Snow - he is so darn cute!! I love the tummy time pic. So alert and he must be a very strong boy to be pushing up so well. Lovely to hear you so happy. xxx
Bex - ooh good luck with TTCing! I'm lurking on the NTNP page at the moment. Our plan is for a July baby (in as much as you can plan!) as we have a good friend of OH's getting married in Sorrento next May and ideally we would like to fly out. I have a smear test next week (yuck!) and need to get some pre-natals then once I've waited enough time for any results to come back (if they're going to) then we'll be on track to start. The idea of bd'ing that much though already wears me out!

Im enjoying being back to work. It's great for Finlay and I to be with other people. I feel more like 'me' again and he has so much fun at nursery. Plus we make Tuesdays fun and Mondays we spend together at home. Little homebodies!

I think the main things are to be organised. I make lunch the night before for me, have Finlay's bag packed and both our clothes for the next day laid out. I then wear my dressing gown over my outfit (no time to change of he wipes his nose on me!) and check the time every 5mins! A few practice runs are a good idea, getting ready to go early. Perhaps even getting Elliot used to eating / waking etc. at times that match nursery might help his transition. The other thing is to realise you don't work full time anymore so you just won't get everything done like you used to and you will need to step back.
Hands - yay for Mr Hand's return! Is Dex's party tomorrow? Hope he has a great time. I'm also confused about a smash cake. Are Bex and I missing out?
Lisette - great to hear from you. Are you planning on trying for number 2. Will you be working full time? Melina sounds so much fun!
Finlay is really coming on right now. He gets so worn out he is taking himself off to bed, taking his bunny with him up to bed. Too cute! He still isn't walking but we are really, really close. He has done up to 4 steps together, will stand unaided for 2-3mins and takes 1-2 steps unsupported between things. He just needs to be brave.

He is very chatty and amazes me with the clever things he tries to do. He is so flipping cheeky though!
Bea - how are you right now. Would love am update xxx