OMG Hands! I really hope that she is admitted and looked at properly this time. You do not need the additional stress. Great news about Dexter's hands being better but sorry to hear the allergy isn't better. Could it be contact dermititis? I remember seeing something on TV a while back about new clothes being rinsed in formaldehyde or other chemicals ahead of being sold in shops. Once you are sensitive to the chemical some people's bodies react to the smallest amount. Is he wearing newish clothes at the moment?
Bex sadly I will need to return to work. We can't pay the mortgage on OH's pay alone. I may look for more local work though. I will be staying where I am until we are 'done' with babies. Maternity leave where I am is very generous, much better than anywhere else I know of.
F's birthday was lovely thanks. The weather turned out much better then expected so we were able to be outside the whole time. It was Peter Rabbit themed and we had a bouncy castle. F spent the whole time running around and bouncing, we barely saw him!! He got turns of presents including his own talking peter rabbit and a 'Copter' (helicopter).
It's been a bit of a hectic week with returning FT. F has moved into the next room up and has been very teary going in. The reports are though that he is very happy in there though (from staff, other parents and my sister) and his speech has already improved in just a week. He near enough either speaks in complete sentences of 3-4 words or he chatters an answer with lots of real words mixed up with made up ones. If I ask him what he did at school he answers and makes enough sense that I get a fairly good answer rather than gibberish. I also told my support manager at work who took it soo much better than expected. I was planning on waiting until after Mondays cardio scan but as he is away for a few weeks I had to say ahead of that scan. I'll email my team once I've spoken to my MD, once we know all is okay.
Snow how is your body coping with this pregnancy? Today I have hip and pelvis pain to go with my other leg issues! I'm hoping its because I haven't stopped all day. I thing I have gone nesting mad. I've sorted out F's toys, arranged two large cupboards, done 7 loads of washing, stripped the beds, cleaned the fridge and done some gardening on top of all the usual cleaning jobs! I hope you are resting better than me!
Bex - your turn is coming. You're about the gap between Finlay and Elliot now, so I think you're due a BFP in the next few weeks