomy... yay for worry free months.

Bex - I do agree... packing a car versus a bag for a plane is soooooooo much better with a baby. Glad you guys had a good time. A part of me does miss the tww and the pregnancy with all the hype. I suppose it's a good thing that I can get to live it over again through you than to go through it myself. Good Luck! Keep us posted.

Nic - The library sounds like fun. It sounds like Finlay is flourishing. Will he be the next beckham?
I think Daddy would prefer him to be the next Jonny Wilkinson!! But I wouldn't mind either way. :D Definitely going to be sporty though.

Glad to hear you both had great holidays. We've sneaked a last minute trip to
Cornwall. 5 hours was a long time in the car for Finlay but he coped well. We are staying in a scandi style A Board chalet and Finlay is in his element. We went to a party beforehand so he was wearing his superman tshirt with an attached cape. He looked so funny strutting around the service station holding his pack of crisps. He had a bit of a strop when daddy first told him he couldn't have them, but a superman having a paddy was hilarious so we gave in!!

Will try to update you all as the week goes on. It's freezing here again so I don't think we'll manage too many beach days xx
Glad everyone is having great vacas!!

We go to Dallas, TX for my little sisters wedding in 10 days. I am so nervous to fly with Kellan! But excited for him to meet a ton of my family!!

And we have a trip planned to drive home (10-11 hrs! Eek!) over Thanksgiving for his Baptism and to meet more of our families. It is something to look forward to.
Update: Dexter is teething again. 3 molars are coming in all at the same time. EEK! lol Life is good.
Gosh, everyone's quiet here. Hope that means all is well xx Nothing really new here. Finlay is getting faster (to be expected :) ) and his sleep is still rubbish. He has started to sing though. He makes words up to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle and Ba Ba Black sheep. He does the Ba Ba bit and sings 'up above' in Twinkle Twinkle. The first few times he did it I thought I was imagining it, but he does it quite often now.

On other news we've decided to properly do NTNP. I roughly know when I should ovulate so where we can we'll try a bit more then, but realistically we're both too tired to TTC. Last time we tried properly for quite awhile and when we stopped trying it happened. Ideally I would like to be pregnant before the end of January. Just need to get going on the pre-natals. I forgot how big they were! :)
Hi Girls,

Hope you are all well. I haven’t managed to read through all the posts just the last 2 pages so I have missed loads I am afraid but it sounds like everything is going well.

Snow - I can imagine it must be hard going back to work when he is still so wee but I am sure it will be fine and he will settle into nursery with no problems, apparently the earlier the better they settle, Ariana did not settle wellbeing over a year when she started and still cries on drop off quite a lot and this is 6 months on!

Bex - Are you actually back at work now? How is that going? I have to say though being pregnant with a toddler is 1billion times harder than being pregnant the first time, I am amazed how everyone I speak to that has 2 kids agrees that it is so much harder - why do you not get told this from the beginning so you can prepare lol. So just be prepared girl ha ha. It might not be so bad if you have a toddler that sleeps though (not sure if you do), although now at 33 weeks I can't sleep anyway so it probably wouldn't make a difference at this stage. Good luck though I hope it is easier for you and I am sure the benefits of having them so close in age will be worth it.

Nic - How are you finding work? I think I will actually miss it when I go off lol, I am leaving Ariana in nursery so I have time with the new bub but will have 6 weeks off before the bub is due so will miss the banter and social side lol.

Hands - It sounds like everything is going well for you and Dexter is getting on great. Is there any plan for hubby to go away again? What is the weather like there now?

Any word from lisette?

This is my last week at work, I finish up on Friday and soooooo can't wait.
Everything is good with us Ariana is a typical toddler I would say although I think the nursery find her and her tantrums hard work lol. I think she just gets frustrated with them because they don't take the time to listen to what she is saying and expect her to go along with the programme which she is not very likely to do. If she has made up her mind to do otherwise there is little hope of changing it, she is super strong willed like her mama ha ha.

This one is due on the 20th November and is a boy which I was a bit gutted about at the start but have come to terms with it now lol, it just would have been nice for Ariana to have a sister but hey ho its not to be.

Glad to hear some of your news though and to know that all the bubs are doing so well.
Nic - Great to hear that Finlay is already singing! Wow... dex is behind on the verbal, but he tries. It's just that all of his words sound like the same word... haha. If it weren't for the signing he does, I wouldn't know which word was which.

I can't believe how you guys are NTNP... but more power to ya!!! I just don't think I could handle another one. Hubs got his vasectomy done last week and i'm still on the pill so if we get pregnant, it will be a real surprise. My fingers are crossed that you can get pregnant soon.

Bea - Long time no see! Congrats on your lil boy. I hope your delivery goes smoother this time. Can't wait to see pictures of the little guy.

I agree with having two. I see mothers all the time in the public restrooms trying to keep two of their kids in the stall. You can here her yelling things like "Don't push your sister while she's peeing" or "Don't flush while he's still on the toilet. You know it scares him." and then you hear the flush and a screaming child... hahaha. Then as you wash your hands you see the mother backing out of the stall with her two little ones and she looks like something the cat drug in.

I hope you aren't one of those mommas.... but if you are, know that you aren't alone.
Hooray for check in Bea! Congrats on the boy! Any names picked out? I always always always wanted girls. Now that I have Kellan - I can't imagine having a girl now and really hope for another boy for #2!

Hooray for NTNP Nic! FX for a fast BFP!

Hands - I am debating on whether to sign or not. Glad that it is working out great for you guys!

Any new news yet Bex?

AFM, I am home today with Kellan. He had 2 diarrhea poops yesterday at daycare and was "fussy" so they require him to not come back for 24 hours so here I am. He never had one poop at home last night when I had to go get him early and he was as smiley as can be when I picked him up. I think he's playing hookie. He did however sleep for 13 hours though last night. Maybe he was just exhausted from our busy weekend. So this past weekend was my sister's wedding in Dallas. It was beautiful - but was quite busy for the little boy. He did great on the plane - I was such a proud Mama!! Can't believe me and my sisters are all married off!

So pumping is going good still. I am getting quite sick of it honestly. I want to be a normal person again and be able to sleep all night as he has been for a month now. I think I need to start dropping pumps as I want to quit at 6 months. Right now I do 6 pumps per day. I prolly have enough in the freezer to feed him for another 4-6 add'l weeks. Plus, I want AF back so we can start NTNP - which we are basically doing now but I don't have AF. We have yet to use any protection but then we barely have time to BD anyways!

Baby is 4 months. I am upset to report that he will need a helmet. I am so sad about it - we worked so hard to keep him off his head - I did tons of tummy time - so much that daycare was so impressed by his "skills". We just had the consultation on Monday. I am waiting for insurance to call back and let us know if it is covered or not. I am assuming not as they will say its cosmetic and will cost us $4,000 out of pocket. Oh well. It totally sucks. But what are you going to do. He will have it on for a max of 10 weeks - so really what is 10 weeks for a lifetime of a perfect head.

Glad to see everyone is doing so well. xo
Snow - fingers crossed the insurance company comes back with good news. It's a proper medical condition so hopefully they'll see sense. How nice to get a cheeky day at home though. A few times Finlay has had dodgy nappies at nursery or nanny and doesn't do them at home. I think he saves them for everyone else :)

Bea - fantastic to hear from you. Can't believe you're nearly at the end! Do you have any boys names picked out? If not I think Snow and I can share your pain. :D Once your little man is here you'll be so happy. Little boys seem to want mummy cuddles much more than little girls do. Work is fine. It's a bit dull and I don't really have the drive to go for it like I used to it. I am enjoying time to be my old self again though. I just feel like a lot of the squabbling and politics are completely pointless so I get on with my work and get home :) I think once I'm finished having babies I seriously need to think about retraining. Can't hack another 40yrs! :)

Lisette has checked in a few times. She is back to work soon but we haven't heard from her recently.
Boo. Insurance is not going to pay for the band. They said only if it is used post-operatively. Which it obviously isn't. Our Pediatrician did tell us today that he wrote a letter to my insurance company telling them this the band is medically necessary so we are hoping that they will accept it and pay for it. However, we have to pay for it in full on Monday when we go to do the 3D scan for them to make the band. So I guess if they decide to cover it, we will just get reimbursed for it later.
Here's a pic of little man the other day. He loves this new toy we got called a Winkle.


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Hi ladies!

Sorry I've been AWOL for a while, but great to log on here and get all the updates:) no news here on the baby front. I'm ovulating as we speak, haha! I'm like you Nic and would really like to be pg by January! Fingers crossed for both of us, I am excited you are NTNP! I have dropped down to one BF a day now, so fingers crossed that helps!

BEA! So great to see you back on here! I was thinking about you the other day thinking you must be due soon and there you are about to start you maternity leave again! Soo exciting. Having a boy is great, you'll love it! But I completely know what you mean , I love having a boy and would definitely want another boy. So excited about the next mid-August baby!

It's Elliot's birthday on Saturday, I can't believe it, but really looking forward to it. Just having a little gathering here at home. And I go back to work next week!! Eeek! Elliot has started nursery already, and he's doing really well, but he cries when I leave which I hate, but is fine after I've gone! Oh and we have out our house on the market......so it's all busy here!

Snow - Very very cute pic! Hopefully the doctor can sort you out with the insurance company. And yay for you NTNP too! Who knows there could be lots more babies to come very soon!
Snow - you have a gorgeous son. Let us know how the helmet goes.

My fingers are crossed for you NTNP ladies. I'm so excited about having more babies around here.

BTW Bex I can't believe Elliot is a year either!!! Time sure does fly.
One of us at least needs to be pg by the time Bea's baby arrives so that there is always someone pg on this thread!
Snow how did Kellan's appointment go yesterday? Any news on your insurance company?

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