Mid-August Testers

Not at all Snow! This time its about 8lbs, which feels like loads to me! I started off half a stone lighter this pregnancy though, so the weight doesn't really show. Looking at the charts I am bang in the middle of the anticipated weight gain but with Finlay I was always a pound or two below the minimum. He turned out long and 8lbs so I'm sure your little one is doing good in there. In the Uk they don't weigh you during pregnancy now if you have a healthy Bmi. They take it for booking in (to work your bmi out) and then for your NT scan calculations and that's it. Remember you have a pink bump and statistically they are smaller, so I'm sure all is well!!
Pink bumps typically are, but for the record a friend of mine sister just had a 12lb girl.

I don't even want to imagine!
Eek! Finlay was that size at 10wks! Makes your eyes water! :) x
Holy cow big baby Hands!

You made me feel so much better Nic. I have gained the same - 8lbs. But the chart shows that that is low for my pre-weight and current weeks. I don't know. They weigh us all the time here in the states at the Dr. office. But I decided to just do it myself last week at the house as an email I got said I should have gained 10 pds by then - then I realized I didn't and then I go and consult bad Dr. Google. I still am going to try to eat more protein and calorie dense foods.

We are having a hard time transitioning to whole milk and a sippy. Pretty sure he doesn't like the milk. Prolly the coldness because we warmed his milk. And the taste. And the fact that we went from baba's to sippy's. So a culmination of things. I never have had whole milk and I tasted it and it was disgusting to me so I don't really blame him. I am going to try to get another brand on lunch to try for him. The current one I am doing is organic and has DHA in it because I buy 2% organic DHA milk for me. So I figured I'd get the same for him - I will try just organic whole milk with no DHA and see if that works. I don't know. He just takes 2 sips from the sippy and throws it. Wants nothing to do with it. Then we needed to get to work this AM and the sippy was taking forever so I gave in and put the formula/milk mix in a baba. I know I need to be consistent but I've been frustrated all weekend. I just want to cry because he's not even getting the 16oz a day that is the lowest that he needs to take a day and I am so concerned with his weight to begin with. I gave daycare sippy's but said if he wasn't drinking at all to use his baba's and I packed 2 in the bag. Maybe that was a mistake too. I don't know.
If it helps snow, elliot never really took to cows milk at all. So by 1 I stopped breastfeeding him (he was down to one feed a day at that point) and he just wasnt interested in having any other milk so he didnt. I just made sure he had lots of calcium in his diet in other ways. Yoghurts after lunch and dinner, lots if cheese, he Does love cereal and has 2 weetabix for breakfast (!) So plenty of milk on there. But never drinks it.

try not to panic. Some babies just aren't really into milk. Its the calcium that is important so stick up on yoghurts!
Could it be you are swapping too many things at the same time? Finlay would drink cows milk in a bottle but not a sippy cup to begin with. He also had to have it warmed up. I spoke with the HV and after 1 the amount of time spent drinking from a bottle won't damage speech or teeth providing they don't fall asleep with the bottle in their mouth. We also only gave him semi skimmed which I think is half and half(?) in the US. He ate cheese and yogurts every day and semi skimmed in the uk has the same amount of calcium as full fat, minus the calories. We then bought him a special milk cup which he had for morning milk which took some getting used to. Then at around 20mths (or maybe before) he began chewing the teats of a bottle and self-weaned from the bottle and now he refuses to drink any milk at all. I'm not that worried but I know he is not drinking enough fluids so I'm having to make him have a drink all the time!

Today was my first FT day at work (boo!) but I'm going to wait til after the scan to say I think. I've had a bit of spotting that's worried me, but I am feeling baby moving so I'm hoping its because it is so low, or maybe hormonal. This is the third spotting incident I've had this pregnancy, but the other two were there once and then gone. All three are post 12wk though, so I'm wondering if its to do with hormone cycles. On more positive news I felt baby kick from the outside for the first time yesterday! So weird! :)
Boo on 1st day back FT Nic! Hope the spotting is gone by now. I remember girls saying that they spotted at a time when AF would have normally been around.

Thanks girls. I think I have the only kid that dislikes yogurt - it's about the only thing he won't eat. Oh yea and he wasn't fond of potato salad!! Speaking of which - do you girls have potato salad in the UK - it seems to be one of those all American sides so I am wondering now if you have it!! We're still plugging away. He has good days and bad with the milk. Tomorrow is the 1st day on only milk and no formula. I'm nervous. And we leave for the beach tomorrow too. I am so excited to go.

Found a name that hubby will actually consider: Quinn. He's going to think more on it.
I LOVE Quinn!! Have never thought of it before for a girl. Good luck for no formula. Kellan might surprise you and be absolutely fine. We do have potato salad here...dont know if its the same thing though. When I make it I just do boiled new potatoes and mix with a bit of mayonnaise and a few herbs...is that the same?
I love potato salad, but my friends have their own version. Recently I had two different types - one with bacon and eggs in it!

Yep the spotting stopped, but very peculiar. FT is rubbish. Without the stress to get everything done my job is boring and the day drags!! All going well I plan to finish up at 35 wks this time. I'd rather spend the extra time with Finners. Do you know when you'll finish?

Hands - how is Dexter doing? Not long until he is two now!
How cool that you guys do have potato salad!! I make a "Northern" version as I grew up in the North. Mine consists of potatoes, mayo (loads!), celery, onions and hard boiled eggs.

So close to Dex's B-day - The BIG 2! - how's the Hawaiian theme coming along?

How was Finlay's B-day??!!

I plan to work right up til I have the c-section. I don't have much time off from work left. So oh well. I would like a few days to spend with Kellan alone as well. Oh well. I will have to wait and see if it is possible.

I have seen that it is primarily a boys name online. But I only know of girls named Quinn. I'm not sure what to think. The TV show Glee has a girl named Quinn as does the old MTV show Daria. Hmm. I don't know I will see what hubby has to say in the long run.
Are you guys planning on going back to work after number 2? Even though its still hypothetical we are undecided whether I will or not. Im fed up at the moment so desperate to get pg again soon! Please let it happen this month...it really feels like everyone is pregnant at the moment!

Nic...yes, tell us about Fs birthday!
I think of Quinn as a girls name Snow and I love it! A baby with your colouring would so suit that name! We have come up with zero names. I've not been that inspired and oh dislikes the suggestions I've made, while making none of his own!
I will not be returning to work after baby girl. Daycare is too expensive for 2 kiddos - I'd be basically working to pay for child care. Work does not know that though. And I won't be telling til after the baby is born. It is the wrong thing to do but I need to do it this way for insurance reasons. My deductible is $3,500 and I've already met it. If I leave or say I'm leaving before baby is actually born then I have to switch to hubby's insurance and pay another $3,500 deductible. So if I have baby girl on my insurances hole I am technically on maternity leave I only have to pay it once. I feel horrible as I'm kinda close with the girls I work with and have been with the company for nearly 10 years. But shelling out the extra money is just too much! I really hate insurance here!

I am finding myself trying to get a name for baby girl because I am hoping it will help me bond more with her. Today hubby says Quinn is ok. So it sounds like he's poo pooing yet another name.

Any new news on hubby job hands? How is Dex holding up?

I really hope this month is it for you bex!!

Sorry for mistakes! On phone in car driving to the beach!
Have a great time at the beach Snow!!

Hands - you are being quiet, hope everything is ok!?
Hey girls. I'll try to be brief.

My step daughter tried to commit suicide again last weekend. She set herself on fire and is in the hospital. Docs say she will scar, but she's "okay" Honestly it sounds worse than what it is.

Dexter's hands are healed (praise the Lord) but his allergy rash is horrendous right now. It appears the steroid stopped working.

No news on hubby's job except that if he does get accepted into this new job that there is a good chance that he'll miss my birthday yet again and perhaps even Dexter's.

We are trying to renovate the house via 1,500 miles away and the contractor is doing a poor job.

So.....because of everything that is going on all plans for Dexter's party are on hold and I haven't had much time to relax and get on the computer.

We simply are in a sit and wait turmoil right now. I just keep giving all my concerns to God and that has kept me calm through this storm.

Bex - fingers crossed for you

Nic - I would love to hear about F's birthday

Snow - totally understand about work.
OMG Hands! I really hope that she is admitted and looked at properly this time. You do not need the additional stress. Great news about Dexter's hands being better but sorry to hear the allergy isn't better. Could it be contact dermititis? I remember seeing something on TV a while back about new clothes being rinsed in formaldehyde or other chemicals ahead of being sold in shops. Once you are sensitive to the chemical some people's bodies react to the smallest amount. Is he wearing newish clothes at the moment?

Bex sadly I will need to return to work. We can't pay the mortgage on OH's pay alone. I may look for more local work though. I will be staying where I am until we are 'done' with babies. Maternity leave where I am is very generous, much better than anywhere else I know of.

F's birthday was lovely thanks. The weather turned out much better then expected so we were able to be outside the whole time. It was Peter Rabbit themed and we had a bouncy castle. F spent the whole time running around and bouncing, we barely saw him!! He got turns of presents including his own talking peter rabbit and a 'Copter' (helicopter).

It's been a bit of a hectic week with returning FT. F has moved into the next room up and has been very teary going in. The reports are though that he is very happy in there though (from staff, other parents and my sister) and his speech has already improved in just a week. He near enough either speaks in complete sentences of 3-4 words or he chatters an answer with lots of real words mixed up with made up ones. If I ask him what he did at school he answers and makes enough sense that I get a fairly good answer rather than gibberish. I also told my support manager at work who took it soo much better than expected. I was planning on waiting until after Mondays cardio scan but as he is away for a few weeks I had to say ahead of that scan. I'll email my team once I've spoken to my MD, once we know all is okay.

Snow how is your body coping with this pregnancy? Today I have hip and pelvis pain to go with my other leg issues! I'm hoping its because I haven't stopped all day. I thing I have gone nesting mad. I've sorted out F's toys, arranged two large cupboards, done 7 loads of washing, stripped the beds, cleaned the fridge and done some gardening on top of all the usual cleaning jobs! I hope you are resting better than me!

Bex - your turn is coming. You're about the gap between Finlay and Elliot now, so I think you're due a BFP in the next few weeks :)
Today's scan went well. They were were happy with all of the views and the measurements but we were only looking at the heart so we didnt get to see the baby properly. We are thinking about having a private scan just to see the baby again and hopefully get some better photos.
Nic - great to hear that the scan went well! Did you resist temptation to find out the sex and remain team yellow? I really hope you are right about me this month, that would feel like good symmetry between our little ones and I like that! Reckon I will ov at some point towards the end of this week.

I will however be on holiday in Spain the week AF is due, so I am unlikely to be temping accurately and probably wont be updating internet related sites hahah! So you guy will have to wait until I get back from hols on the 28th to see whether it is good or bad news!

Hands - so so sorry to hear what a hard time you have been having, it seems like it never rains but it pours hey! I hope you are holding up will and managing to at least spend some nice time together just the three of you. I'm glad Dexter's hands are better and the allergy will hopefully clear up really soon.
Still team yellow. :) To be honest though it was focused on the heart the whole time and I didn't get to see anything else. She did offer to try but we said that we were fine not knowing. We have boy stuff from Finlay and girls stuff from my niece so we can cope at the beginning without knowing in advance.

I have managed to convince OH to start thinking names - woohoo! Funnily enough he suggested Dexter. :) We have come up with a mini list but none of them are my favourites so I might suggest a few more. At the moment Sebastian is our front runner. OH loves Joshua and we've also got Jacob as an option - though I'm not sold on this one as its very popular here. Girls though we have zero names :( Well we still have Felicity from last time but I'm not so keen now. Snow - how's the name hunt going for you? Also how's Kellan? I he's he was sick on your hols
Hey girls. Sorry for lack of check in for awhile. Been so busy.

I am so sorry to hear the news on your SD Hands. I hope she is getting more help this time. I can't even imagine. Do they have little man hands on a new steriod? When is that Derm appt again? Next month, I think?

Bex - Really think your time is coming soon! Have you started BDing? Sounds like a nice vacation you have lined up! Jealous! Spain! You guys are going to have a blast. Secretly hoping you get a BFP and can't drink on vacation!!

Nic - Glad Finlay's party was a hit! A bounce house sounds like fun - I don't think I'd even want to leave it! Hooray for good scan. I had to move my fetal echo on the heart out to July 2 - hubby had training the entire week I had the appt scheduled so he wouldn't have been able to go with. Names are hard. I am still getting a maybe on Quinn. He rates it a 7 out of 10. Which is better than the rest that I have gotten. I really like Sebastian and I think it goes great with Finlay. I am feeling good otherwise. You are cleaning mad woman - wanna come to my house and clean??!! I think I've felt hiccups a few times already but it seems so early.

Well our beach vacation was pretty bad. It was a trip to remember but not in a good way. Kellan ended up getting really sick. Spiked a high fever of 104.8 as soon as we got there. Went to Urgent Care. Says his ears are still infected and the Antibiotic he was on wasn't strong enough. Gives us new Antibiotic. We did lots of luke warm baths to try to bring it down. It finally broke in middle of night. We were up all night basically. Rash appears around 3am. Call after hours of Ped line. Said most likely allergic reaction to new med. Run out middle of night for Benadryl. Back to urgent care as soon as they open. Same Dr. says allergic reactions. Sends us on our way. Dinner rolls around and the rash got was worse wayyyyy fast! We had to run out of restaurant to rush to hotel for Benadryl. Gave Benadryl and sped as fast as we could to Emergency Room thought he was having severe allergic reaction. ER Dr. comes in a says not allergic reaction but is a viral infection called Roseola. And his ears were fine. The Urgent Care Dr was wrong all along. Kellan is still very cranky and not himself. Still not sleeping well. Should be better by weekend. We took him to his Ped yesterday and he says def was Roseola and also a hypersensativity to Med - also diagnosed with Uticaria Multiforme. Still has discoloration from rash on back of his arms. We were able to get him to the beach for about an hour and in the pool. I will try to upload some pics this week!

Because of all this my OBGYN is testing my immunity to Roseola and Fifth Disease as both can cause issues in pregnancy. Hopefully, I have already had both in my lifetime.They won't do anything with the Roseola as they say it most likely won't do anything but they will do extra monitoring if I come back as having Fifth's. I did the blood labs yesterday. I may have to go back for more in 3 weeks if I am not immune to Fifth for another to see if I caught it from Kellan. But his Ped is pretty sure he didn't have it to begin with so I should be OK.

Then there is a mess about us possibly moving to California. It would happen really fast like in 2 weeks. They are offering great money per diem onto of his salary. It would be 9 months there. We aren't sure if this is the right timing for us though. Lots and lots and lots to consider. Prolly won't do it but we are seriously considering and really thinking long and hard. It's a hard decision for us. SO many unknowns. But financially it would be great money to save for a new house when we come back and I think it would help hubby's career.


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