Mid-August Testers

Aw that's great news Snow, so pleased for you!! You just have a beautiful little petite girl :)

Settling in now to watch the football, rooting for Team USA!
Yay Snow for a good heart scan and for being signed off high risk. I agree you must have a little one. I'm sure she'll be perfect when she arrives and maybe just diddy like her mama. This baby is slightly smaller than Finlay, probably around 45%. It makes sense for us as OH is average and I'm the cut off for petite - 5ft 3. I'm a tall short person :)

It's funny you said Talia. When I was growing up my mum always wished she added an a rather than an e to my name, and so I was occasionally called Talia but more commonly Tilly by the few people she allowed my name to be abbreviated with. :) My nephews and nieces call me Tilly now. I think in some way its easier to discourage nn with girls than boys. Tavia comes from the full name Octavia and is more common in Spain (or from the Italian Ottavia). Octavia means something to my mum, but I've always loved it anyway. Having an October dd makes me feel that this name is more fitting. Elodie is a French name I loved when I was pg with F, but OH vetoed it. :( I just think it sounds and looks pretty. It's more likely to be considered for a mn though.

Can I ask Snow how have you found your moods? My OH keeps complaining that I'm moany and rude, and keeps trying to blame my reactions on me being pregnant. Personally I've felt much calmer this time. I'm definitely more teary, but I don't feel anger or rage like I did with F. I reckon he's much more hormonal than me! Maybe I'm in denial. :shrugg:

Bex - it will happen for you. Just keep bding. I remember trying for F I felt so downhearted. I was desperate to be pregnant. I hated my job and felt stuck waiting for that BFP.

I have felt very lucky that we are expecting number 2. I think Mr Nic finally realised today why I have been almost superstitious when I'm pregnant. He found out our friends have lost another baby tonight. This one was a mmc and at Christmas they couldn't continue with their baby due to problem picked up at a 20wk scan. I don't think he's ever considered before that a positive test isn't a guarantee. The losses we have known about haven't ever really affected him, whereas every story I hear of makes me more cautious. I'm hoping their luck changes soon. They would make wonderful parents and I would love to see them really fulfil their dream.
Ugh Bex! So glad our team decided to show up the last 15 minutes of the game! Oh well!

Well, funny you should ask today Nic. I had to apologize to hubby this AM - I was in a bit (understatement of the year) of a mood last night. I told hubby I was sorry before work but I just feel that my emotions and feelings are spinning out of control alot lately and I can't get ahold of them. I just go off on him and am snippy and short tempered and I overreact. I feel guilty today. I am sorry to hear about your friends.
Snow - i thought they played quite well really and it's a shame they didn't win. Your goalie was great. Think I'm rooting for Germany now.

Nic - thanks for the pep talk Hun. I need to keep focussing on how lucky I am to have Elliot :)

Bding has begun! According to FF I think I'll probably ov mid next week, so plan for this month is just Bd loads and loads starting now.
We managed to BD twice in the week leading up to ov Bex, so having swimmers waiting worked for us. I'm sure it will do for you. xxx
Ugh. Think ive got tonsilitis again! I am determined to not let this stop baby making this month so I will be doing poorly bding methinks!
Oh and Happy Independence Day Snow and Hands! :thumbup:

The good thing about being I'll (and Elliot being at nursery) is that I can spend the entire afternoon watching the men's semi finals at Wimbledon. Plus the tour de France starts tomorrow and this year the Grand Depart is in my homeland of Yorkshire, my parents are going to watch it go through York on Sunday morning.
Thanks. Wish I could blow stuff (fireworks) up... but alas I can't due to living on base. Watching the city show will have to get me by for this year.

Last year I couldn't do either because dexter wasn't old enough to stay up past 9pm.
Update: I got to grill hotdogs and marshmellows (to make smores) on the stove and see the fireworks.... over all a good fourth of july!! whoohooo

Does England have an independence day?
25 weeks bump photo :)


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I have no idea why that wants to be sideways!! Grr. It also looks a bit smaller in that photo because my arms up but I can't get a clear side view without my fingers being in the way. Technology and me aren't always good buddies :haha:

Hands - nope we don't have an Independence Day. Aren't you guys celebrating no longer being under British rule ;) We do have a saints day - England's is St George's, Scotland's is St Andrews, but its not a public holiday, and its one of these things that has negative connotations. It's not seen as very 'united' kingdom and is something supported by chavs or bigots or at least St George's Day is. We don't get a days holiday for the Queen's Birthday (Australia does though!) but we occasionally get special , additional holidays for something like the Queen's Jubilee or a Royal Wedding, Funeral etc. Our holidays are all Christian Holiday related (Easter, Christmas etc.) or part of the designated 'bank' holidays. In comparison to Europe I think we might have a bit of a rough deal on public hols. Glad to hear you had a good one though xx
What a lovely neat bump. :) looks like you're carrying quite high this time as well.

Hands - no independence day for us. Our big 'celebration' involving fireworks is something called bonfire night on 5 november where there is always big fireworks displays and local bonfires to attend. Not a bank holiday though. History wise its marking the day when Guy fawkes and his gang were stopped from succeeding with their 'gunpowder plot' and failed in their attempts to blow up the houses of parliament.

The rest of Europe get loads more bank holidays. My brother in germany seems like he us always having random days off!
Thanks Bex! I'm trying my best to show it off while its still compact! :)
Bex - How ya feeling? Did you go to the Dr? Are you on Antibiotics? Hoping your + OPK comes soon! How's the Bding going?

Nic - What a cute bump you have there! You look loads smaller than I! You look amazing! I think we are going to re-try our photo again this Wednesday.

Sounds like you have a great 4th Hands even if you couldn't blow stuff up!! Mmmm. S'mores are my fav! Hubby makes them with Reese's PB cups.

The room is officially cleared out - it looks so empty now! I think some of the nesting is starting to come! Hubby is going to repaint the trim and the ceiling. Hopefully we will be able to get the furniture from the warehouse this weekend perhaps! And I still need to clean out the closet a bit too. I can't wait to start decorating!
Feeling much better thanks! Went to the docs on friday and she confirmed my tonsilitis and gave me antibiotics. So now im pretty much back to normal. The wonder of drugs hey!

still did lots of bding though so happy about that. Managed sat morn, sun night and mon night so far. (Yes I an typing this with elevated legs!!!)

Soo confused by my chart though. Temps look like potential ov on sunday but a super negative on the opks today and yesterday. Guess I beed to see what my temps do over the next couPle of days...
That is weird about your temps Bex. Could it be because you're ill?

Snow - I'm sure you're not bigger than me. I think the black top must be slimming :haha: I've put on at least 11lbs already! That's half of my total weight gain from last time already. I put 7lbs on in the last 3 wks. By that reckoning it leaves me only 5lbs to put on in 10wks -eek!

Hands - how's your SD doing?
I think it must be nic. I discarded 3 days of temps from when I was feeling feverish. Have bd'd 4 times out of the last 5 days so going to have tonight off and go again on wed and thu. Squiffy cycles right?!?!
Glad you are feeling better Bex. And I give you an A+++ on your BDing!! Squiffy it is!

I weighed myself today and am now up 14 pounds! I gained exactly 30 with Kellan so I am thinking it will be about the same with her too.

So I have a stupid question for you Nic & Bex. I was watching a behind the scenes thing about a show I watch (The Walking Dead). There are a few characters/Actors that are British but do not have their British accents in the show. And since they were doing a behind the scenes they were talking with their British accents and they have very different accents. Here's my prolly dumb question. Can you tell where people are from based off their accents? And don't certain people have certain British accents based off if their "social class"? Is it easy or hard to distinguish? It just seems like (to me) every single British person sounds so different. Like I can tell the difference in American accents - like I can pick up usually regionally where that person could possibly be from. Is it the same for you? Stupid right? And Hands do you have an accent? People here in NC say I do but it is because I grew up in Western NY right by Canada. I get that I sound like I am from Canada or Minnesota ALOT. They can pick up that I am not a true born and raised Southern girl at all right off the bat.
Haha great question Snow!!

British accents are very very diverse and yes you can absolutely tell where people are from by their accent. Which is not bad going to say we are about the size of Florida or something.

So you probably have a view on what a 'British' accent is (I'm thinking Hugh Grant etc) but there is actually no such thing! . I'll try and get some examples for you....

There are Scottish (Ewan McGregor), Welsh (Catherine Zeta Jones) and Irish (Liam Neeson) and massive gradings across each of these!

I'm from Yorkshire so very used to that accent - flat vowels etc. (Anne Hathaway attempted the Yorkshire accent in the film One Day and failed) But even further north you have the Geordie accent (Cheryl Cole).

Across on the west you have lanchashire / Manchester (daphne in Fraiser) and very very distinctive is the Liverpool scousers.......struggling to think of a scouser you might know!

I now live in the west midlands which has a 'brummie' accent - (Ozzy Ozbourne!), the south west (in somerset) has a very 'rural' accent.

then you have the Essex accent, which I know you know from TOWIE! London is often Cockney (ever seen Eastenders?)

I've missed loads out but you get the picture how diverse it is!

I'm not sure who is in the Waking Dead.....tell us who the actors are and if I know them I'll tell you what their accent it! Loads of US shows seems to have Brits playing americans at the moment!

Homeland (Damien Lewis - very home counties, went to Eton don't you know :p)
The Americans (Matthew Rhys is Welsh)

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