Mid-August Testers

Will respond tomorrow on computer. I did this quick tonight on the phone.


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Snow - how adorable! Thank you for sharing. He is getting so big!

Nic - Thanks for the words of encouragement. Finlay is a month older than Dexter.. so who knows maybe by the beginning of May he will be ready!!! Especially if he has a few hours of nakedness each week (when he wants to).

Gross Motor and cognitive Ability are Dexter's strong points. Verbal and fine motor are his weak points.... though with more art projects, his fine motor is slowly improving,

Finlay is doing amazingly well! It is not common practice in the U.S. to potty train this young. When I tell people about his interests, they shrug me off and tell me not to push him because he's too young. It's frustrating when they give you the "I don't believe you and you are doing your child wrong" look... but I know my child and it is all him. Not me.

I'm very proud of Finlay wearing pj pants today and the mere fact that he can pull his pants up and down. WOW! I'm so jealous that he can tell you when he wants to try and that he can hold his pee for 2 hours! I'm waiting for those signs for dex but like I said, maybe in a month or two he will be where Finlay is at.

Im very proud of our mid august babies. It looks like Kellan wasn't the only one making pancakes this week!!!!
I completely am with you on people judging early potty training. I have told his key worker at nursery, one friend and my side of the family. Nursery and my friend have both tried to tell me, not to expect it to work as he's still young. OH has told work and came home with tales of them all asking why we are doing so early and being negative. So now he isn't being very supportive about training either. Grrr!

21mths isn't very early IMO, its just earlier than most people think they should start. NHS guidelines here reckon that it is unusual for a child to be able to hold their wee before they are 2, but not unheard of. F can do all of the things they list as signs he is ready, so for us it would be silly to wait 6mths. In fact it could be harder to train in 6mths as I know a lot of boys can be lazy with it as they get older and more used to just going in a nappy, rather than having to stop playing to go toilet.

Today we had two accidents. One next to the potty and one when he was eating his breakfast. He was singing wee wee and I thought he was just singing! Oops! We did have a totally dry nap though which is a +ve. He held his wee for 4 hr today!

Hands - what do you do to test / practice Dex's fine motor skills?
I eye Dexter's fine motor skills throughout the day. A lot also has to do with hand eye coordination which goes right along with fine motor... but this is what I watch for:

1. Stacking Blocks (Our boys should be able to stack 2 to 6 blocks at this age. Dex does 3 accurately but seldom does 4)

2. Eating with fork and spoon

3. Brushing his teeth with little help (can he scrub back and forth? Dex sticks the tooth brush on his tongue and then drops it haha)

4. Removing articles of Clothing

5. Grasping scissors (yes he does have a pair of child safety ones), crayons, paint brushes.

6. Finger painting. Dipping finger in the cup and then onto his paper. You can also watch him pouring water into a container or place a car on its track. Does he miss his target, or does he hit it every time?

7. Scribbling

Things like that. It is easier for me to pick it out sometimes because I'm cross dominate. I do all gross motor right handed and all fine motor left handed... so I realize which actions are considered fine/gross easier.

Brushing hair, teeth, applying chap stick, writing, eating, zipping, stacking... all of these are fine motor.

If I lost my left hand I would look like a zombie with chapped lips and its pants undone <-- lol
Ah that's so interesting! I was completely ambidextrous until about 7/8 when I learnt to do joined up writing. After that my right hand took over a lot. For the most delicate of fine motor skills (like sewing or putting make up on) there's no way I could use my lefthand, but there are many tasks like sawing or carving meat I prefer to use my left. Making the pancakes the other night it felt wrong to hold the pan with my right hand! I tend to describe it as using the hand that's nearest rather than preferring one side over the other, though occasionally the left handed part of me takes over and I can't work out how to use a can opener! :haha:

Looking at your list I think Finner's is pretty good at fine motor skills. Apart from dressing he can do all of the other things well. Getting dressed still needs practice. He still probably needs work on his gross skills. If its sporty - like throwing, catching, kicking he can do it but he can't jump and he still trips over a lot. I guess being a late-ish walker, he still has catching up to do on his balance.

It must benefit Dexter hugely having your education background. I'm still winging it (a lot!)
Thanks ladies. Well I ended up on antibiotics as I was quite poorly with what the doc described as very aggressive tonsillitis, but they have kicked in now and feeling much better!

Shame about AF, but in a way the tonsillitis distracted me from getting too down about it! All we can do is try again this month! You're right hands, maybe it is a Christmas baby for us!

Wow Nic is sounds like the potty training is going really well! Good on you and good on Finlay. Ignore everyone else! You can't do right for doing wrong sometimes! I'll be making sure I get plenty of tips from you when it's time to start with Elliot, although that won't be for a while yet.

Elliot has had a proper word explosion over the last few weeks, his vocab is getting really good. I haven't counted but I think he's probably up to about 50 words now, it's really what he has been working on recently, it's great to be able to have tiny little conversations with him!
Bex - oh so jealous... Dexter's language is more like a cave man HAHAHAHA I cant believe Elliot will be a year and a half before Easter and Ariana will be 2. Wow! They grow up way too fast.

Nic - Any updates on Finlay's potty training? Things going well still?

Snow & Nic - do you plan on getting a second crib for your lil one or switching DS1 out of his crib before the new arrival?

My family is going to take a week long trip in June. I'm struggling whether or not to switch him to a big boy bed so when we go to the hotel we can just sleep on the bed versus dragging his pack and play with us. A part of me is all for it, and a part of me cringes because I've been told that they often give up their naps when they switch and I know with dexter taking 30 minutes or so to calm down for a nap it will be a nightmare to get him down during the day.
Finlay's cot converts into a toddler bed so we're planning on keeping him in that one. We've been thinking about moving him into the top bedroom this summer. It's a bedroom in the loft conversion and is huge. It'll be perfect for a child's bedroom, as they'll be able to stand even in the bits with a slopey ceiling. I think we'll probably convert the bed once he's comfortable being up there. We do have a rocking crib, so all going well we might wait and either buy a new cot or a new furniture set in the sales. Not sure which yet.

Yesterday potty training was bad. Cabin fever hit and we both became irritated and frustrated with it. Today he refused to sit on the potty for Daddy and then had a massive accident during breakfast. To be honest I'd just had enough and decided to put him down for his nap in a nappy. When he woke up though his nappy was bone dry and when I offered him the potty he sat down and did a good wee. I then put him in a nappy and took him out for lunch, shopping and a play in the park. When I changed him at 6.30pm (5hrs later), he'd done only a small wee in his nappy and sat down quite happily on the potty and did a wee for me. Bit of a surprise for me as normally his nappies are pretty big and I never imagined he'd stay quite dry while out. It's kind of thrown me because I was beginning to think he wasn't ready and we should give up and then he proves me wrong. Now decided on a new tactic (which goes against every training tip I've googled this week) and he is going to be potty led at home and nappy for out of the house (with asking him if he wants a wee). It seems like a backwards step to be 100% nappies again, but I think trying to make him dry the whole time isn't right for us. He also needs to get used to using the potty on his own or with other people helping him.

Bex - hope you're feeling better now. Woop woop for Elliot. Such a clever clogs!! We've been doing vocab cards with F, and since getting them its made such a difference. We've got the Usbourne ones from Waterstones and Finlay asks for the cards now. I bet Elliot would love them too.
Nic - Sorry for the crummy day but it seems he made up for it in the end. Sounds like he's really trying hard and doing a really good job. Proud of the little guy! One of my co-workers is quite the same with her hands like you! It truly amazes me as I am so incredibly right handed! Sounds like a great idea on the loft. We are still deciding what to do. We have a 3 bedroom house but the bonus room (room above the garage) can turn into a 4th bedroom. Sounds similar as it has the slopped sided ceiling. We have to have 4 bedrooms as we have so many visitors during the year so we need a guest room. But the bonus room is currently a 2nd family room with a sectional, TV and bookcase. So we don't know where to move that to!! Ugh. So hard. We are still planning to move hopefully next Spring/Summer as long as we have the 20% down payment by then.

Bex - Happy you are feeling better now with the antibiotics. Hooray for word explosion! Have you guys heard that boys seem to speak later than girls? A co-worker told me that and I never heard it. I hope a Christmas baby is in the cards!

Hands - Hmmm. That is tough call on the beds for Vaca in June. Maybe play it by ear. Could you start with the bed or PNP and then switch if it doesn't seem to work while there? We have a convertible crib. It goes from a crib to toddler bed to a double or queen bed - we bought the coordinating double rails. We also bought the matching 2 dressers as well. So this bedroom set is Kellan's. We will buy the same furniture brand for baby pumpkin as we are so happy with it and the quality.
Snow - I have heard that boys speak later than girls. Dexter's crib converts to a toddler bed as well. I guess I will wait and see what I have peace about.
Hi all, had my mw appointment today. It was super quick. They gave my due date as the 17th Oct (as they didn't adjust for my shorter cycles) and have applied for my scan which I should get a letter about by the weekend hopefully. I wont get an early scan unfortunately. She was very nice but didn't do much. She just asked two A4 sides of questions and attempted to get some blood but failed. They couldn't get any blood out of my right arm after F was born, and it seems that my veins haven't recovered. :( On the upside she's requested more vials of blood when I'm scanned, so I don't need another blood test before then.

Finlay is ill at the moment and has caught Hand, Foot and Mouth. :( He's been poorly since Saturday night, on and off and he's been so lethargic and whiny that I asked if the dr would see him. I wasn't expecting hfm especially as he's been off nursery for a week as it is. I have no idea where he's got it from. Looks like another week in for us. :(
Glad it went well Nic. I always think with these things if it feels like nothing happened then it must be a good sign as they are obviously not worried about you. Hopefully you'll get your scan date through soon. Poor Finlay. My best friends boys both have has HFM recently and even though it was horrible for them, they both recovered pretty quick so fingers crossed he makes a speedy recovery. Lots of mummy cuddles :hugs:

Snow, I've not heard that difference between boys and girls before. Elliot latched into a few key phrases early on ( more, no, all gone, open) and they got him quite far for a long time. It's now the vocabulary has really picked up and you can really see him concentrating on what you are telling him and he tries to copy.

Hands, we have just booked a couple of holidays for later this year. In may we are going to Germany to see my brother and that will be Elliot's first time on a plane....Eeek! Then in June we are going away with my family to Spain! Can't wait! Got a nice villa with its own pool so I think Elliot will love it.
I hope so. We were supposed to meet up with our NCT group on Sunday and meet the first little sister of the group. Officially he is supposed to be infectious for 7 days and Sunday would be day 8, but with a fortnight old baby it feels a bit reckless to go. Also I now have a sore throat....

For our group the one girl we see regularly is soo much further ahead than all the others. She was supposed to be born first and was overdue (in fact both girls were overdue. All the boys were on time or early!) but she has done everything first - crawling, walking, talking in short sentences. She's amazing!
Hey girls, I'm just shattered right about now. My Step Daughter attempted suicide Monday. We've been with her (500 miles away) all week. She is currently in an inpatient facility. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

She still thinks all of this is a game, but I for one don't want to play. There is just too much at stake.
Oh my Hands. How old is she? Is she still on a main ward for treatment? Thinking of all of you at this difficult time.
Snow - I think we're going to be scanned at practically the same time. My scan is 12.20pm on the 3rd April. I think we're back to 5hrs time difference that week (so 7.20am EST) but there's no way I'll be seen on time after a full morning of scans plus they need to take extra bloods from me which I guess they'll do first. Hoping its a good sign birthday buddy! xx
She is in a mental facility. She's 15 years old. The issue runs much deeper within and stems from infancy. We are looking towards a sociopathic type diagnoses at this time (though can't be officially labeled till an adult). It's very heart breaking and gives you a sense of hopelessness. Its like giving your kid a death sentence.
Not necessarily Hands. Her not having the right treatment would be. There are plenty of people with the correct diagnosis, medication and treatment who can go on to have fulfilling lives. I know it's hard but stay positive. :hugs:
Oh Hands! Sending you lots if hugs and support. It must be so upsetting for you and your OH, I think often people don't realise how hard it can be on the family and try and remember that you guys need help and support too. It sounds like she is in the best place and being looked after. x
Hands - I am so sorry to hear about your step daughter. I am sending lots of thoughts and prayers to you guys. I am so sorry. It really sounds like she is in the best place. I agree with Nic that alot of time once the correct diagnosis and treatment has been in place that lots of people continue with normal lives. Please keep us updated on how she is doing. xoxo

That is awesome Nic that we will be simultaneously getting our scans done from across the pond! I am sure we are going to both get great results. Can't wait for us to share our pics! How are you feeling? Still feeling good but exhausted alot. I was excited that I was able to find the HB on my doppler on Wed pretty easily. I had a bit more trouble trying to find it yesterday but found it.

Is it OV time yet Bex??!!

Kellan enjoyed the St. Patrick's Day parade yesterday!

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