Mid-August Testers

Snow - sorry to hear about the vacation! How horrible. Let us know when you decide whether or not to go to California. If you do decide to go and have any questions about moving and packing fast... feel free to ask. I've had my fair share of "move" excitement.

As far as a name for your lil girl... an "ok" from hubby is better than the "heck nos" I got lol It's progress girl. I went to a site called babynamegenie when I was in first tri and I learned a whole bunch of new names that I never thought of before and weren't on the 1,000 name list. Some made my favorites though hubby poopoo them.

Nic - That is funny that hubs mentioned Dexter. I've learned that when it comes to naming a child, that next time I should just start screaming the name on the top of my lungs... and whichever one I don't get tired of screaming should be it. UGH! Dexter has hit a stubborn streak. Hopefully you will find something you both love between now and October.

Bex - Start thinking about names now girl... so you don't end up like these two ladies.. hahahaha

As for us - SD is out of the hospital and causing trouble again. They have her on a 8am-4pm therapy schedule, but then she goes home at night.

Dexter's hands are healed due to the antibiotics they put him on. It was a staff infection on his hands... but his allergic reaction rash is just horrid. We were able to push the allergist appointment up to tomorrow but we had to take Dex off of his Zertec and since then the rash has just spread like wild fire (face (cheeks and eyelids), hands, arms, armpits, chest, stomach, groin (really bad), thighs, shins, ankles, feet).

Hubby has gotten his paperwork approved to send up to big army for the new job... we are now just waiting to hear back from big army on whether they will accept him in this new job. We are trying to get that wrapped up before we go on vacation here in a few days.
How did the appointment go Hands? Would you be moving again if Mr Hands gets a new job?

Snow - fingers crossed you are immune. When will you find out? I bet you guys need a holiday to recover from the holiday! What a nightmare. Its also probably not too soon for hiccups. I felt this one much earlier than F. It seems to move more. It's wiggling around right now!

OH really liked Dexter Hands, but its your Dex's name! I feel its too close to choose the same name:) We still don't have any girls names. Felicity feels a bit too classic to go with Finlay and there's the F thing. Bex do you have names in mind already? X
Dexter's allergy test went okay. No allergens found. The allergist thinks he has follicular dermatitis though... which means his pores get irritated and inflamed easily due to sensitive skin. We are suppose to put him on a different antibiotic to rule out infection and then if the rash is still there go back to the dermatologist. UGH!

As far as moving.. there is no guarantee that we will or won't move with a new job... however hubby did tell branch he wants to go to Germany (just because you want something doesn't mean you will get anything close to it). So I guess we will see what happens.
Woohoo for a Friday +ve Bex! :happydance:

Hands, pleased to hear they have come up with a possible explanation. Fingers crossed that the next lot of antibiotics work. You must be so ready for him to he healed and better now.
Well its a whoop for the +ve but our BDing has been nothing short of poor this cycle. Various family evens/ late nights/ early mornings mean that we only managed to BD on Saturday night (and the Monday and Tuesday before that) so we are a bit of a one-shot wonder this month so not holding out much hope!
Ah that's a shame. I was loving the direction your chart was going. That said one shot was definitely all it took for Finlay (and it was a shot in the dark since we didnt know I was oving!) and we did it twice for this one, with the nearest one being 4/5days before they reckoned I ov'd. There's something to be said for saving the swimmers ;)

Are your results back Snow?

AFM - I am now out of the closet as it were. :) HR know, I'm wearing bump revealing clothes but staying off FB for now while we let a few family people know. It's so nice to have my wardrobe back. :) Ive also started to sort the baby clothes out and get the loft space cleared. Nesting has hit us early!
Hands - oohhh Germany! FX! At least the allergy testing is one thing down to cross off the list. Hope he get a true diagnosis soon. Did Mr. Hands have a good father's day?

Bex - Alls it takes is one time and one swimmer! Still thinking positive for you! You getting excited for the vaca coming up soon?

Nic - Hooray for being out. Wow! Your nesting sure has kicked in. My mom comes to stay with us in 2 weeks. After her stay, we are going to start clearing out the guest room to turn into the nursery. We got the call that the furniture is in and at the warehouse for us. I got a little crib bedding set thing with cabbage roses on it. We took some pics yesterday for a FB announcement but I'm not too sure I like them or not. A possible reshoot may have to be done.

Got news today at my appt, that I am immune to Roseola so that is great news - numbers say I had it sometime as a child. I also am up 9 pounds - she didn't say anything about it so I guess it's ok? I, however, have never had fifths so I need to be careful. Easier said than done with a kid in daycare. But will continue to wash hands like a crazy woman.

Kellan started feeling much better yesterday so we were happy to see him pretty much back to normal! Only took 10 days!

And we aren't moving. We had a long heart to heart.
Bex - Its true... we only did it once on the month we conceived dex because my numbers were all off. FX crossed.

Nic - YAY... you go girl.... flaunt that baby and clear space for him/her while you are at it. I can't wait to find out if Fin is going to have a lil bro or sis. Im still team BLUE ... all the way~~~~ :P

Snow - Im glad that you and hubs could agree on what to do and that the uncertainty is gone. Maybe Kellan will have a super baby immune system and not get fifth disease or any other sickness until after his sister is born.

AFM - The antibiotics made Dex's rash worse (hard to imagine but now he is just a solid shade of red with bumps so clustered that they are on top of each other). They are now treating it as a fungal since fungals spread like wild fire on antibiotics. Boy what a way to find out.... we are a 12hr drive away from home right now. BOOO.
I am on a mission! :) All the baby clothes are out of their bags and split into all the age groups, ready to be vacuum packed. I actually don't have as much newborn stuff as I thought, and much of it is too summery for us to use this time. Good news is that most of the stuff we do have is white or fairly unisex, so what is fine for the weather, will work whatever the sex. I do think I'll be able to justify more shopping though. :) I'm also considering painting what will be F's new room and the nursery. I wasn't going to bother, but I think both could do with a freshen up. Finlay never did get his room finished off and it would be nice to have a 'baby' nursery. F has lots of nautical accessories so I think we'll theme his room that, and I'm considering a pale mint for the nursery. I'm excited to make it perfect for both! :)

Good news on the results Snow. Here 5ths (slapped cheek) is more common fir 3-7yo. Hopefully that's the case for you guys and Kellan manages to escape it.

Hands - Dex must be feeling very sorry for himself. Get well wishes are being sent to him. Exciting news about the possibility of Germany. All steps in the right direction. :) Snow, selfishly I'm glad you decided against California. Totally the wrong time zone for us :)
awww... Nic... I'm in California time zone... it's not so bad.... however the superficiallyness that comes out of Hollywood is.
Of course! I forget you're further west. I was thinking your were Central (-6) :doh: A lot of my team's clients are in San Fran, so it is a long day for me when my guys are over there. I'm at my pc in my pjs!
Nic - sounds like you are in full organisational mode, I love it! Nautical theme sounds great too. we were furniture shopping in Next Home a couple of weeks ago and they have an AMAZING boat bed in there, very very tempted to get it for Elliot when he moves into a bed, but you should definitely get it for F if you are doing a nautical theme.


Oh and I am revising my guess to girl, now that you said what your BD pattern was before conceiving!

Hands - I can't believe poor Dex is still having problems with his hands - you guys are certainly due some good luck soon! Fingers crossed that the anti-fungal works!

Snow - Glad to hear that Kellan is feeling much better and sorry it ruined your break - your husband will just have to book in another one! I am sooooo looking forward to Spain! Spent loads of money this week on new holiday clothes, but I basically haven't had any for about 3 years so I was due it :winkwink:

I heard yesterday someone discussing their new baby was called Milo - I love that name, never really thought of it before - thought it might give you guys some inspiration (although maybe not now I think you're having a girl Nic!)

So top names in our house at the moment are Poppy and Thea for a girl, and Theodore and Milo for a boy.

Just need the baby now...haha!
That's funny you suggested Milo Bex. One of our suggestions outside of our top 3 was Miles nn Milo. We're just not sure that Miles goes with our surname. Milo certainly goes with Finlay and has that 'Finn' vibe. We haven't scrubbed it off the list, so could be an outside winner. :) Another name we're hearing a lot of is Sam. Two friends have had boys this fortnight both choosing that name. Patriotically one of the boys has George as a middle name. I don't think it will help our football team win the World Cup!!

I had another mw appointment today. I officially love my midwife :) She complimented me on my neat and tidy bump. Its at the right height for 22/23wks (I'm 22+3 on their scan dates) and I heard the heartbeat again -147bmp. She's also pro me booking back in to my old hospital and I can keep all my mw appointments with her. Yay! I'm going back for a freebie check up before hols and then again afterwards for my 28wk bloods.
Hands - How's the new antibiotic working? I'm sorry that the other one caused such a bad reaction. Poor little guy. I can only imagine the idiots from Hollywood. Ha! Lots of silicone and botox! Where ya off to on your 12 hour drive? I don't remember you saying you were going anywhere! Hope you are relaxing!

Bex - Awesome about getting new clothes - I love new clothes. It always makes you feel so good. I watched Sex and the City and one of my fav lines is "I like my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet!" I LOVE the name Poppy. It is not popular here and gives me a much British feel! I know hubby and he would never ever go for it. Such a poo head sometimes!

Nic - I want to see a bump pic! They haven't told me how much my fundal height is - they just say it's good - I feel big though. I think I am about the same as you as far as her measurements go on the scans. She measures a bit behind. Hoping she catches up a bit more at our next scan. I am going to try to push out my CS as far as they will let me to let her grow a bit more. Really would like for them to do right on my due date of 10/15. I like Miles! I am still team pink for you! So glad you are liking your midwife. I'm sure it makes a world of difference to like your provider! I feel so behind you! We have so much to do for baby girl! You are way too organized! Jealous! How are your legs doing?

Watched a tiny bit of you guys soccer game over the weekend against Italy. I love soccer. I played in Middle and High School for my schools. ;) Hoping Kellan will get into it as well!

Not much new here. Hubs and I are in a major fight. I'm super upset. So glad I have girls night tonight with girlfriends to get away. Kellan isn't walking yet. I thought he would be by now since he crawled at 7 months. He will only take 5 steps to you but that is about it. I think he needs more confidence in himself. He's doing more now that he finally feels better after being sick for 3+ weeks. But still waiting on that day where he just gets up and goes on his own! He doesn't talk much either. Kinda worried about that as well. I feel like he's behind!

It's starting to get really hot here - Upper 90's! Blah! How about you girls? Hands, are you in the mountains of AZ? I know cousins get the super super high heat in the suburbs of Phoenix but occasionally escape to the mountains for some cooler air! I think I remember you saying something about mountains/foothills so I think you are!
Finally downloaded some pics! I expect some pics in return ladies! :flower: The computer says that the scan photo of baby girl was still too large. I don't know how to resize. :/

Bump pic this past weekend

Best Buds

Kellan at the beach

Water table fun

Me and Kellan at a restaurant
Great photos Snow! I will try to upload some this weekend. Mine are always too big too! Our bumps look pretty similar which I guess makes sense since we're not too dissimilar builds or weeks. Yours does seem higher than mine. I'm definitely feeling lower pressure this time, though baby moves so much. That could be the difference. Sorry to hear you and oh had a falling out. I've had a few probs with oh recently. Apparently I'm too grumpy and bossy. Which is very rich considering I think he's very bossy. Already he is telling me what will happen to F when I'm in labour and telling me that he doesn't want my mum there. I'd forgotten how much of a pain he was about this stuff last time. As much as this is equally his baby, he's forgetting I'm the patient not him!! Hope you enjoy your girls night and things go back to normal soon. Big hugs xxx

I guess I've gone a bit loopy on planning. Last time I didn't have time to nest properly so I'm making up for it this time. :) Also i think I'm really aware that my leg could cause me more problems as i get further along, and might stop me from doing things. The broken veins have spread, but the spider vein is much lighter and its only really varicosing behind my knee. It is more painful now. The skin stings and feels like its splitting from the tightness. It's not but I'm slapping the moisturiser on. Im hoping my private health care will allow me to get treatment once lo is here.

We also had some good news today. Our mortgage has been approved so we will be able to pay for some more work to be done and pay off some debts. I am very excited to get going and looking forward to having a bit more money once the credit card is paid off. On slightly less good news, I'm having a problem with a co-worker right now. She's very opinionated and I get the feeling she's quite jealous. I can feel that she's going to try to make life tricky for me and she told me a few things today that made me realise she's actually not very nice. Tbh if she's going to be like that I'll have no problems taking advantage of all the maternity perks I have. :)

Hands are you on hols or with SD right now? Bex when are you off to sunny Spain?
Snow - what wonderful pictures! Kellan looks so grown up and you are just radiating! Try not to worry about fights. All couples have them; especially during times of change due to the stress. You'll come out on the other side stronger tho.

Nic - you go girl! Take that maternity leave... lol. When you stay home with DS2(hahaha) will Finlay stay home with you too or do you plan to have him in nursery still??

As for us... We are in Colorado Springs and loving it. We have visited with my family (I have 32 relatives here), gone to water world, an amusement park, an mountain climbing. Tomorrow we go to the zoo and have dex's birthday party at chucky cheese. Saturday we plan on going to focus on the family and playing at their indoor welcome center/discovery zone. Then we will hit the road again.

We actually don't have step daughter with us. We drive right by where she lives but due to her condition we decided that it would be best not to take her.

As far as Dex's rash.. the antibiotic did not work... instead everywhere we put it is a pimple-blister type rash. I looked it up online and it looks like a yeast infection... so we are treating it with an anti fungal. The anti fungal appears to be helping but it isn't going away. When we get back, we will head to the doctor once again. Maybe he needs an oral dose since it is EVERYWHERE. Im so fed up!
Sounds like a fantastic break. Hope Dexter enjoys his party. Can you believe he's almost 2?! I really hope they work out the best treatment for him soon. I can't believe he's still suffering. :(

Once I'm on maternity leave we will keep him at nursery a bit - probably doing one full day and one half day a week. It'll be good for him to keep the socialising aspect of nursery and they do so much with him. Particularly with the imagination and role play games. On Tuesday they turned the room into an indoor beach, piling sand up on the floor and had them building sandcastles. I would never have the time to do all the crafts and activities they do, especially with a newborn.

Snow - don't worry about walking and talking. It sounds like he's on track. In the UK the average age a child starts to walk unassisted is 14mths. Finlay walked full time at 14.5mths, my niece 15.5mths and my other niece is 15mths and I haven't seen her take her first steps yet. It took F a month to get from walking unsupported a few steps (not cruising)to being a walker. He needed the practice and confidence. He never walked and fell over, trying to do it. He just quietly practiced until he got up and managed to do it full time. His speech also really petered off at this point and didnt start improving until a good 3mths later. He'd learn new words but wouldn't use the old ones. It makes sense that they concentrate on one skill at a time.
Snow - Dex walked at 9mo.... but his cousin didn't start walking till 15mo... The boys are only 2 months apart in age. We got to spend a lot of time with his cousin this past week, and I can honestly say at 2, they seem to be on the same page developmentally. It honestly all pans out in the end. No worries... though I'm sure you are anxious for him to walk before Smurfette gets here.
Bex - Way to leave us on a cliff hanger! Yesterday's temp looks great! Oh man. I can't wait for you to back already! But seriously, hope you are having fun and relaxing! Update when you can!

Hands - You were right near my sister in Denver! Sounds like you have a great vaca! I bet everyone had fun at the party for Dex too! 2 more days for his actual B-day! You guys did a bunch of stuff I am sure Dex slept the entire way home!

Nic - Great news about the Mortgage! The girls at work said I am def carrying higher this time than with Kellan.

Well, I guess I just needed to come on here and gripe a bit because guess who decided to wake up from their nap on Saturday and decided that was the perfect day to start walking?! I swear all day we were just like "did you see that! That was the best one yet." And then hours later he was doing better and better and better. By Sunday, he's cruising along pretty good so far! Still falls a bit but he is def on his way! We are so proud of our little guy.

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