Mid-August Testers

Yay for Kellan! Clever boy! :)

I tell you there's definite benefits to carrying higher. Heartburn sucks, but it stops you overeating and you don't get much back or hip pain! Plus you hardly need to go to the toilet. :haha: I hope my bump moves up a bit.
Hola from Spain! Quick check in to say AF arrived. Boooo. But not really surprised due to lack of bding this month!

Having a lovely time here eating my own body weight in paella!
Actually dex didn't sleep well in the car at all... which stunk since it was a 12 hour drive back home. Oh wells. We went to a different dermatologist and he put us back on the first treatment plan and said Dex doesn't have a yeast infection but a viral infection that is infected.... GROWL

No one really knows what is going on.

Bex - Enjoy your trip in Spain!
P.S. We switched Dex to a toddler bed 2 nights ago. Tonight will be night number 3... so far no problems... but I'm waiting for him to start testing boundaries. Right now he is just throwing his fits in his bed and not getting out during naps.

We put a security camera in his room (same one we bought for when he was a baby so daddy could see him), so we can see when he gets out of bed. Thus far he has only tried it once in the last 2 days.
Oh boo to AF Bex! Hooray for enjoying vaca and eating yummy foods!

I hate that you and Dex are getting what seems to be the run around of diagnosis! I truly hope this get solved once and for all! Great about the toddler bed and that he's transitioning so well! Such a big boy now!

Nic - I haven't had any heartburn yet.... I did get it with Kellan but it wasn't til later. Have you had any more spotting? How's the potty going for Finlay?

My mom flies in on Saturday for just a few short days. I'm excited for her to see Kellan walking! Not much else going on. Tim is doing lots of training this week so I have had to do drop offs and picks up and watch the baby at night - he's so busy these days - I feel I am just chasing him around and mama is exhausted! This is such a long week! Yesterday was V-day for baby so that is good news. I am starting to get nervous about the Fetal Echo next week - I am just starting to feel comfortable enough to get a little bit excited about the pregnancy and am so worried that we are going to get bad news next week again and then I am back to being worried about her. I don't really feel that "bond" or feel "connected" to her. I don't know. We are getting Kellan's first hair cut this weekend - he looks like a little rag a muffin kid! Lots of scraggy long and short hairs! Needs to shaped up a bit!
So seeing as we had a dismal performance in the world cup, I am officially becoming an honorary American for the next round ! Go Team USA!
No spotting yet Snow, but all the spotting I've had has actually been around the time of AF. It's happened three times - the first was just after my scan just before 12weeks and the third was definitely just after 20wks. I'm 24 wksish tomorrow (on their 28day LMP I'm 24wks today, but by scan 24wks on Sunday. I'm using tomorrow as my average :) ) so I'm anticipating a bit more in the coming week. If I do then I think its fair to say its hormonal. Most women don't get IB but I had it both times, and maybe I'm one of those unusual cycle spotters too. My bump has got huge. Im taking part in a steps challenge with work and its causing problems wearing the pedometer! Im wearing a belt today and I'm on the last hole in the belt. No hiding it now! I've tried and failed to post a pic from my iPhone, but I have borrowed Finlay's tablet for the day (I want to set it up so I can work from home on it) so I will try again once I've charged it. Kicks wise is your Baby Snowy the same as Kellan was? I'm amazed how different this one is. It kicks all the time. Luckily because the anterior placenta it doesn't hurt yet. My tummy twitches all day long. Finlay used to fidget and push, but rarely kicked in comparison.

Bex - say hi to Spain for me. We're off there in 2-3 weeks. Cannot wait! I'm going to be spending the next week trying to buy summer clothes in the sale. Sorry to hear about AF but I'm sure it will happen soon. It's hard with work and a lo to really commit to TTC'ing but I do think it will happen soon. I know my OH wanted to try 4 cycles before I fell pregnant. I came off the pill, but I wasn't really ready to try and we couldn't ever time bding properly anyway. If we did it once during the week Id expect to ovulate it would be a miracle!

Hands - I'm so mad for you and Dex. It's been months with no real answers. Have they sent a sample off for analysis?

Anyone have fun plans for the weekend?
Snow- how did the haircut go? Was your momma proud of her walking grandbaby? How did Kellan take to her?

Bex - what all are you doing while in Spain?

Nic - Sounds like you will have a physically active 2nd child. Hang on tight!!

As For Dex - His rash finally went away!!! That's right.... it's gone!!!! Praise God! Took him to the doc on his 2nd birthday and that doctor said he's tired of his little man suffering and took pictures with his personal phone and text them to a specialist! The specialist told him to prescribe a different type of steroid and the rash is gone!

This morning we had friends over to do a little get together for dex. Everyone had a blast. We did a Hawaiian theme and had a piñata.
Fantastic news Hands! Did they say what it was? Great to hear his party went so well xx
Nope. They still think its his bodys reaction to viral... but the rash doesn't fit the 4 week mold. Also he does have a sensitivity *but not allergy* to mesquite bushes which grow in practically every yard and parking lo here. They won't call it an allergy because the hive was only half the size required... however it did form a hive on his back when tested.
Bex - We Americans would love to have you as a fan! I don't think we really have any sort of chance tomorrow. But we will see! You ready to start a brand new cycle! Doing anything different this one?

Hands - I am so thrilled that Dex's rash is gone! Simply amazing! I am so happy to hear this! And now stay away! We didn't end up doing the hair cut - maybe next weekend. It was too busy! Glad his hawaiian theme party well great. Since he only sees my mom every other month or so I don't think he really remembers her when she comes. He warms up fast to new people. She loves seeing him toddle around. She can't get over how much new stuff he has learned in only a months time since she was here for his B-day last month. He really has learned alot of new things!

Nic - FX for no spotting this week! I agree, my bump has now gotten outta control big! Oh please post pic soonnnn!!! I don't have nearly as much kicks with baby girl as I did with Kellan. Kellan was much more active. :shrug: And another vaca for you in 2-3 weeks - Girl, I wish I had that much vacation time as you! So jealous over here!

Tomorrow is the big Fetal Echo. So nervous. We enjoyed the weekend with my mom - she leaves tonight. Not sure when I will see her again. She is watching Kellan today. My grandparents came up from SC on Saturday to spend some time with all of us. it was very nice.

We have a new top name. Phoebe. And this is the story behind it: a little birdie decided to make a nest on top one of our columns at our house about a month ago. I can watch her only when I rock Kellan in my glider - it is the perfect viewing spot. I enjoy rocking him to sleep and seeing her sit in her nest. I feel we are both taking care of our babies. My grandpa loves birds and told me she was an Eastern Phoebe - I had no idea what she was thinking she was maybe a Wren. She's a cute little thing. And there came a name we like - Phoebe. Tim gives it an 8/10. And since Kellan is my birdie - we find it fitting - my babies are my birdies. Her baby birds hatched yesterday and she was busy feeding them yesterday. So this name is now on the short list and at the top. :thumbup:
Hi folks. Back from Spain and had a lovely holiday. Weather was great and I told it to stay that way for you Nic. Where abouts are you going? Now back to reality and ive been at work today in London which was a bit of a shock to the system as I don't normally work Mondays!

Anyhoo, new cycle for me. I'm really starting to lose the will now. Yesterday I found out THREE of my nct group are pregnant with baby #2. I think now pretty much EVERYONE I know now has baby number 2 on the way. I guess I cant do much else than keep going really. Emotions are running on a fine thread at the Moment though. This month I'm not bothering with the AC or EPO just taking prenatal vits and b complex on top. Just going to try and do loads of bding. I've given neil the warning!

Snow - great news about Kellan walking! Such a big boy now bless him and great that your mum was around too.

Hands- thank goodness poor dexters hands are better! Cant believe it took so long. This must be the start of you getting some good luck for a change. Hows the transition to a bed going? Is he still sleeping ok?

Nic - when do you plan to finish for mat leave? I think if I were you I would bag an early finish! But maybe thats because im desperate to finish work already!
The bed transition is still going well. No problems thus far. I can't believe how easy it was!!!!

I received sad news... My SIL miscarried again. This time at 10 weeks. I now have 5 nieces or nephews in heaven. It's just heart breaking.
Great picture snow! So grown up! So sorry to hear about your SIL, life can be very cruel. :hug:
Hands I agree with Bex. So sorry to hear of your family's loss. Will the doctors investigate her losses? I know here most can get a referral once there has been 3 losses or there is an obvious cause.

Bex we are off to the Mijas Costa in the south. My parents holiday overlaps ours by 10 days so plenty of time for F and my Dad to hang out. I'm very excited for that. Snow we are quite lucky with holiday. I work for a US bank so they actually aren't that generous with holiday but because I joined a UK jv my contract allows me 25 days per yr ft. There is a lot of jealousy over that with some of my coworkers but I'm not feeling bad for it. I have been with my company 9yrs and I have a lot because of accruing days from my first mat leave. I plan to finish up 35/36 weeks and use holiday and perhsps a weeks parental leave (unpaid) before starting my mat leave.

Hands - Dex looks fab in that bed. What a big boy!

Snow I will try to upload a photo for you. I just can't get it to work on my phone and they are too large for the tablet grr! BTW I'm loving the Phoebe pick and the reasoning. girls names are still a struggle here. We're toying with Amber but its a bit similar to my nieces name and I can't decide on it. Growing up Amber was quite chavvy where i lived but now it feels quite middle class for the town we are in now. We know we want a 'pretty' name but not a flower one as my sisters daughter is Lily and I don't want a name that matches. My all time favourite is Tavia but I haven't even suggested it yet as OH will hate it and I don't want him spoiling it for me :-) I will save it for the last few weeks. I also love Elodie but it has the 'El / Ellie' nn which im not keen on. Girls names are hard!! Any suggestions are very welcome :)
Nic - here in the united states, those who aren't military don't have free health care. My brother can't afford to do the testing thus they will either have one naturally or they won't at all.

I love "free" healthcare... but it does come with its costs such as changing doctors every time you go see one and not really being able to choose who you have, having to make only same day appointments (none in advance), and having less than adequate care.

Not sure if I can be much help... but these are the girl names that were my favorites:

Matilda/ Madeline
Great name list Hands! Love Dex's toddler bed! Such a big boy! I am so sorry to hear the news. Sending good thoughts their way.

Nic - I have never heard of Tavia or Elodie but I like them both! Tavia reminds me of my cousins name: Talia. I really like Elodie but totally understand about the nickname - we are the same way about picking a name that can't be nicknamed - we don't prefer a name that can be nn - I am worried that if we pick Phoebe that people will call her FiFi or Feebs etc. Still a front runner 3/4 days later.

Bex - I really hope that this is the month. I like the relaxed and tons of BDing approach you are trying! I totally understand how hard it is to hear the announcements. They are like a dagger in the heart even though you are happy for them at the same time. Sending you hugs!

Had the Fetal Echo. Heart looks good! No issues! That is great news! She is still measuring quite small - her overall measurements are 38%tile. Her abdomen is spot on. Her head is pretty good. But it's the arm and leg lengths that are bringing her average down. She is only like 2%tile for both. Those measurements are about 1.5 weeks behind where she should be. They are not concerned and told me not to be concerned. Telling me about how I had all the CVS testing done on chromosomes and the microarray done-which is way more than a normal person would have done. They are still chalking it up to genetics with me and my sisters being such small framed. Since I am a worrier by nature - I am of course worried... And trying to trust they know what they are talking about. Hehe. So am no longer deemed a high risk pregnancy and have been released from them. I am back to being with the normal pregnancies. ;) Which I am happy because I think all these extra ultrasounds can cause a person like me to just stress more. Now that I won't have any more - I have to force myself to relax and try to enjoy this and pray that baby girl will be perfect when she comes.

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